极端样本,extreme sample
1)extreme sample极端样本
2)Minimum sample极小样本
3)sample limit error样本极差
1.R is the sample limit error (Xmax-Xmin)and n is the sample size.R是样本极差(X_(max)-X_(min)),n是样本大小(容量)。
4)sample extremes样本极值
1.For an engineering system,most of the design variables have an uncertainty,and the sample extremes of these variables also have an uncertainty.本文从次序统计理论出发,建立了该样本的极大值与极小值的区间估计算法,并对大容量和小容量样本的情况分别进行了讨论,获得了在小样本情况下可用母体均匀分布获得的结果来估计样本极值区间的结论。

1.Almost Sure Central Limit Theorems of Extremes from Incomplete Samples缺失样本极值的几乎处处中心极限定理
2.large sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation极大似然估计值的大样本理论
3.A New Method of Selecting the Sample Fraction for the Estimation of the Extreme Value Index;极值指数估计中的一种关于样本分割的新方法
4.A Method of Estimate ofγ~2 for the Extrema of Conditional Sample Function条件样本函数极值中γ~2的估计方法(英文)
5.sampling distribution of sample mean样本平均值的抽样分布
6.maximum likelihood large-sample test极大似然大样本检验
7.Statistical interpretation of data--Detection and handling of outlying observations in the sample of type I extreme value distributionGB/T6380-1986数据的统计处理和解释I型极值分布样本异常值的判断和处理
8.standard error of estimate based on sample样本估计值的标准误
9.standard error of sample mean样本平均值的标准误
10.Variable sampling interval extreme value control chart with sampling at fixed times;在固定时间抽样的可变抽样区间的极值控制图
11.The colourful and strange-shaped flower make this species an attractive ornamental plant.本种花大,形状特别,极具观赏价值。
12.Discussion on the Ultimate Value of People- oriented Viewpoint from the Efficiency and Fairness;从效率与公平看以人为本的终极价值
13.Sample Analysis on the SPA Taichi Boxing Exercises;基于SPA太极拳健身运动的小样本分析
14.On the Value of Tai Ji Exercise太极相谐 动静相宜——论中国古代太极拳“太极”文化的本体及价值义
15.Examples of its craftsmanship are now very collectable.现在它的那些工艺的样品极有收藏价值。
16.Calculates variance based on the entire population (ignores logical values and text in the population)计算基于给定的样本总体的方差(忽略样本中的逻辑值及文本)
17.Estimates variance based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)估算基于给定样本的方差(忽略样本中的逻辑值及文本)
18.are 1 to 30 numeric arguments corresponding to a sample of a population构成总体抽样样本的1到30个数值参数

Minimum sample极小样本
3)sample limit error样本极差
1.R is the sample limit error (Xmax-Xmin)and n is the sample size.R是样本极差(X_(max)-X_(min)),n是样本大小(容量)。
4)sample extremes样本极值
1.For an engineering system,most of the design variables have an uncertainty,and the sample extremes of these variables also have an uncertainty.本文从次序统计理论出发,建立了该样本的极大值与极小值的区间估计算法,并对大容量和小容量样本的情况分别进行了讨论,获得了在小样本情况下可用母体均匀分布获得的结果来估计样本极值区间的结论。
5)limit sample极限样本
6)sample minimum样本极小值

古典主义极端指古典主义的一种极端情况。如果IS越平坦,或LM越陡峭,则财政政策效果越小,货币政策效果越大,如果出现一种LM曲线为垂直线而IS曲线为水平线的情况,则财政政策将完全无效,而货币政策将完全有效。这种情况被称为古典主义的极端情况。古典主义极端(Classicalism extreme):财政政策完全无效,而货币政策十分有效的情况被称为古典主义极端。古典主义极端在一下三种情况下发生:(1)当水平的IS曲线与LM曲线中的古典区域并存时;(2)当正常的IS曲线与LM曲线中的古典区域并存时;(3)当水平的IS曲线与LM曲线中的中间区域并存时。