哈密天山北路墓地,Hami site
1)Hami site哈密天山北路墓地
2)north piedmont Mountain Tianshan天山北路
1.Before Dynasty Qing, north piedmont Mountain Tianshan is a traditional nomady production area, which belongs to the prairie community culture of Province Xinjiang.清代以前,天山北路是一个以游牧业为主要生产方式的地区,属于新疆草原文化的范畴。

1.A Research and Investigation into the Population Immigration of North Piedmont Mountain Tianshan of the Qing Dynasty;清代天山北路人口迁移与区域开发研究
2.A truck overturned on Zhongshan N. Rd. and caused traffic to back up yesterday.一辆卡车昨天在中山北路翻覆,造成交通回堵。
4.North Huancheng Road at West Zhongshan Road junction环城北路中山西路口
5.The Yanshan Hills provide a natural defence for Beijing.燕山是北京的天然屏障。
6.So far, a dozen provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Jiangsu, and the two cities of Shenzhen and Dalian have set up regional tripartite coordination mechanisms for labor relations.目前,北京、天津、河北、山西、江苏等十多个
7.Air pollution process of dust storm along the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains;天山北麓一次沙尘天气污染过程剖析
8.Maybe one day such links will make it easier to travel to Mount Kumgang and to Kaesong, a South Korean investment zone in the north.也许有一天,这条线路会更容易前往金刚山和开城,这是一个韩国在北方的投资区。
9.Study on In-Situ Stresses Measurement with Hydro-Fracturing Method & Stability of Tunnel Project in the Site of Deep-Buried and the Longer Tunnel in the Northern of TANSHAN on JIYIHUO Railways, Sinkiang;新疆精伊霍铁路北天山越岭深埋特长隧道区水压致裂地应力测量与隧道工程稳定性研究
10.One day we hit the road early in the morning, going uphill.一天早晨我们很早就上路了,沿着山路往山上爬。
11.RS Research of Landscape Distribution Characteristics of Northern Piedmont, Tianshan Mountains天山北坡前山带景观分布特征的遥感研究
12.Characteristics of Carboniferous Volcanic Rocks and the Trench-Arc Basin System in the Northern Part of West Tianshan Mountains西天山北部石炭纪火山岩特征与沟弧盆体系
13.Formation of the Anjihai River Terraces at the North Tianshan Piedmont, Xinjiang, and Significance北天山山前安集海河阶地形成的时代及意义
14.Coupling of Mountain-basin System and Agricultural Structure Adjustment in North of Tianshan Mountain;天山北坡山盆系统耦合与农业结构调整
15.Study on Grassland Vegetation and Its Utilization of Mid-low Belt of North Slopes of Tianshan Mountains天山北坡中段低山带草场植被及其利用的研究
16.The couple live far apart from each other.这对夫妻山南海北,天各一方。
17.The Coordinate Development of Foreign Trade and Economy in South and North Slope of Tianshan Mountain论天山南北坡外贸与经济的协调发展
18.So disposed are the peaks as to resemble the Big Dipper in the skies/The fog has lifted in the south with evergreen grass pleasing the eyes.“北斗布形山竞爽/南天雾尽草常新”。

north piedmont Mountain Tianshan天山北路
1.Before Dynasty Qing, north piedmont Mountain Tianshan is a traditional nomady production area, which belongs to the prairie community culture of Province Xinjiang.清代以前,天山北路是一个以游牧业为主要生产方式的地区,属于新疆草原文化的范畴。
3)the zone along the railway north of the Tianshan Mountains天山北麓铁路沿线地带
4)northern Tianshan area北天山地区
5)the region in front of North Tianshan mountains北天山山前地带
1.Based on the levelling data from 1960 to 1981,the characteristics of vertical deformation and its relation with the earthquakes in the region in front of North Tianshan mountains are discussed.根据垂直形变资料分析,北天山山前地带的垂直形变具有继承性运动特征,天山山体继续上升,盆地继续下降,在空间上具有统一性,在时间上具有同步性。
6)the northern Tianshan Mountains seismic belt北天山地震带

哈密哈密Kami  在平定淮噶尔部贵族叛乱、打击中亚浩罕汗国(今乌兹别克斯坦境内)军事头目阿古柏人侵,逼迫沙俄退还伊犁等作战中,哈密均为重要的后方基地。(傅晓光)HQll】i哈密(Hami)中国新疆维吾尔自治区东部重镇,哈密地区行署所在地。位于兰州一乌鲁木齐铁路线上,西距乌鲁木齐约480千米。辖2镇、21乡。面积85 036平方千米,人口30.62万。其中城区面积17平方千米,人口17.62万(1993)。有汉、维吾尔、哈萨克、141、蒙古等20多个民族。古称昆莫(昆吾),汉称伊吾卢,北魏置伊吾郡,隋大业六年(610)为郡治。唐先后置西伊州、伊州,并置天山军。宋人回鹊,元称哈密力,封威武王居此。明永乐四年(1406)设哈密卫。清设哈密厅。1913年改县。1961年析县置市,次年撤销,1977年复析县设市,1983年撤县人市。哈密地处天山东段南麓,为封闭型盆地,地势北高南低,平均海拔760米。北部天山海拔多在2 000~3 000米,最高峰喀尔里克山海拔4 888米,最低处沙尔湖,海拔53米。城东199千米处的星星峡及东北60千米处天山庙,均为隘路,地势险要,是进人哈密的重要门户。属暖温带大陆性干旱气候,年平均气温9.8℃,1月平均气温一12.2℃,7月平均气温272℃。年平均降水量34.6毫米。春秋多风,年平均大风日数为22天,素有“风城”之称。10月下旬至翌年4月中旬为结冰期。铁、金、钨、煤、盐及建筑石料等资源丰富。有钢铁、煤炭、电力、制盐、机械等工业,是新疆煤炭工业基地之一。农业以小麦、玉米、水果为主。天然优质草场广阔。兰乌铁路、公路东西横穿城区。哈密是中国新疆通往腹地的咽喉,战略地位重要。清代