1.Clinical Study of Anastomosing Sperficial Digital Palmar Vein in Distal Severed Finger Replantation;手末节完全离断伤吻合掌侧浅静脉断再植临床研究
2.Selective Median Neurotomy for Relief of Spasticity Focalized to Wrists and to Fingers in Children with Cerebral Palsy;选择性正中神经分支部分切断术治疗脑瘫性腕、痉挛
3.Discussion of longitudinal amputation style and replantation method of finger;手纵形离断与再植方法探讨

1.Point up, Point down and Show us five.上,下,伸出五个手
2.hierarchical pointer分层示字 -
3.Gallop is to run fast gallopgallop快跑
4.anchor fingers紧握球拍的三(中、无名、小)
5.A print made by the thumb, especially by the pad of the thumb.拇纹尤肉厚部分留下的
6.A person who commands, especially a commanding officer挥员进行挥的人,尤挥官员
7.A finger, toe, or similar part or structure; a digit.手,脚、脚或相类似的部位或结构;
8.One that directs, indicates, or points.示者,示物示方向,示,或的人或物
9.paint my f ingernails and cut my toenails.涂甲油和剪脚甲。
10.Liable to be accused or indicted.易被责的,易被控的
11.Diamond ring on my finger.手上的一钻石戒
12.(of a horse)struggle against the bit,esp habitually(马)甩嚼子(尤习惯地).
13.Don't shake your finger at others.不要用手点别人。
14.channel for orders定海峡待命命海峡
15.Serving to direct.导性的用来导的
16.thumb-stall (sheath to cover an injured thumb)拇套(保护受伤拇的).
17.index(of an indicating device)(示机构的)示器
18.extraction indicator抽提示剂,萃取示剂

1.Fingers of Class I degloving were repaired with single wrap-around flap from the s.目的总结第二趾甲皮瓣的临床应用效果并探索手皮肤脱套伤最合理的治疗方案。
2.Methods The occurrence rates of the fingerprint white lines in 434 hands (2170 fingers) from 217 adult inhabitants of Gelao nationality in Daozhen county, Guizhou province, were measured and statistically analyzed.目的 探讨仡佬族成人纹白线的特征 ,为法医学、人类学及临床医学提供参考资料。
3.Objective To explore the treatment outcome of using vascularized fibular pulp flap of the big toe combinded with wrap-around flap of the second toe to repair degloved injury of the thumbs or fingers and hand.目的探讨及第二趾皮瓣瓦合修复拇、手及全手脱套伤的临床应用。
1.A Study of Zhuang Zi s Zhi yu Wuhua;试论庄子“与物化”思想的深刻内涵
1.Further research on anatomical and clinical new development of palmar digital veins.探讨掌侧静脉的解剖学及临床应用的研究进展。
5)syndactyly and adactylism并指缺指

指【指】 (譬喻)以指譬教以月比法。楞伽经四曰:“如实观察者,诸事悉无事。如愚见指月,护指不观月。计著名字者,不见我实心。”楞严经二曰:“如人以手指月示人,彼人因指当应看月。若复观指以为月体,此人岂亡失月体,亦亡其指。何以故?以所标指为明月故。”圆觉经曰:“修多罗教如标月指,若复见月了知所标毕竟非月,一切如来种种言说开示菩萨亦复如是。”智度论九曰:“如人以指指月,以示惑者。惑者视指而不视月,人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不看月?此亦如是,语为义指,语非义也。”往生论注下曰:“名为法指,如指指月。”