
1.the most widespread and best known of the Kadai family of languages.侗台语系中最广泛最出名的一种。
2.Analysis on the Evolution of the Consonant Clusters ~pl- and ~kl-in Proto0-Kam-Tai language;侗台语复辅音pl、kl的演变分析
3.On the Demonstrative Words in Thai Language.泰语的指示词——兼谈侗台语指示词的调查与定性
4.A Preliminary Comment on the Relationship among Kam-Tai Family,Baiyue and Austronesian Family侗台语民族、百越及南岛语民族关系刍论
5.Study and Comparation on the Relative Words between Min Dialect Phonology and Tai-Kadai Languages;闽方言群音系与侗台语关系词比较研究
6.The Chronological and Phonological Strata of yu (与) in Min Dialect and Kam-Tai Languages;闽语、侗台语给予义“与”字的音韵层次及年代问题
7.The Historical Development of the Nasal and Glottal Stop of the Dialects of Min and Dongtai;闽语侗台语鼻音及塞音韵尾的历史发展
8.Reconsideration of distribution areas of the Kam-Tai ancestors based on etymology of a daily word;据一日常用词词源重估侗台先民古代分布区域
9.The Origin and Development of Personal Pronouns in the Kam-Tai Languages and Classical Chinese;论侗台语与古汉语人称代词的来源及发展
10.A Comparison between Compounds in Chinese, Tibeto Burman, Dong Tai and Miao Yao Languages;汉语、藏缅语、侗台语、苗瑶语复合式合成词比较
11.The Historical Transformation of The Hou Kingdom;阿洪王国的历史与变迁——印度东北部侗台语民族研究之一
12.The Comparison of Tones between Cun Yu and Li Yu;村语与黎语声调的比较——村语与侗台语族语言比较研究系列论文之一
13.Some Substrata of Dong-Tai Language in Local Dialect at the Regions Inhabited by Multi-nationalities--Take Qiannan Buyi And Miao Autonomous Prefecture for Example民族杂居地区土话中的侗台语底层现象——以黔南布依族苗族自治地区为例
14.Singing on the Stage:to Explore Lingual Arts of Dong Drama戏台行歌——关于侗族戏剧语言艺术的研究
15.Remain, Inheritation and the Periodical Development of DongKuan;侗族侗款的遗存、传承与时代性发展
16.Value Analysison Two Dong-Nationality Song Teaching in Dong-Nationality Community侗族社区内两种侗歌教学的价值分析
17.Never lean your objects outward. Always have them lean inwards. Do not line them parallel to the frame. That applies in vertical or horizontal format.⒂涝侗鸾?锾逑蚧?嫱馇
18.Research on the Southern Dong Nationality s Traditional Settlements in Southeast of the Guizhou Province;黔东南南侗地区侗族村寨聚落形态研究

Kam-Tai languages侗台语
1.There are three types of constituent orders of adjective phrases in Kam-Tai languages.侗台语固有形容词短语语序为a种类型(Adj+Det/Comp),受汉语影响及自身的发展,不少语言形容词短语的语序表现为b种类型(Det+Adj)、c种类型(Det+Adj+Comp),是语言接触过程中出现的过渡类型或混合类型。
3)Dong-Tai group侗台语族
4)Kam-Tai family侗台语民族
1.Since long ago researches on Kam-Tai family are scattered.长期以来对侗台语民族的研究大多是零散的,主要以其中的某一个民族为研究对象,很少有从整体上来研究侗台语民族,特别是从它与百越、南岛语族之间的关系层面来研究。
5)On Knee in Kam-Tai(侗台) Group说侗台语"膝"
6)DongTai Substrata侗台语底层
1.According to the preliminary analysis,there are still some DongTai Substrata which are mainly exhibited in two aspects- lexicon and grammar in local dialect.贵州南部是多民族杂居地区,该地区的土语中存在着侗台语底层。

侗台语族  见壮侗语族。