1.This fact shows that the appearance and increasing of single-mother family has become an inevitable social reality, and single-parent family has changed form "private trouble" to "public issues".这一事实表明,单亲母亲家庭的出现和增长已经成为一个不可避免的社会现实,单亲家庭已经从“私人困扰”逐步变成了“公众问题”。
2.In those divorced family, some divorced women with children were desperated at marriage or impossible to get into marriage again, it became gradual increasing single-mothers groups .本文是关于单亲母亲家庭的家庭教育的个案调查及分析。

1.A Study on the Hurt of Single--Mother in the City--Six Case Study;单亲母亲脆弱性研究——六个个案分析
2.The Social Assistance of Single Mothers in Poverty--Take Tianjin for Example贫困单亲母亲的社会救助——以天津市为例
3.A Study of the Gender Role of Female Undergraduate in Single-parent Family--a Case Study of Two Female Undergraduates in Single-parent Family;单亲家庭女大学生性别角色探讨——对两位单亲母亲家庭女大学生的个案研究
4.Difficulties and Resources in Raising Children of Poor Single-mothers in City--Take Jinan City as a Case城市贫困单亲母亲抚育子女的困难——济南市个案研究
5.What do you think of single mothers?你对单身母亲怎么看?
6.The mother of one's father or mother.祖母,外祖母某人父亲或母亲的母亲
7.relating to or derived from one's mother.关于母亲或得自于母亲。
8.The Studies of Single-Parent Mother Families in Poverty in the Domain of Women's Federation妇联界域中单亲贫困母亲家庭问题研究
9.Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.单亲父母们英勇地身兼二职。[单亲父母们英勇地处理两人份的工作。
10.Oh, today is Mother's Day, Mother's Day, Mother's Day.哦,今天是母亲节,母亲节,母亲节。
11.Relating to or being mother.母亲的与母亲有联系的或作为母亲的
12.The murdering of one's father, mother, or other near relative.弑亲谋杀父亲、母亲或其他近亲
13.Growing up without a mother is difficult.在没有母亲的情况下长大不简单。
14.Mother yanked the bed clothes off me.母亲用力拉掉盖在我身上的被单。
15.Mother listed the items she wanted to buy.母亲把她想买的东西列出清单。
16."What else can I do?" he replied simply, and walks out with Hsi-erh.他简单地答道:‘陪张太亲母
17.the spouse of your parent by a subsequent marriage.父亲或母亲后来的配偶。
18.a noncustodial parent.无监护权的父亲或母亲

single mother单身母亲
1.This research on single mothers of the vulnerable population in urban Shanghai aims at two purposes.本研究采用问卷调查的方法,研究了目前上海市的城市弱势妇女中,单身母亲的生活现状和她们对于婚姻成败的归因倾向。
3)Vulnerable single mother弱势单亲母亲
4)widowed single-mother离异单亲母亲
5)divorced single-mother丧偶单亲母亲
6)single-mother family单亲母亲家庭

亲好1.亲朋好友。 2.亲密友好。