PTC味盲基因型,PTC taste genetype
1)PTC taste genetypePTC味盲基因型
1.Adopting the way of deciding tast-blindness with threshold we study the relation of human PTC taste genetype with the liking of vegetable.结论人的PTC味盲基因型明显影响人对甘蓝苦味、菠菜涩味的敏感程度,这对于指导普通人群的饮食具有一定的参考价值。
2.By the increased value method and questionnaire survey,550 people\'s PTC taste genetypes are analyzed and inquired into the bitter and astringent vegetable sense of taste ability and studied the relation of PTC taste genetype and the bitter and astringent vegetable sense of taste ability.人的PTC味盲基因型明显影响人对苦瓜、苦菊、生菜等苦涩味觉的敏感程度。
2)PTC oncogenePTC癌基因
1.To investigate the frequency and significance of ret oncogene activiation in human thyroid carcinomas, expression of PTC oncogene were detected in paraffin embedded tissue soecimens from 23 thyroid carcinomas by RT-PCR, which included 16 case papillary carcinomas,4 case follicular carcinomas, 2 case undifferential carcinomas, 1 cases medullary carcinoma.为探讨ret原癌基因活化形式—PTC癌基因在甲状腺癌发病机制中的作用和判断其生物学行为,运用RT-nPCR技术检测16例甲状腺乳头状癌、4例滤泡癌、2例未分化癌、1例髓样癌PTC癌基因mRNA的表达,结果表明:16例甲状腺乳头状癌中有7例(43%)PTC基因表达为阳性,甲状腺滤泡癌、髓样癌及未分化癌均为阴性。
3)ret/PTC generet/PTC基因
1.ret/PTC gene mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma by sonographically-guided fine-needle;超声引导下细针穿刺检测甲状腺乳头状癌ret/PTC基因重组突变
4)ret/ptc oncogeneret/ptc癌基因
5)ret oncongene/PTC oncogeneret基因/PTC基因
6)fragrance gene香味基因
1.Fine Mapping of the Fragrance Gene in Rice;水稻香味基因的精细定位
2.In order to improve the precision of marker-assisted selection for fragrance gene in rice, a functional marker GRFM04 has been developed based on the deletion of 8 bp in DNA sequence of BAD2 gene, namely the fragrance gene, in the fragrant rice varieties.为了提高水稻香味基因的分子标记辅助选择的准确性,根据水稻隐性香型品种与非香型品种的BAD2基因(即香味基因)序列之间存在8bp碱基缺失,设计出香味基因fgr的InDel功能标记GRFM04。
3.To breed aromatic rice restore lines,Meixiangzhan was used as a fragrance gene donor,and elite restore R476 which had resistance genes Xa21 and Bph14,and Feng 986 were used as recipients.为了选育香稻恢复系,以广东香稻品种美香占为香味基因供体,以自育抗性恢复系丰986和R476为受体,通过比较编码BAD2(betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase)的fgr基因序列和9311序列设计功能性STS标记Aro,并在回交和复交的分离世代利用Aro标记开展香味基因的分子标记辅助选择育种,同时使用氢氧化钾法对香味基因纯合的单株的香味性状进行鉴定,鉴定结果表明Aro标记在香稻育种过程中选择效率达到100%,最终选育出农艺性状较好并具有抗白叶枯病基因Xa21和抗褐飞虱基因Bph14的香型恢复系C349和C354。

1.Genetic Diversity of Aromatic Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Mapping of the Fragrance Gene;香稻遗传多样性与香味基因定位的研究
2.Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Fragrance Gene in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻香味基因的遗传分析及初步定位
3.Gene Mapping and Expression of Aroma in Rice Chuanxiang29 and Molecular Assisted Breeding;川香29水稻香味基因定位、分子标记辅助育种和基因表达分析
4.Mapping of QTLs Underlying Traits Related to the Cooking and Eating Quality of Rice and Cooked Rice Characteristics & Fine Mapping of Aroma Gene;稻米蒸煮与食味品质,米饭特性相关性状的QTL定位及香味基因的精细定位
5.Study on Aroma Characteristics and Molecular Basis of Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars with Different Fragrance Alleles不同香味等位基因粳稻的分子和香味特性研究
6.Sandalwood is famous for its fragrance檀香扇因其气味芳香而闻名
7.The Optimization of Regeneration System for Den.phalaenopsis var. and Cloning of Fragrance Related Gene ODOI;蝴蝶石斛兰再生体系的优化与香味相关基因ODOI的克隆
8.Multivariate statistical analysis of main chemical components and aroma matters in different flue-cured tobacco genotypes不同基因型烤烟主要化学成分与香味物质的多变量分析
9.Introduction of the Concept of Maotai-flavor Functional Bacteria to Investigate the Formation of Maotai-flavor引入“酱香功能菌”概念 探索酱香型白酒风味成因
11.John wakes in the morning to the aroma of coffee.约翰在早晨会因为咖啡的香味而醒来。
12.His nostrils dilated with the scent of the air.他的鼻孔因为空气中的香味而张大了。
13.The influence of environmental factors on the formation of meat aroma by Maillard reaction环境因子对Maillard反应形成肉香味的影响
14.Of, relating to, or having the odor of musk.麝香味的麝香味的、有关麝香味的或有麝香味的
15.Bouquet: Rich and inviting, exhibiting vanilla, pastry and honey flavors, with hazelnut and citrus lurking in the background.气味:丰富诱人,以榛实、柑橘为基调,带有香草和蜂蜜的香味。
16.Bouquet: Fruity, like apple, grape fruit, banana.气味:水果香味,象苹果、葡萄、香蕉等香味。
17.Different genes; diet and temperament( if you're nervous, for example, you are liable to perspire more) all affect the allowing fragrance you wear.不同的基因、物结构和性情(如,如果你容易紧张,就会容易出汗)会影响你用的香水的气味。
18.Bouquet: Fruity, like lemon, cherries, mango.气味:水果香味,如柠檬、桃、果等香味。

