1.The humanism in Bakhtin s poem theory of carnivalization;巴赫金狂欢化诗学理论中的人本观
2.This essay,based on the dualism of the organizational political behaviour,gives an analysis of the source of the organizational politics,and,from the start of humanism,probes into the humanist foundation of the organizational political behaviour.从组织政治行为的两重性分析组织政治产生的根源,并从人本观点出发,分析组织政治行为的人性基础,可以得到如下的认识:组织政治行为并不是有百害而无一利的,领导者(管理者)应该从更加符合人性的观点出发,识别他人的政治行为发生的原因和结果,对他人的政治行为保持足够的职业敏感性,同时,要恰当运用权力并发挥权力的积极作用,避免自身政治行为的破坏性影响。
2)Humanistic Concept人本观念
1.An Analysis of Humanistic Concept in Western Philosophy;试析现代西方哲学的“人本观念”
2.Researches on the setting up humanistic concept in the student management;学生管理中树立人本观念的探讨

1.On the Human-Based Concept of University Internal Accounting Control;坚持人本观念 强化高校内部会计控制
2.Setting Up Humanism Being the Key of Teaching Reform in Theory of Ideal Politics;思想政治理论课教改的关键是树立人本观念
3.Being People-oriented: Fundamental Idea in Deng Xiaoping s Development Concept;以人民为本:邓小平发展观的根本理念
4.Human-Oriented--the Fundamental Principle of the Scientific Concept of Development;以人为本——科学发展观的基本理念
5.Studying on the Development of the Concept of the Ideological and Political Education under the Idea of "People-oriented"“以人为本”理念下的思想政治教育观念发展研究
6.The idea of death is organic to a philosophy of life.死亡的观念是人生哲学的根本。
7.Humanism-Establishing a New Concept of Manufacture s Development;以人为本——树立制造业发展的新观念
8.The shift from human capital to knowledge management;浅谈人力资本观念向知识管理的转变
9.The People-Oriented Idea of Higher Education in the Scientific Developing Horizon;科学发展观视野中高等教育人本理念
10."People First" is the Central Idea of View of Scientific Development;“以人为本”是科学发展观的核心理念
11.Discussion About the Essence of Shen Cong-wen s "Country Folk";探析沈从文“乡下人”观念的基本特质
12.Comprehension of Humanisn in College Management;对高校管理中“以人为本”观念的解读
13.Strengthen the Human -centered Concept and Improve the Safety of Campus;强化以人为本的观念 促进校园安全
14.Changing the Idea of Enterprise Operation and Stressing the Alanagement of Human Resources;转换企业经营观念 重视人力资本经营
15.Developmentby Taking Human as the Center -- From the Concept Changes of “Development”;以人为本求发展——从“发展”观念的变迁看
16.Health First" and "Man as a Core": the Modern Sports Concept to be Studied;“健康第一”与“以人为本”的现代体育观念
17.From Human-rooted Ideas of Law to Zoology-rooted Ideas of Law;从人本法治观到生态法治观——一种法治观念模式的衍更
18.TV show can significantly ulter some people's basic beliefs.电视节目也能够可观地改变某些人的基本信念。

Humanistic Concept人本观念
1.An Analysis of Humanistic Concept in Western Philosophy;试析现代西方哲学的“人本观念”
2.Researches on the setting up humanistic concept in the student management;学生管理中树立人本观念的探讨
3)humanity history view人本史观
1.The seeds of humanity history view was developed.希罗多德的史学思想中出现了人本史观的萌芽。
4)People First Management人本观管理
5)humanistic advertising人本观广告
1.The present author maintains that traditional advertising is merchandise oriented and its ultimate aim is commercial promotion while a humanistic advertising is more human oriented, whose advert is due to the ideological transformation of the modern people on advertising, the development of the market economy and the nature of mass communications.传统的物本观广告以促进销售商品为根本和目的 ,人本观广告则以人为根本目的。
2.The presenting of humanistic advertising is due to the development of the marketing economy, the concepts of the mass communications, and the increasing demands of consumers.人本观广告是随着市场营销观念的发展、传播观念的演变、消费者心理需求层次升级而出现的。
6)human law view人本法律观
1.The Heritage and Transformation of Legal View——The philosophical value and its practical significance of human law view;法律观的传承与变革——人本法律观的法哲学价值及其现实意义

本门事观【本门事观】 (术语)日本日莲宗之意,法华本迹二门之法体,不出十界十如三世间。然迹门明九界之修因门,故以心为法本,使十界十如三千之事法,悉归于一心,一心三观一念三千之妙观,使行人开觉法界唯心。故约于空门理观归于唯一心性。使泯绝他之事相也。本门明佛界之感果门。故以身为法本,使十界十如三千之事法悉归于一身,使行人开觉法界唯一身。故约于有门事观,直指事之十界依正,而作自己之全身,以为本觉之圆体。此中天台宗以迹门之理观为主,日莲宗以本门之事观为旨。故定经体,台祖直以法性之冥理为体,日莲以一经所诠之义为体(所诠之义者,神力品“以要言之。如来一切皆于此经宣示显说。”是曰四句之结要:第一句结妙之名,第二句结妙之用,第三句结妙之体,第四句结妙之宗,以示一经之所诠在名用体宗之四,加之以能诠之经文即名体宗用教之五重玄义也。故日宗以此所诠之四法定为经体。不别立理性之法界以为经体),故台家欲开悟此法性之冥理,依迹门之理性,立一心三观一念三千之理观。日莲欲证即身成佛之实事,依本门之事成,制唱题之妙行。夫经题之五字,已含摄一经所诠宗体字用之全体,经题即本迹二门之妙法,然则信解经题即信解十界之依正本有常住之相也。十界之依正者,即信解吾一身也。是岂非即身成佛耶。故末代凡夫,欲即身成佛,则宜一心唱念题目,一心信受之力,会于任运之妙法,是以唱题之事相为门,入于本门之妙法,故谓为本门之事观。