瓦乡人,Waxiang people
1)Waxiang people瓦乡人
1.Interaction Identification Of Ethnic Groups: Also Analysis On Waxiang people′ Consciousness Of Ethnic Group;族群认同与互动:兼论苗族瓦乡人的族群意识
2.Under the influence of Chu culture,the Panhu belief of Waxiang people represented multiple forms.盘瓠神话流传于五溪地区的苗、瑶、畲各民族中,由于受楚文化影响,瓦乡人的盘瓠信仰呈现出多元的文化形态,它以神秘的巫风,独特的地名和服饰延续着这一古老传说,在族群边界中突出自己的文化特征,固守着族群的自我认同形式。
3.Pay revisit to Hongtuxi because the article written by Wangfushi causes a big national discussion about Waxiang people.对50多年前因王辅世的一篇文章而引发瓦乡人族属大讨论的红土溪进行了回访,描述了瓦乡人在语言、服饰、宗教等文化表征的变迁过程。

1.Revisit Hongtuxi;重访红土溪——关于瓦乡人的田野调查
2.Genetic Studies of Tongue Moving Types in Waxiang People of Hunan Province湖南瓦乡人舌运动类型的遗传学研究
3.Interaction Identification Of Ethnic Groups: Also Analysis On Waxiang people′ Consciousness Of Ethnic Group;族群认同与互动:兼论苗族瓦乡人的族群意识
4.As for Waxiang people of Miao, scholars only debate over their origin from the points of linguistics.对苗族中的瓦乡人,学者们只从语言的角度争论其族属问题。
5.Modern Significance of Ethnic Identity;也论族群认同的现代含义——瓦乡人的民族识别与族群认同的变迁兼与罗树杰同志商榷
6.South Los Angeles“ is a sour memory. Watts is my home.南洛杉矾”是个令人心酸的记忆,我的故乡是瓦茨。
7.The Countrymen in the Crevices of City--On Guizi s The Rye over the City Wa;挣扎于城市之中的乡里人——评鬼子的《瓦城上空的麦田》
8.Vanuatu, House of a Special Jumping Ritual瓦努阿图--一种特殊的俯跳仪式的故乡
9.Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people;rustic.乡下的乡下的,乡下人的,乡村的
10.A native or inhabitant of Geneva, Switzerland.日内瓦人瑞士日内瓦的本地人或居民
11.The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa.奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言
12.a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers.为泥瓦匠或砖瓦匠供应材料的人。
13.The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash.楚瓦什语楚瓦什人说的突厥语
14.Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture提瓦纳库——提瓦纳库人的文化政治中心
15.The Tanoan language of the Kiowa.基奥瓦语基奥瓦族人的塔诺语言
16.Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.乡间者,因其乡人而用之;
17.A member of a Delaware people.德拉瓦尔人中的一员
18.Salvadorian Human Rights commissio萨尔瓦多人权委员会

the culture of Waxiang瓦乡文化
3)Waxiang lives瓦乡族
4)urban-rural population城乡人口
1.The homeless stranger——Interpreting Franz Kafka and his novels;无家可归的异乡人——解读卡夫卡和他的小说世界
2.Jewry in the modern world represents the image of strangers and pariahs.阿伦特从犹太民族在现代民族国家中所处的异乡人位置和历史遭遇入手,试图在找出犹太人自身问题的同时,对整个现代历史及其要素进行反思。
6)talent go to countryside人才下乡
1.Because our countryside is lack of talent,government should organize a lot of talent go to countryside and collect intelligence to construct new countryside.而农村人才资源的稀缺性决定了政府应组织动员人才下乡,集中各方智慧支持和参与新农村建设。
