颧骨缘突,Marginal process of the zygomatic bone
1)Marginal process of the zygomatic bone颧骨缘突
2)have prominent cheekbones颧骨突起
3)high Malar颧骨突出

1.His cheeks were sunken and his cheek-bones prominent.他脸颊凹陷,颧骨突出
2.Prominent Mandibular Angle and High Malar Grinding of the Bone Under Local Anaesthesia局部浸润麻醉下行下颌角肥大及颧骨突出磨削术
3.The pose emphasized her high cheekbones.这个姿势突出了她高高颧骨。
4.They have yellowish buff skins, straight black hair, and often high cheek-bones.他们有淡黄色的皮肤,黑色直形的头发和常常突出的颧骨。
5.⑤Os zygomaticum was not obviously,the chin was slanting to hindbrain or straight in shap,the face was wide and round in shape.颧骨体多不突出 ,颏部多后斜或直型 ,面宽 ,多为卵圆面形 ;
6.Raw facebones under his peep of day boy's hat.晓党式的帽子底下,露出脸上那粗犷的颧骨。
7.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Malar Bone Fractures颧骨颧弓骨折120例临床诊治分析
8.Her ashen complexion, prominent bony forehead, with two glaring eyes, still gave me shudders whenever I think of her, even today.她那苍白的颜色,突露的颧骨,两目炯炯的瞪视,至今忆起,还有些可怕。
9.The Study on Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery of Zygomatic Complex Protrusion and Related Anatomy;颧骨复合体高突畸形整复手术探讨及相关解剖学研究
10.The Relationship Analysis of Some Three-dimensional Index of Adult Mandible and the Distances of Processus Zygomaticus成人下颌骨部分三维指标与颧突间距的关系分析
11.An improved method to measure the eyeball protrusion with spiral CT in orbit injured用于颧眶复合体骨折患者的改良CT突眼度测量方法
12.The Applical Anatomy of Zygoma and the Retrospective Study of Zygomatic Complex Fractures;颧骨的应用解剖和颧骨复合体骨折的临床研究
13.The L-shaped zygomatic osteotomy for correction of malar-zygomatic deficiency颧骨L形截骨扩展术矫正颧骨过小畸形
14.The cheekbones felt sharp, the nose flattened.颧骨高耸,鼻子塌陷。
15.circumzygomatic wire suspension of maxilla环绕颧骨悬吊上颌术
16.Experimental study of diaplastic clasp on zygomatic arch in cheekbone颧骨颧弓骨折复位钩的研制及其力学测定
17.Application of Scalp Coronal Incision in Zygoma,Zygomatic Arch and Orbital Fractures头皮冠状切口在颧骨、颧弓、眶周骨折中的应用
18.The talus rests upon the upper surface of the calcareus.距骨突出于跟骨的上面。

have prominent cheekbones颧骨突起
3)high Malar颧骨突出
4)Zygomatic complex protrusion颧骨复合体高突
5)Mala and zygomatic arch颧弓颧骨
6)processus zygomaticus颧突

颧骨颧骨 颧骨   骨名。两眼眶下外侧之骨骼。《灵枢·五变》:“颧骨者,骨之本也。”