1.On Puxue in Qing Dynasty and Study of Canon of Medicine;试论清代的朴学与《内经》研究
2.On the studies about the Book from Lixue to Puxue in The Early Period of Qing Dynasty.;论从理学到朴学转型期的清初《尚书》学
3.Literature in the Eyes of Puxue Scholars——A Brief Talk on Ri-Zhi-Lu′s View of Literature;朴学眼光中的文学——《日知录》文学观浅说

1.On the studies about the Book from Lixue to Puxue in The Early Period of Qing Dynasty.;论从理学到朴学转型期的清初《尚书》学
2.Literature in the Eyes of Puxue Scholars--A Brief Talk on Ri-Zhi-Lu′s View of Literature;朴学眼光中的文学——《日知录》文学观浅说
3.A Star of Plain Learning--On Study Path of Professor Xu Fu;朴学之星——徐复先生生平学术轨迹
4.On Chen Yan's "Scholar's Poem" in the Context of Philology in the Qing Dynasty清代朴学背景下的陈衍“学人之诗”诗论
5.A misinterpretation of Pu Learning in Qing Dynasty--Also on Positivism in Modern China;朴学的误读——兼论实证主义在近代中国
6.Folk Physics and Folk Psychology: A Evolutinary Psychological View;朴素物理观和朴素心理观——进化心理学视角
7.Pak Che-Ga′s "Poetic Flavor" Concept vs Chinese Poetics朴齐家的“味”学观与中国诗学的关系
8.Plain clothes are appropriate for school wear.朴素的服装适于上学穿着。
9.Mr. Pocked was out lecturing.朴凯特先生出外讲学去了。
10.Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.朴素的服装适合在学校里穿。
11.Being Simple and Plain"──Forth explanation to Chinese aesthetics“朴素淡然”──中华美学命题诠释之四
12.The Pharmacodynamic Study on the Anticaries Mechanism of Natural Medicine Magnolia Officinalis;天然药物厚朴防龋作用的药效学研究
13.Studies on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Cynanchum Komarovii;牛心朴子化学成分及生物活性的研究
14.The Research of Social and Literatural Thought about 《BaoPuzi Wai Pian》;《抱朴子外篇》社会与文学思想研究
15.The Ideology and Literary Characteristics of "Baopuzi Chapter Inside";《抱朴子内篇》的思想体系与文学特色
16.Theoretical Study on Yao Yongpu s Way to the Best Written Anticles;姚永朴《文学研究法》文章理论研究
17.The Influence of Chinese Literature on Pak Chi-won s "A Tiger s Rebuke";朝鲜文学家朴趾源《虎叱》创作研究
18.Human-Nature Relationship in the Mind of 18~(th)-century Korean Thinker ParkJi-won.;18世纪朝鲜学者朴趾源的人与自然观

1.He advocates textology for the whole life.朱筠是清代乾隆时期著名学者,曾任安徽学政,刊刻《说文》,奏请从《永乐大典》中辑录逸书,一生以倡导朴学为己任。
2.Jiao Xun was a famous scholar on textology in the Qing Dynasty,and his literature view has great influence on study of Chinese literature history.清代朴学家焦循文学"一代有一代之所胜"论对中国文学史研究有着重大影响。
3)teaching of applied doctrine朴学教学
1.The teaching of applied doctrine in the two academies features the following aspects:Its teaching content was mainly textual criticism learning about Confucian classics and history in addition to literature and other subjects,yet the literature teaching inclined to be the features of applied doct.阮元创办的诂经精舍和学海堂两书院以朴学教学为宗旨,不同于当时专为科举而设的其它书院,教学内容以经史考据学为主,兼及文学等其它学科,而两书院的文学教学有着明显的朴学特色;两书院延请朴学名家入院教学,选择志在实学、有实学基础的学生入院肄业;在教学过程中注重学生朴学基本功的训练。
1.Based on it,the nonobjective information model CS of CIMS enterprise is proposed with the help of assembling theory and topology,and an example is set up to explain its application and meaning.简述了一现有信息模型及其总体结构 ,在此基础上引入集合论和拓朴学知识 ,提出了 CIMS企业抽象信息模型 CS,并举例说明它的应用和意义。
2.The study object of topology is the unchangeable quality of geometry figures under one to one continuous corresponding changes, which is called topological quality.拓朴学的研究对象是几何图形在一对一的双方连续变换下不变的性质 ,这种性质称之为拓朴性质。
5)Huizhou academia徽州朴学
6)the 'Pu' theory in Huizhou徽派朴学

朴学Piao Xue朴学  朝鲜电影导演。生于平壤市。先当演员,后任导演。他初做导演时拍的两部影片《分界线上的村庄》(1961)和《红色宣传员》(1962)使他一举成名。1972年执导的《卖花姑娘》又使他声誉日隆。此片在第18届卡罗维发利国际电影节上获特别奖。70年代末,他与严吉善合作拍摄了《大地烈火》(1977)和《第一支武装队伍的故事》(1978)。1982年获金日成奖。其他作品有《秃鲁江畔盛开的鲜花》(1966)、《金刚山姑娘》(1969)等。   (张志峰)