1.Anamorphosis of Sex Oppression: a Kind of Lesbian Relationship;男权压迫的变体:女同性恋结构之一种
2.The feminism complex of two lesbians——On the theme of feminism in Rubyfruit Jungl两名女同性恋者的女性主义情结——论《红果丛林》的女性主义主题
3.Lesbian s initial gender consciousness is normally shaped in the male-female frame of gender socialization.本文通过对一些女同性恋生活史和感情史的访谈,对她们的性别认同和身份认同过程进行了研究。

1.A homosexual person;a gay man or a lesbian.同性恋者男同性恋者或女同性恋
2.International Lesbian and Gay Association国际男女同性恋协会
3.She had a lesbian love affair with her secretary.她和她的秘书有女同性恋的恋情。
4.pejorative synonym for lesbian.对女同性恋者的同义轻蔑语。
5.The Cultural Meaning of Lesbian Iscourse in Chinese-Language Movies;华语电影中女同性恋话语的文化内涵
6.Black Lesbianism in The Color Purple;《紫色》中的黑人女同性恋主义剖析
7.Anamorphosis of Sex Oppression: a Kind of Lesbian Relationship;男权压迫的变体:女同性恋结构之一种
8.Health problems of lesbians in China mainland and their solution;我国女同性恋者的健康问题及其对策
9.Double Alienation : A Brief Commentary on the Lesbian Literature in Québec;双重异化:魁北克女同性恋文学简评
10.And Batwoman is making a comeback as a lesbian.蝙蝠女侠将以女同性恋的身份卷土重来。
11.The feminism complex of two lesbians--On the theme of feminism in Rubyfruit Jungl两名女同性恋者的女性主义情结——论《红果丛林》的女性主义主题
12.Eternal Tragedy--Discuss the Lesbian Writing in Present and Contemporary Female Writer;女性的永恒悲剧———论现当代女作家的女同性恋书写
13.They may feel that feminism is only for lesbians or women who hate men.他们认为争取女权运动仅仅适用于女同性恋和憎恨男人的女人。
14.It'll be difficult to break down their prejudices about lesbians.很难改变他们对女同性恋者的固有偏见。
15.a lesbian who is noticeably masculine.一个呈现出显著的男子汉气概的女同性恋者。
16.a female homosexual.一个搞同性恋的女性。
17.Of, relating to, or being a lesbian.同性恋女子的同性恋女子的、与同性恋女子有关的或作为同性恋女子的
18.of female homosexual behavior that atempts to simulate heterosexual behavior.指试图模仿异性恋行为的女性同性恋行为。

1.Compulsory heterosexuality and repressed lesbianism: feminist approach to V.Woolf s "Mrs.Dalloway";强迫的异性恋和压抑的女同性恋——从女性主义角度解读伍尔夫的《达洛维夫人》
2.Examined by the definition of "lesbianism ",both Ling Shuhua s A Hearing Story and Ding Ling′s In Summer Vacation can be counted as lesbianism works.凌叔华的《说有这么一回事》和丁玲的《暑假中》都是描写女同性恋生活的作品。
3.For she enhances her feminist thought to a theoretical level, which includes women’s history and literary history, women’s writing, androgyny, lesbianism, etc.她的女性主义思想是性别差异思想指导下的女性历史观、女性文学史观、女性写作、雌雄同体、女同性恋等构成的理论共同体。
3)woman homosexuality女性同性恋
1.In the novels of the new period,woman homosexuality is narrated in three roundabout ways:to disguise carnal desire with sisterly friendship,to distract the readers with monstrous heroines,and to make homosexuality a mere illusion.女性同性恋现象在新时期小说中有三种改写策略:以姐妹情谊替代肉身出席;以妖魔式建构铺陈有欲无灵的纠缠;以贵族式自恋把同性恋风景虚悬。
1.Study on Sexual Behavior Traits and Socio-psychological Stress among Lesbians in Shenzhen深圳市女同性恋者性行为特征和社会心理压力研究
5)A gay or homosexual woman.同性恋女子
6)sapphism; tribadism女子同性恋
