1.Survey on the variation of weight and height in children age under seven in Shanghai from 1975 to 2005;上海市7岁以下儿童30年身高、体重变化的研究
2.Discussing the Prediction of Individual Height with the Lumbar CT Image;腰椎CT图像预测人体身高初步探讨
3.The Relationship Between College Students Height,Body Mass Index and Physical Self Satisfaction;大学生性别、身高和体重指数与身体自我满意度的关系

1.He stands one metre and seventy.他身高1.7 米。
2.That's nice. Length. Length?太好了。身高 ,多高?
3.of good parentage出身高贵[门第高]
4.Of good lineage or stock.出身名门的,出身高贵的
5.He is of average height and is a little overweight.身高中等,有点胖,
6.He 's one hundred and 50 centimeters tall .他身高150厘米。
7."How tall are you?" "I'm 1.76 metres tall."“你多高?”“我身高一米七六。”
8.Robert: I'm one meter and seventy-eight centimeters tall, which is above the Chinese average.罗伯特:我身高178厘米,比中国人平均身高略高。
9.Physically, he was five feet in height, thickset and squarely built.至于身格,他身高五英尺,臃肿,横阔。
10.Research on Effect of Sports Prescription for Lengthening Short Children;矮身材儿童身高助长运动处方的探索
11.Investigation on College Students' Height,Weight and Body Satisfaction大学生身高、体重及身体满意度调查
12.She stands six feet in her stocking.她不穿鞋时身高六英尺。
13.He stands five eight.他身高5 英尺8 英寸。
14.They are usually tall and strong.他们通常身高体健,
15.High social position.高贵身份高的社会地位
16.The condition of being born to the gentry.高贵出身出身于贵族的状况
17.He was a large young man in a gray suit.这个年轻人身材高大,穿一身灰色西装。
18.Of noble birth, ie from an aristocratic family高贵身世的(出身於贵族家庭)

body height身高
1.Research on the relationship between body height and individualcun in Xinjiang Khalkhas nationality youth;新疆柯尔克孜族青年身高与同身寸的关系
2.The relation of tung-shen-tsun length to body height in Baise primary school students of Zhuang ethnic group;广西百色市壮族小学生同身寸长度与身高关系的研究
3.A study on body height and digit span in undergraduates of Han nationality in western part of Guangdong province;粤西地区汉族大学生身高与指距的研究
1.The Study on the Relationship between the Stature and the Span,Sitting Height ,the Length of Foot and Fingers of Han Nationality Youth in Fujian Province;福建省汉族青年身高及其与指距 坐高 足长 手指长关系的研究
2.The Relationship between the Stature and the Geo-environmental Factors of 102 Populations in China;中国102个人群的身高与地理环境相关性研究
3.A Research on the Ancient Human Stature from the Xindianzi Cemetery,Inner Mongolia;内蒙古和林格尔县新店子墓地古代居民的身高研究
5)blast furnace stack高炉炉身
1.Feasibility research of ejecting converter-gas on blast furnace stack;高炉炉身喷吹转炉煤气的可行性探讨
2.This paper expatiates the conceiving of ejecting converter-gas on blast furnace stack, analyzes and discusses feasibility in technology.该文论述了转炉煤气喷入高炉炉身的设想,并分析探讨了工艺的可行性,经预测,直接经济效益显著,并有广阔的社会效益和推广前景,对冶金企业综合利用二次能源另辟了新径。
6)Stature estimation身高推算
1.Objective By measuring lengths of tibias and fibulas in computed radiography(CR) of living body,regression formulae for stature estimation were obtained from these measurements that were adapted to the population of northern adults of Han.结论应用CR放射学方法测量胫腓骨长度推算身高,可以为法医学个人识别身高推算提供帮助,建立的回归方程适用于中国北方汉族人群胫腓骨的身高推算。

长身高原鳅 俗名: 狗鱼 产地及产期: 分布于我国新疆塔里木河及甘肃河西走廊黑河、疏勒河等。 介绍: 主要特征和新疆高原鳅相似。须较长。卵圆形鳔后室前端通过一细管和前室相连。肠管短,呈“z”字形。   小型鱼类,栖息于江河缓流、湖泊及沼泽砂质泥底浅滩处,数量较多,有一定经济价值。