PTC oncogenePTC癌基因
1.To investigate the frequency and significance of ret oncogene activiation in human thyroid carcinomas, expression of PTC oncogene were detected in paraffin embedded tissue soecimens from 23 thyroid carcinomas by RT-PCR, which included 16 case papillary carcinomas,4 case follicular carcinomas, 2 case undifferential carcinomas, 1 cases medullary carcinoma.为探讨ret原癌基因活化形式—PTC癌基因在甲状腺癌发病机制中的作用和判断其生物学行为,运用RT-nPCR技术检测16例甲状腺乳头状癌、4例滤泡癌、2例未分化癌、1例髓样癌PTC癌基因mRNA的表达,结果表明:16例甲状腺乳头状癌中有7例(43%)PTC基因表达为阳性,甲状腺滤泡癌、髓样癌及未分化癌均为阴性。
3)ret/PTC generet/PTC基因
1.ret/PTC gene mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma by sonographically-guided fine-needle;超声引导下细针穿刺检测甲状腺乳头状癌ret/PTC基因重组突变
4)ret/ptc oncogeneret/ptc癌基因
5)ret oncongene/PTC oncogeneret基因/PTC基因
6)fragrance gene香味基因
1.Fine Mapping of the Fragrance Gene in Rice;水稻香味基因的精细定位
2.In order to improve the precision of marker-assisted selection for fragrance gene in rice, a functional marker GRFM04 has been developed based on the deletion of 8 bp in DNA sequence of BAD2 gene, namely the fragrance gene, in the fragrant rice varieties.为了提高水稻香味基因的分子标记辅助选择的准确性,根据水稻隐性香型品种与非香型品种的BAD2基因(即香味基因)序列之间存在8bp碱基缺失,设计出香味基因fgr的InDel功能标记GRFM04。
3.To breed aromatic rice restore lines,Meixiangzhan was used as a fragrance gene donor,and elite restore R476 which had resistance genes Xa21 and Bph14,and Feng 986 were used as recipients.为了选育香稻恢复系,以广东香稻品种美香占为香味基因供体,以自育抗性恢复系丰986和R476为受体,通过比较编码BAD2(betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase)的fgr基因序列和9311序列设计功能性STS标记Aro,并在回交和复交的分离世代利用Aro标记开展香味基因的分子标记辅助选择育种,同时使用氢氧化钾法对香味基因纯合的单株的香味性状进行鉴定,鉴定结果表明Aro标记在香稻育种过程中选择效率达到100%,最终选育出农艺性状较好并具有抗白叶枯病基因Xa21和抗褐飞虱基因Bph14的香型恢复系C349和C354。

基因型与表型  丹麦遗传学家W.L.约翰森于1911年提出的两个遗传学名词。基因型又称遗传型,指生物的全部遗传物质(基因)组成。 但一般只表示个别或少数基因位点上的等位基因的组成。表型指生物体个别或少数性状以至全部性状的表现。基因型是生物体在适当环境条件下发育表型的内因;表型则是基因型和环境条件共同作用的结果。能遗传的是基因型,不是表型。环境因素是基因型得以发育其表型的必要条件。例如玉米中的"日光红"性状,茎秆、叶鞘以及苞叶在受日光照射后能表现红色,不带该基因的玉米品种则呈绿色。如把"日光红"玉米植株一部分遮光,则遮光部分就不表现红色。日光是表现玉米"日光红"性状的必要条件;但日光不能使普通玉米基因型的茎叶表现为红色,因为它们的基因型不同。有时由于等位基因间或非等位基因间相互作用的影响,不同的基因型可以表现相同的表型。如两株同开红花的豌豆,一株的自交子代全开红花,而另一株的自交子代则出现3/4开红花和1/4开白花的分离,说明它们具有不同的基因型。相反,相同的基因型也可由于基因型对环境影响有不同的反应而发育成不同的表型。基因型的这种反应特性是生物体在长期进化过程中逐渐形成的,有利于适应不同的环境条件。育种主要是选择优良的基因型,因此要善于通过表型的考察鉴定其基因型。