
1.One who is insincere or pretentious.伪君子虚伪或自负的人
2.war, hypocrisy, chicanery,战争、虚伪、诈骗、
3.fraudulent misrepresentation虚伪的陈述,故意虚报
4.a vain and frivolous way of life especially in large cities (after a fair held in the town of Vanity in Pilgrim's Progress).空虚且虚伪的生活方式。
5.Hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory.伪善的虚伪地自以为是和谴责
6.Hypocritically pious language.伪善的话虚伪的虔诚语言
7.A person given to hypocrisy.伪君子一个沉湎于虚伪的人
8.His story was replete with falsehood.他的报导充满了虚伪
9.Falsehood has a perennial spring.虚伪总是春风吹又生。
10.We are numb to dishonour.我们对虚伪麻木不仁。
11.His hypocrisy makes me sick.我很讨厌他那麽虚伪.
12.an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc虚伪的礼貌、 强作欢颜
13.The mockery rings hollow, though.但这种嘲笑是虚伪的。
14.hide under a false appearance.隐藏在虚伪的外观下。
15.We disdain a dishonest act.我们鄙视虚伪的行为。
16.Deceit or hypocrisy.两面派手法欺骗或虚伪
17.Professor Wang abominates falsehood.王教授非常憎恶虚伪
18.False intoxication--A review on vogue and false features of "sha Chuang"(Sand Bed)by Ge Hong-bing;虚假的沉醉——评葛红兵《沙床》的时尚性和虚伪

3)L. mendax虚伪书虱
1.paeta Pearman (3 strains), and L.paeta Pearman,虚伪书虱L。
4)deceptive prime虚伪素数
1.In this paper we prove that there exist infinitely many deceptive primes n with n≡1(mod 4).本文证明了, 存在无穷多个虚伪素数n适合n≡1 (mod 4)。
5)insincere hierarchy虚伪等级

虚伪【虚伪】 (术语)虚妄而不真实也。楞伽经三曰:“无垢虚伪妄想习气。”无量寿经下曰:“虚伪谄曲之心。”