叠舌,tongue folding
1)tongue folding叠舌
1.A sample of 309 middle school students(120 males,189 females)of Mulam was investigated on five tongue moving types including tongue rolling,tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongues.调查了仫佬族舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)309例(男120例,女189例)。
2.A sample of 124 middle school students(73 males,51 females)of Derung was investigated on 5 tongue moving types,including tongue rolling,tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongue.调查了124例(男73例,女51例)独龙族中学生的5项舌运动类型(卷舌,叠舌,翻舌,尖舌,三叶舌)。
2)folding tongue叠舌
1.02%,folding tongue 3.调查了云南省通海县208例(男105例,女103例)蒙古族的卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌5种舌运动类型。
3)Tongue-shape sew up and overlap舌形瓣重叠缝合
1.Expression of survivin mRNA and protein in tongue squamous cell carcinoma;survivin mRNA及蛋白在舌鳞癌中的表达
2.An animal-based experiment on RECK,MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in lymphatic metastatic tongue carcinoma cells;淋巴道转移舌鳞癌细胞RECK、MMP-2和MMP-9表达的动物实验研究
3.Tongue base radiofrequency combined with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty for OSAHS;同期UPPP联合舌根射频术治疗OSAHS

1.Of or relating to the tongue.的,与有关的
2.tongued shoes; tongued boards; toungued lightning; long-tongued.鞋;木板上装片的;状闪电;饶的。
3.of or relating to or associated with the uvula.小的,和小有关的。
4."The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hands."眼、耳、鼻、、手。
5.To move rapidly in talking. Used of the tongue.饶说话时头动得很快。用于
6.Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue.艾伦·克讷的头从尖到中部分开,当他把头伸出来时,头就像是有着两个尖的蛇
7.When brushing your teeth, brush the back of your tongue, too, or scrape it with a tongue scraper.刷牙时,还要刷刷根,或用刮器将头刮干净。
8.roll one's `r's pronounce the sound of the letter `r' with vibration of the tongue against the palate发r 的尖颤音.
9.no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind;无眼、耳、鼻、、身、意;
10."Hsieh-ch'üan?" sputtered Hsin-mei.辛楣吐道:“斜川?
11.He that talks much lies much.[谚]饶者多扯谎。
12.Articulated by vibration of the uvula or with the back of the tongue near or touching the uvula.小音的利用小音或后靠近或触到小音的部位来发音的
13.A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower.状花状花或这种花的花冠
14.Affected with tongue-tie.结的受到结病困扰的
15.tongue depressor压板,压片(检查口腔喉咙时用的)
16.The flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip.尖后平的上部表面
17.A furlike coating, as on the tongue.头上象毛皮的覆盖物
18.having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind.有或者装有帽或者特定类型的帽

folding tongue叠舌
1.02%,folding tongue 3.调查了云南省通海县208例(男105例,女103例)蒙古族的卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌5种舌运动类型。
3)Tongue-shape sew up and overlap舌形瓣重叠缝合
1.Expression of survivin mRNA and protein in tongue squamous cell carcinoma;survivin mRNA及蛋白在舌鳞癌中的表达
2.An animal-based experiment on RECK,MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in lymphatic metastatic tongue carcinoma cells;淋巴道转移舌鳞癌细胞RECK、MMP-2和MMP-9表达的动物实验研究
3.Tongue base radiofrequency combined with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty for OSAHS;同期UPPP联合舌根射频术治疗OSAHS
6)hyoglossus muscle舌骨舌肌
1.And then the hyoglossus muscle segment of hypoglossal nerve and its adjacent structures were anatomized under the surgical microscope.本文用16具成人尸体,10%福尔马林固定,红色乳胶股动脉灌注,在手术显微镜下解剖舌下神经舌骨舌肌段的分支及其毗邻结构。

舌舌【舌舌】 (术语)讽诵经偈,欲其句调之速,而省略文字音声也。如南无阿弥陀佛诵为南无佛是。