面部形态,Facial morphous
1)Facial morphous面部形态

1.The cranial base and maxillofacial morphology of Angle class Ⅱ malocclusion安氏Ⅱ类错?颅底与颌面部形态关系的探讨
2.Differences of facial morphology-landmarks of 15 Chinese minority nationalities;中国15个少数民族面部形态标志点的差异
3.A Cephalometric Morphometric Study of the Mental Region in Different Skeletal Pattern Patients不同骨面型患者颏部形态的X线头影测量研究
4.Knowledge of plant structure was confined to exomorphic aspects and to a very elementary outline of endomorphic features.植物构造的知识局限于外部形态和很初步的内部轮廓方面。
5.The Relationship between Present State of Stressin Part of Active Faults Plane and TheirUnsteady Form in Southwest China西南部分活动断裂面上现今应力状态与断裂失稳变形的关系
6.The Morphological Observation of Surface Structural Feature and Internal Vascular System of Ovary;卵巢表面结构特点和内部脉管系分布的形态学观察
7.Analysis of Morphous Characteristics of Facial Reconstruction and the Five Organs in Chinese South Five National Minorities Crowd;中国南方五个少数民族人群面部五官形态特征研究
8.The Nose in Adult with Different Saggital Skeletal Pattern: A Cephalometric Evaluation不同矢状骨面型成人鼻部形态的X线头影测量研究
9.Analysis of morphous characteristics of facial reconstruction and the five organs in Chinese south five national minorities crowd中国南方5个少数民族人群面部五官形态特征研究
10.Critical state surface in p-q-s stress space based on deformation of middle part of specimens基于试样中部变形的p-q-s空间临界状态面试验研究
11.Effect of genetic factors on soft and hard tissues of craniofacial regions in homozygotic twin遗传因素对同卵双生子颅颌面部软硬组织形态的影响研究
12.The troops were placed on full alert.部队处於全面戒备状态.
13.The diamond film grown on the interface consists of primary nucleus laver and crystalline grainThe interface state as well as growth process of diamond at different regions on a sample or different samples is not same.胚芽层有三种形态; 同一试样上的不同部位或不同试样上的界面状态及生长过程是不同的。
14.the exterior curve of an arch.拱形的外部表面曲线。
15.The nose is1 of the most important characters in the human facial profile, and it is also a good reference for the evaluation of orthodontic treatment.人类鼻部是侧脸轮廓上的重要特征,齿颚矫正治疗也常需考量鼻部侧面形态。
16.The research results show that the five saline plants leaves have many differences in external morphology and internal microstructure.结果表明,5种盐生植物在叶的外部形态和内部显微结构方面存在着一定的差异。
17.The condition of the radial and ulnar arteries become well apart from 10~15 cm of wrist wound.(5 )血管损伤以腕创面部最重 ,距创面边缘约 10~ 15cm处血管形态基本接近正常。
18.any shape that is triangular in cross section.横截面部分是三角形的任何形状。

nasal profile鼻部侧面形态
1.Relationship between maxillary protraction treatment and changes of nasal profile in children of Chinese Han-nationality;汉族儿童上颌前方牵引与其鼻部侧面形态改变的关系
3)pa-latal contour腭部表面形态
4)constructional featrues of neck颈部形态
5)external morphology外部形态
1.The external morphology of the compound eye of Chrysopa pallens Ramber and its microstructure under light and dark adaptation were observed by using scanning electron microscope and optics microscope.用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察了大草蛉Chrysopa pallens Ramber成虫复眼的外部形态及明、暗适应和性别对其显微结构的影响。
2.The external morphology of Henestarinae was studied, using Henestaris oschanini Dergroth and Engistus salinus Jakovlev to represent the two unequivocally included genera with the aim to provide data for the phylogenetic research of lygaeoid complex.本文研究了半翅目长蝽科盐长蝽亚科(Henestarinae)的外部形态,希图为长蝽总科复合体的系统发育研究提供资料。
3.The experimental results are as follows:(1)We study the external morphology, morphometic characters, meistic characters and internal structure of raised starry flounder.对养殖的星突江鲽鱼外部形态、可量可比性状、可数性状和内部结构研究结果表明:(1)外部形态的明显特征在于:背鳍、臀鳍、尾鳍有黑色和黄色相间的条纹;多角星状鳞片,有刺状突起。
6)tail morphology尾部形态

神经元形态突触末梢部切面模示图 李瑞端绘[图]