卷舌,rolling tongue
1)rolling tongue卷舌
1.The results revealed as follow:(1) The frequency of rolling tongue was 62.调查了云南省通海县208例(男105例,女103例)蒙古族的卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌5种舌运动类型。
2.The results revealed as follow: 1) No significant sexual difference was found in the frequencies of five tongue moving types;2) Some interactions occured between rolling tongue gene and pointed tongue gene,and also interaction occurred between rolling tongue gene and clover-leaf tongue gen.2005年10月在云南省耿马县四排山乡调查了佤族252例中学生(男135例,女117例)的舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)。
3.The analysis on the data of 72 families including 1 065 individuals show that there is gene interaction between twisting tongue,rolling tongue and pointed tongue.结果表明,卷舌、翻舌和尖舌之间分别存在基因互作现象,翻舌基因(tt)的表达有赖于卷舌基因(R-)和(或)尖舌基因(P-)的存在,卷舌基因、尖舌基因对翻舌基因均具有隐性上位作用。

1.Articulated with the tip of the tongue turned back and up toward the roof of the mouth;retroflex.卷舌音的舌尖在嘴中前后上下运动而发出清晰的声音;卷舌音的
2.Rediscussion of Retroflex-Vowel in Xuxiao s DengYun TuJing (等韵图经);徐孝《等韵图经》中卷舌元音之再探——兼说卷舌元音与儿化韵的关系
3.They would roll their r's.他们总把r发成卷舌颤音。
4.pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/ She rolls her r's..用卷舌发出像音节r一样的音素。
5.Rolling-up Tounge Er-merging and Nasal Er-suffixation of E Hu Dialect in Fu Liang County;浮梁县鹅湖话的卷舌儿化和鼻音儿尾
6.The retroflexed lateral approximant[]in the Jincheng dialect:An intermediate stage in the development of [*ηi]to[γ];晋城方言中的卷舌边近音[]——兼论“儿”音的变迁
7.A contrastive study of vowel [] between Standard Putonghua and Shanghai Putonghua;上海普通话与标准普通话卷舌元音声学特征对比研究
8.Variability in pronouncing Chinese blade-palatal initials by Japanese SLA learners;日本学习者习得普通话卷舌声母的语音变异研究
9.Re-discussion The Bottleneck The Zhuang Have in Speaking Putonghua--Existing Problems and Solution;二论壮族学习普通话语音的瓶颈——卷舌音和h、x存在的问题及解决途径
10.The lizard's tongue snot out and scroped up the fly.伸出舌头,把苍蝇卷了进去。
11.The lizard's tongue shot out and scooped up the fly.蜥蜴的舌头突然伸出来把苍蝇卷入口中。
12.Of or relating to the tongue.舌的舌的,与舌有关的
13.breed of thick-coated medium-sized dogs with fluffy curled tails and distinctive blue-black tongues; believed to have originated in north China.中等体型的多毛狗,有蓬松卷曲的尾巴有与众不同的蓝黑色舌头;被公认原产于中国北部。
14.Darwin frog:The male Darwin frog hatches his eggs in a pouch in his mouth.达尔文蛙:达尔文雄蛙用舌头把卵卷进嘴里,之后雄性达尔文蛙则继续进食。
15.tongued shoes; tongued boards; toungued lightning; long-tongued.鞋舌;木板上装舌片的;舌状闪电;饶舌的。
16.of or relating to or associated with the uvula.小舌的,和小舌有关的。
17."The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hands."眼、耳、鼻、舌、手。
18.To move rapidly in talking. Used of the tongue.饶舌说话时舌头动得很快。用于舌头

tongue rolling卷舌
1.A sample of 309 middle school students(120 males,189 females)of Mulam was investigated on five tongue moving types including tongue rolling,tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongues.调查了仫佬族舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)309例(男120例,女189例)。
2.A sample of 124 middle school students(73 males,51 females)of Derung was investigated on 5 tongue moving types,including tongue rolling,tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongue.调查了124例(男73例,女51例)独龙族中学生的5项舌运动类型(卷舌,叠舌,翻舌,尖舌,三叶舌)。
3)curly tongue舌卷
1.This retroflexion process is best reflected in the traditional Rhyme-group of Zhi (止摄) assumed to have undergone "iotacism" and the Dang-Kai-San (宕开三) category (*-iong).汉语史上的卷舌化运动由庄组声母领先起跑,然后由章组、知组接棒,其平舌化也依此次序进行。
2.Addressed here is what may be termed the secondary retroflexion,by which the plain sibilant has turned into a retroflex, and the velar sounds undergo retroflexion via palatalization.继庄章知组之后,汉语语音史又再度发生卷舌化运动:精组在洪音之前,见晓组在细音之前。
5)retroflexed feature卷舌色彩
1.According to it s pho- netic value,vowel er[] is a single retroflexed vowel,and different from other dorsal vowels by it s retroflexed feature.普通话语音中的元音er[]具有鲜明的特点,依其音值的本质而论,它是个舌面单元音,但又以卷舌色彩迥异于一般舌面元音。
6)northern rolling-up tounge er-merging卷舌儿化
1.One is the northern rolling-up tounge er-merging, and the other is the southern nasal er-suffixation.鹅湖话儿化现象非常特殊,既有北方型卷舌儿化,又有南方型鼻音儿尾。

舌卷舌卷 舌卷   证名。舌体卷缩,不能伸出。出《素问·脉要精微论》:“心脏搏坚而长,当病舌卷不能言。”因邪火热灼、寒邪直中或风痰扰动所致。《灵枢·经脉》:“筋急则引舌与卵,故唇青舌卷卵缩。”《医林绳墨》卷七:“因风痰之所中,则舌卷而难言。……津液结(革卯),则舌卷而难伸。”《嵩崖尊生书》卷六:“舌卷,亦是伤寒见证,系足厥阴肝经,烦满、消渴、谵妄,邪热传脏,宜下。无身热、口渴、四肢厥冷过肘膝,为直中真寒病,急温。直中少阴亦有舌卷囊缩者,急温补。”证属危候。