基因型错误,Genotyping errors
1)Genotyping errors基因型错误
2)the fundamental attribution error (FAE)基本归因错误
1.the fundamental attribution error (FAE) was regarded as a universal attributional bias for all human beings, but researches of cultural psychology find that people living in different cultures show different attributional tendencies; the attribution tendencies are affected by cultures, thus FAE is not universal across cultures.基本归因错误曾被社会心理学家认为是人类普遍具有的一种归因倾向,然而,文化心理学的研究却发现:不同文化脉络中的人表现出不同的归因倾向,确切地说,归因实际上会受到文化的影响,即便是所谓的基本归因错误亦具有文化局限性。
3)replication errors(基因)复制错误
4)causes of error错误起因
1.These studies have investigated into various aspects such as the definition of error analysis, collection of error samples, error classification, causes of errors, and also give a conclusion of error analysis tendency of empirical and corpus-based study.本文回顾了近十年来国内有关错误分析的研究,内容包括:错误界定、错误样本收集、错误分类、错误起因,并总结出国内错误分析的研究趋势主要是运用实证性研究和基于语料库基础上的研究。

1.On Error Classification,Error Cause and Error Correction Strategy;错误分类、错误起因及纠错策略初探
2.an artifact that belongs to another time.一种因为与时代不和而引起的错误。
3.An unexpected error occured. Reasons for the failure are unknown.\0出现意外错误。错误原因未知。\0
4.spelling mistakes circled in red ink用红笔圈起的拼写错误.
5.There was a conjunction of three mistakes.有三个错误凑合在一起。
6.a mistake resulting from inattention.因为疏忽的一种错误。
7.He was criticized for his mistake.他因犯错误而受到批评。
8.We are angry with him for making a mistake.我们因他犯错误而生气。
9.Hence, political mistakes are made.因此,在政治上就犯错误。
10.inadvertent incorrectness.因为不注意而犯的错误。
11.He apologized for his mistake.他因他的错误而道歉。
12.You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievaBle errors.你们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。
13.For they have just so much knowledge, and on matters of principle they cannot open their mouths without making mistakes.因为你的知识只有那么多,讲起大道理来就犯错误。
14.To cause distortion or error by extreme simplification of a subject.过分简单化因为一题目的极度简单化而引起曲解或错误
15.That result from coding the wrong instruction.这类错误是由于采用错误的指令而引起的。
16.However, although we haven't made any major mistakes, we have made many minor ones, because we have no experience.大错误没有犯,小错误没有断,因为我们没有经验,
17.Her own mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards (the faults of) others.她因自己有错误, 对别人(的错误)就概不计较了.
18.A Discussion of the Reasons for Errors in College English Writing on the basis of Error Analysis Theory运用错误分析理论探讨大学英语写作错误归因

the fundamental attribution error (FAE)基本归因错误
1.the fundamental attribution error (FAE) was regarded as a universal attributional bias for all human beings, but researches of cultural psychology find that people living in different cultures show different attributional tendencies; the attribution tendencies are affected by cultures, thus FAE is not universal across cultures.基本归因错误曾被社会心理学家认为是人类普遍具有的一种归因倾向,然而,文化心理学的研究却发现:不同文化脉络中的人表现出不同的归因倾向,确切地说,归因实际上会受到文化的影响,即便是所谓的基本归因错误亦具有文化局限性。
3)replication errors(基因)复制错误
4)causes of error错误起因
1.These studies have investigated into various aspects such as the definition of error analysis, collection of error samples, error classification, causes of errors, and also give a conclusion of error analysis tendency of empirical and corpus-based study.本文回顾了近十年来国内有关错误分析的研究,内容包括:错误界定、错误样本收集、错误分类、错误起因,并总结出国内错误分析的研究趋势主要是运用实证性研究和基于语料库基础上的研究。
5)hidden errors隐型错误
6)error type错误类型
1.Through typical examples, this paper analyses the error types in programming system and studies how to use debugging and testing methods to improve the correctness rate of programs so as to demonstrate that it is not easy to analyze, program and debug a good programming system successfully.通过典型实例分析了程序系统的错误类型 ,研究了如何用调试与测试方法提高程序的正确率 ,从而说明一个好的程序系统从分析、编程到调试运行成功是件不容易的
2.Introducing the error types of VB,the debugging aids and the application of the debugging technology.介绍了VB的错误类型、调试工具以及一些调试技术的应用,供广大编程人员参考。

基因型与表型  丹麦遗传学家W.L.约翰森于1911年提出的两个遗传学名词。基因型又称遗传型,指生物的全部遗传物质(基因)组成。 但一般只表示个别或少数基因位点上的等位基因的组成。表型指生物体个别或少数性状以至全部性状的表现。基因型是生物体在适当环境条件下发育表型的内因;表型则是基因型和环境条件共同作用的结果。能遗传的是基因型,不是表型。环境因素是基因型得以发育其表型的必要条件。例如玉米中的"日光红"性状,茎秆、叶鞘以及苞叶在受日光照射后能表现红色,不带该基因的玉米品种则呈绿色。如把"日光红"玉米植株一部分遮光,则遮光部分就不表现红色。日光是表现玉米"日光红"性状的必要条件;但日光不能使普通玉米基因型的茎叶表现为红色,因为它们的基因型不同。有时由于等位基因间或非等位基因间相互作用的影响,不同的基因型可以表现相同的表型。如两株同开红花的豌豆,一株的自交子代全开红花,而另一株的自交子代则出现3/4开红花和1/4开白花的分离,说明它们具有不同的基因型。相反,相同的基因型也可由于基因型对环境影响有不同的反应而发育成不同的表型。基因型的这种反应特性是生物体在长期进化过程中逐渐形成的,有利于适应不同的环境条件。育种主要是选择优良的基因型,因此要善于通过表型的考察鉴定其基因型。