史前人群,prehistoric human group
1)prehistoric human group史前人群
2)pre-historic human史前人类
1.Unearthed findings show the trails of pre-historic human activities as early as 4000 years ago.从考古发掘材料来看,早在4000年前,大理就有史前人类活动的踪迹。

1.the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures.人类学中研究史前人类与人类社会的分支。
2.The study of humanlike creatures more primitive than Homo sapiens.史前人类学对比人类更原始的类人动物的研究
3.Historical interaction is an important approach to understanding prehistoric human culture.历史交往是我们了解和认识史前人类文化的重要途径
4.A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people.岩石画画在岩石上的曲线或直线,尤指史前人类所创造的
5.Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs.当地民间传说中称,史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。
6.History of humankind in the period before recorded history.史前史有历史记载之前的人类历史
7.A prehistoric or primitive human living in caves.穴居人史前或原始的居于洞中的人类
8.an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture.研究先前历史人类和他们文化的人类学家。
9.prehistoric man, monuments, cave paintings史前的人类、 遗迹、 洞穴壁画
10.Philosophy of Human Culture in the West: Its History and Perspective;西方人类文化哲学的历史脉络与前景
11.Heidelberg jaw【人】史前人的颚骨
12.(anthropology; of societies) preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial.(人类学;指社会)史前的、部落的或者非工业的。
13.Our guerrilla war will present a great drama unparalleled in the annals of war.它将在人类战争史上演出空前伟大的一幕。
14.the time of the physical formation and development of the earth (especially prior to human history).地球形成和发展的时期(尤指人类史前时期)。
15.Investigation of the Pre-history Agriculture and the Structure of Man s Food in the Shuangji River Basin;双洎河流域史前农业及人类膳食结构之探索
16.The Genre Painting on Prehistoric Era: Selected Short Stories of Jia Zhifang;“人类史前时期的风俗画”——读《贾植芳小说选》
17.A Summary of the Main Achievements of the Mankind Origin Study and the Prehistoric Archaeology in Yunnan;1949年以来云南人类起源与史前考古的主要成就
18.The history of man's civilization is hitherto a bravely advanced history.迄今为止,人类文明的历史是勇往直前,所向无敌的历史.

pre-historic human史前人类
1.Unearthed findings show the trails of pre-historic human activities as early as 4000 years ago.从考古发掘材料来看,早在4000年前,大理就有史前人类活动的踪迹。
5)prehistoric settlements; prehistoric peoples.史前部落;史前人类。
6)the group of the private Historian私人史家群体
