门巴族,Menba ethnic group
1)Menba ethnic group门巴族
1.To study the genetic polymorphism of Menba ethnic group in China about ABO system and the genetic relation among Menba and other 17 ethnic groups.本文研究的是中国门巴族人群ABO血型系统遗传多态性与其他17个族群间的遗传关系。
2.Based on the comparison of Tibetan and Menba ethnic group marriage customs by the way of searching textual materials,investigation,interview and questionnaire etc,the paper displays the cultural characteristics of marriage customs of Menba ethnic group and its relationship with Tibetan marriage customs through the narration and analysis of marriage customs.文章通过查找文本资料、调研、访谈、问卷调查等形式对藏族与门巴族婚礼习俗、婚礼庆典礼仪、婚配形式、婚姻关系等方面进行探寻,力求通过对婚俗文化的阐述,展现门巴族婚俗文化特点及其与藏族婚俗的联系。

1.A Statistic Analysis on the Published Papers on Menba and Loba Minirity Nationalities关于“门巴族、珞巴族”载文的统计分析
2.The Significance of Supporting Menba and Lhoba Minorities in Tibet;论大力扶持西藏门巴族、珞巴族发展的意义
3.Traditional Tibetan Sports and Its Influence on Moinba Nationality;略谈门巴族传统体育及其对门巴族传统文化的传承
4.And even the Loba, Hezhe and Monba nationalities, with only several thousand people, are represented in the NPC.只有几千人的珞巴族、赫哲族、门巴族,在全国人大也都有其代表。
5.The Interpretation of Historical-Anthropology on the Culture of "Monu" of Semu Village of Men Ba Nation;门巴族色目村“魔女”文化的历史人类学解读
6.On the Marriage Customs of Menba Ethnic Group and its Relationship with Tibetan Marriage Customs;门巴族婚俗文化特征及其与藏族婚俗的关系研究
7.Population forecast of Monba minority of China and study on the multi-national area economy development;中国门巴族未来人口预测与民族地区经济发展研究
8.Discussion on Comprehensive Construction of the Well-off Society of Menba and Luoba;西藏门巴、珞巴族全面建设小康社会探讨
9.Menba and Lorba Minority Taking Opportunities to Construct Affluent Society;抓住门巴、珞巴族发展新契机,建设全面小康社会
10.Research on the Economy of Minorities with Small Population--Taking Menba and Luoba Nationalities of Tibet as Examples;人口较少民族特色经济初探——以西藏门巴、珞巴族为例
11.Should set a sculptured porpoise, gills a snort/And vibrant tail, within the temple-gate.那两腮呼呼作响、尾巴掀起了/怒浪的庞大的海族--在庙宇的门墙内。
12.Though the Moinba, Lhoba and other ethnic minorities in Tibet have small populations, each of them has its own deputies to the National People's Congress as well as to the people's congresses at all levels in Tibet.西藏的门巴、珞巴等少数民族虽然人口极少,在全国人大及西藏各级人大中也均有自己
13."The chief of Oholibamah, the chief of Elah, the chief of Pinon,"亚何利巴玛族长,以拉族长,比嫩族长,
14."Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon,"阿何利巴玛族长,以拉族长,比嫩族长,
15.The bus is leaving from the Gate 15.这辆巴士从15 号门离开。
16.Tuen Mun PLB Association屯门公共小型巴士商会
17.Barber-Colman automatic spooler巴柏考尔门自动络纱机
18.tuberculous enlargement of hilar lymph nodes结核性肺门淋巴结肿大

Monba nationality门巴族
1.On the Present Situation of the Intangible Cultural Heritages of Monba Nationality and Its Protection;门巴族非物质文化遗产及其保护
2.This paper gives an introduction of the traditional science and technology of the Monba nationality in the fields of counting, metrology, calendar, medicine and bridge construction.该文介绍了门巴族的计数、度量衡、历法、医药卫生和桥梁建筑等传统科技:计数中有12个基数词,计算时有十进位制和二十进位制;在度量衡中,有较丰富的计算长度和容积的计量单位,计算面积和重量的计量单位尚没有;传统历法属物候历,根据草木的荣枯变化等物候现象将一年分作12个节令月;传统医药以使用植物药为主,能治疗一些常见的外科和内科疾病,已有了一定的卫生保健知识;门巴族擅长建桥,以门巴木桥和藤网桥著名。
3)Moinba nationality门巴族
1.The article thinks the traditional sports and customs of Moinba nationality has direct connection with history and culture of Tibetan nationality.文章通过门巴族传统体育文化与门巴族传统文化的传承研究认为,门巴族传统体育与门巴族的习俗文化和藏民族历史文化环境有着直接关系,有些门巴族传统体育活动是藏族先民生活方式的再现或对现实生活方式的反映,藏传佛教文化的传入使具有宗教色彩的门巴族传统体育应运而生,门巴族传统体育展现着门巴族的民风、伦理道德观念和酒文化的特色,习俗舞蹈与门巴族传统体育有着紧密的联系。
1.A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Lhoba and Monba Peoples珞巴族与门巴族的体质特征
2.On Historical Relations of Tibet-Monba-Luoba藏族与门巴族珞巴族历史关系简论
6)music of Monba nationality门巴族音乐

门巴族门巴族中国少数民族。主要分布在西藏自治区门隅地区。人口7475人(1990)。使用门巴语,属汉藏语系藏缅语族藏语支。多通晓藏语。无文字,通用藏文。7世纪,门隅属吐蕃政权统辖。13世纪门隅正式归入中国版图。17世纪中叶以后,一直在西藏政教合一地方政府的统治下。1959年废除封建农奴制度。1968年完成民主改革。门巴族人民主要从事农业生产,种植水稻、旱稻、龙爪稷、小麦、芝麻、甘蔗、香蕉、柠檬、橘子、青稞等。手工业有竹编、木碗制作。婚姻以一夫一妻制的父系小家庭为主。1951年以前,有一妻多夫、姐妹共夫等原始群婚残余。人死多行水葬和土葬,也有火 葬和天 葬。男女都穿自纺的红氆氇围裙,勒布地区妇女披一件小犊皮,围白氆氇围裙。梳两条长辫,戴珠石项链。男子戴褐顶橘黄边、前沿留有缺口的帽子。住房多为3层或2层竹木结构干栏。以大米、玉米、荞麦为主食,喜吃酥油、糌粑、辣椒,嗜烟、酒。门巴族人民能歌善舞,创造了许多优美的曲调。称为萨玛和东三巴的民歌中,有丰富动人的民间传说;舞蹈朴素粗犷,用四孔笛伴奏。普遍信仰喇嘛教,有些地区信仰原始宗教。通用藏历。藏历元旦是门巴族人民最重要的节日。每年7月庆祝旺果节。门巴族妇女