人类表观基因组计划,Human Epigenomics Project
1)Human Epigenomics Project人类表观基因组计划
1.Epigenetics and Human Epigenomics Project表观遗传学与人类表观基因组计划
2)Human genome project人类基因组计划
1.New Research Paradigm of Contemporary Scientific Research——Example Study on Human Genome Project;合作型研发项目的研究范式探微——以人类基因组计划为例
2.The research progress of Human Genome Project;人类基因组计划研究进展
3.Some matters on Human Genome Project;关于“人类基因组计划”的若干问题

1.Introduction to the Human Genome Project and Research of Post-genome;人类基因组计划及后基因组研究概论
2.Human Genome Project and the Application of Human Genome Research;人类基因组计划及人类基因组研究的应用
3.The Human Genome Project has several objectives.人类基因组计划有若干目标。
4.Human Genome Project and Consciousness of the Times for the Doctor;人类基因组计划与博士生的时代意识
5.The proposition and the important significance of Human Genome Project(HGP);人类基因组计划(HGP)的提出及重大意义
6.Philosophical Reflection on the "Human Genomic Project;“人类基因组计划”引起的哲学思考
7.Enormous Business Opportunities Contained in HGP;潜伏在人类基因组计划内的巨大商机
8.The Human Genome Project and Post Genome Project Provide Chance and Challenge to Competitive Sport;人类基因组计划和后基因组计划给竞技体育带来的机遇和挑战
9.The plan of human gene group is the greatest eng in eering in the history of human science.人类基因组计划是人类科学史上最伟大的工程。
10.The Challenge Started by Human Genetic Group Project and the Genetic Revolution;人类基因组计划及基因革命对伦理的挑战
11.What Makes Us Human Beings: A Review of Recent Reflections Inspired by the Human Genome Project;人类基因组计划在西方引发的人性观思考
12.Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society?人类基因组计划是否影响社会的道德标准呢?
13.The Human Genome Project( HGP) is a great scientific project.人类基因组计划是一项庞大的科学工程。
14.The Virtue-Ethical Analysis and the Countermeasure of the HGP;人类基因组计划的价值伦理分析及对策
15.Plan of Human Gene Group and Relevant Social and Legal Issues;人类基因组计划及其引起的社会法律问题
16.The Ethical Challenges in Different Cultural Tradifions Caused by the HGP;人类基因组计划带给不同文化传统的伦理挑战
17.Human Genome Project,Post-genome Research and Gene Medicine --New Century of Diagnosis,Pharmaceutics and Therapy with Gene Technique;人类基因组计划、后基因组研究与基因医学——基因诊断、基因制药与基因治疗的新世纪
18.This would build on the original Human Genome Project by deciphering the genomes of microbes living in all parts of the human body.这项计划是通过破解生活在人体各处的微生物基因,成为人类基因组计划的延续。

Human genome project人类基因组计划
1.New Research Paradigm of Contemporary Scientific Research——Example Study on Human Genome Project;合作型研发项目的研究范式探微——以人类基因组计划为例
2.The research progress of Human Genome Project;人类基因组计划研究进展
3.Some matters on Human Genome Project;关于“人类基因组计划”的若干问题
1.Discussion of the Development of TCM in the New Century from the Point of View of Human Genome Project (HGP);从人类基因组计划探讨新世纪中医发展之路
2.Why Map a Human ——Impact of Human Genome Project on Human Society & 10th Anniversary Celebration of HGP;为什么要对人类作图——人类基因组计划对人类社会的意义暨纪念人类基因组计划实施10周年
3.Enlightenment of HGP s Research Method on Contemporary Scientific Research;人类基因组计划研究方法对当代科学研究的启示
4)human genome project (HGP)人类基因组计划
5)Human Genome Project(HGP)人类基因组计划
1.The proposition and the important significance of Human Genome Project(HGP);人类基因组计划(HGP)的提出及重大意义
6)the human genome project人类基因组计划
1.Based on the analysis of DNA and the human genome project,we found the DNA of contemporary scientific spirit that is the spirit of sharing and collaboration.通过对DNA及人类基因组计划进行分析,揭示了当代科学研究的DNA精神,即共享与协作精神。
2.People s life is gorgeous, for the sake of having the knowledge of Human s body structure and the course of mankind s birth, being old and feeble, illness and death, The mankind has begun an innovation: The Human Genome Project (HGP).人的生命绚丽多姿,其奥秘也是无穷无尽的,为了彻底了解自身的结构特征和生、老、病、死的关键性步骤,人类开始了一项伟大的科学尝试:人类基因组计划。

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。