牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型,Dentinogenesis imperfecta Type Ⅱ
1)Dentinogenesis imperfecta Type Ⅱ牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型
1.Pathogenic gene linkage analysis and DMP1 gene mutation assay in dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ;遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型家系致病基因的连锁分析及DMP1的突变检测
2.Clinical analysis of dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ in a large Mongolian family蒙古族牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型一大家系临床分析
3.AIM:To investigate possible gene mutations in DPP coding sequence and DSPP promotor in two Chinese dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ (DGI-Ⅱ) family.目的 :对 2个遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型 (DGI-Ⅱ)家系的DSPP启动子和DPP基因编码序列进行突变检测。

1.Clinical analysis of dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ in a large Mongolian family蒙古族牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型一大家系临床分析
2.Mapping of Pathogenic Gene in Three DGI-Ⅱ Families;三例遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型家系致病基因的定位研究
3.Mapping and Cloning of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type Ⅱ;遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型致病基因的定位与克隆
4.Study on the Mutation of DSPP Gene in Chinese Patients with Dentiogenesis Imperfecta Type Ⅱ;中国人遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型DSPP基因突变研究
5.Virulence Gene Mutation Assay in Dentinogenesis Imperfecta TypeⅡ遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型致病基因的突变检测
6.Study on the Pathogenic Gene of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta of Type ⅡⅡ型牙本质发育不全的致病基因研究进展
7.Research advances of molecular genetics on dentin dysplasia and dentinogenesis imperfecta.牙本质发育异常和牙本质发育不全分子遗传学的研究进展
8.Virulence Gene Mutation Assay in Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type Ⅱ遗传性牙本质发育不全II型致病基因的突变检测
9.A novel splicing mutation in intron 2 of DSPP gene in a family with dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ牙本质生长不全Ⅱ型家系DSPP基因内含子2的mRNA剪接位点新的缺失突变
10.Effect of dentin sialoprotein on the tooth development and dental disease牙本质涎蛋白在牙齿发育、牙本质疾病中的表达和作用
11.The Study on Female Craniofacial Growth with Three Different Facial Growth Pattern in Skeletal Class Ⅱ Subjects in Chong Qing;重庆地区女性安氏Ⅱ类错(牙合)不同面部生长型颅颌面生长发育特征的研究
12.As the main components of dental pulp cells, the odontoblasts were responsible for the formation and maintenance of dentin during the development and mature age of teeth.成牙本质细胞作为牙髓细胞的主要成分,具有在牙发育期间和成熟牙内生成牙本质的功能。
13.A Study on the Function of Dentin Matrix Protein 1 during Tooth Development and Dental Pulp Repair after Injury;牙本质基质蛋白1在牙胚发育及牙髓损伤修复中的作用
14.Clinical Research and Detection of MSX1 Gene and PAX9 Gene to Non-syndrome Tooth Agenesis非综合征型先天性牙发育不全的临床研究与MSX1、PAX9基因检测
15.Study on the function of dentin sialophosphoprotein during the tooth development,mineralization and dental pulp reparation after injury;牙本质涎磷蛋白在牙齿发育、矿化及牙髓损伤修复中作用的研究
16.Experimental Study of Notch1 Signal Regulating the Development of Tooth Germ and the Reparative Process in Injuried Tooth;Notch1在牙髓发育和牙髓、牙本质损伤修复中作用的实验研究
17.At the time of birth, the crowns of the primary teeth (baby teeth) are almost complete and the chewing surfaces of the permanent molars are forming.在出生的时候,第一套牙(乳牙)的牙冠已基本发育完全,恒磨牙的咀嚼面也已形成。
18.Leydig cell aplasia睾丸间质细胞发育不全

dentinogenesis imperfecta type II遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型
1.Objective To investigate mutations of DSPP gene in dentinogenesis imperfecta type II(DGI-Ⅱ) to further illuminate the genetic basis of DGI-Ⅱ in China.目的分析我国遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型(dentinogenesisimperfectatypeⅡ,DGI-Ⅱ)患者DSPP基因突变特征,从分子水平探讨DGI-Ⅱ的发病机制。
3)Dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型
1.Dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ is an autosomal dominant inherited disease.遗传性牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型(dentinogenesis imperfecta,typeⅡ,DG I-Ⅱ)是一种常染色体显性遗传病,疾病基因定位于人类染色体4q21,目前的研究发现患者牙本质唾液酸焦磷酸蛋白基因(dentin sialophosphoprote in,DSPP)有突变,但存在遗传异质性。
4)dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ牙本质发生不全Ⅱ型
1.Research actuality of the dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ牙本质发生不全Ⅱ型的研究现状
5)dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) type IⅠ型牙本质发育不全
6)Dentinogenesis imperfecta牙本质发育不全
1.Genetic heterogeneity in dentinogenesis imperfecta type Ⅱ;牙本质发育不全Ⅱ型的遗传异质性研究
2.Study on Genes for Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Odontogenic Keratocysts;牙体硬组织发育不全是牙齿发育性疾病的重要组成部分,主要有釉质发育不全和牙本质发育不全。

睾丸发育不全睾丸发育不全testis agenesia 又称功能性青春期前生殖综合征。可能是由于胎儿期睾丸发育障碍,或因生后睾丸炎症、创伤、手术切除以及睾丸固定术,两侧腹股沟疝修补术及放射线等原因损伤睾丸所致。病变发生于早年可产生巨大体型(但部分可呈矮小体型)。患者性腺功能减退,睾丸甚小,阴囊空虚,有误为隐睾者。无有效疗法。