1.Analyzing the technique of a man-in-the-middle attack based on bluetooth;基于蓝牙的中间人攻击的研究

1."Through what medium?"“谁做的中间人?”
2.One who acts as an intermediary or messenger between two sides.中间人,媒介在双方间担任中间人或信使的人
3.Three is go-between among them.他们中的三个是中间人
4.he could learn at second hand from books.他从书中学习中间人
5.They had transacted business by the agency of a broker.他们通过中间人做交易。
6.act as a go-between for prostitutes.作中间人为妓女拉客。
7.They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
8.a negotiator who acts as a link between parties.在两派人中作中间人的谈判代表。
9.Among the latter was Drouet.杜洛埃也在这群人中间。
10.None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。
11."I sigh, learning that no man's happiness is complete""叹人间,美中不足今方信"
12.He was sandwiched between the two of us.他夹在我们两人中间。
13.There are two single beds in the room.房间中有两张单人床。
14.It was said that someone had sown discord among them.据说有人在他们中间搞挑拨离间。
15.a large mirror giving the illusion of space in a small room小房间中的大镜子使人产生空间幻觉
16.A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body.中部,中间部分中间部分,尤指人体的上腹部
17.That the middle Station of Life was calculated for all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments;唯有中间地位的人可享尽人间的幸福和安乐。
18.One of us spoke on the theatre;another on folk music.我们中间有个人谈戏剧,另一个人谈民间音乐。

1.In exploring the advantages of cluster networks governance, an intermediator model is built to analyze how the principal problems of exchange chances, adverse selections and opportunism resulting from special assets investment are solved.为解释集群网络的治理优势,通过构建中间人模型,对中间人的参与对交易机会、逆选择和资产专用性投资引起的机会主义等基本经济问题探讨,并且对集群网络作为交易中间人的信息结构特征和作用机制的分析,可以看出,集群网络的治理优势来源于对交易提供的产品质量鉴证和对资产专用性投资提供了合意的收益分配机制。
5)middle person中间人物
1.Zhao Shu-li managed to create the advanced person and numerous middle person in his novel“1.赵树理在长篇小说《三里湾》中塑造了先进人物和众多的“中间人物”,没有塑造反动人物的形象,相比较而言,作品对旧人旧事的刻画更为生动和具体;在情节安排方面,小说的故事性强,颇能引人入胜,不过结构上前紧后松,结尾像是强扭而成,尤其三对青年的“花好月圆”,似乎有为了追求大团圆而硬行拼凑之嫌。
6)the middlemen中间商人

中间人中间人middleman 中间人(middleman)组织不同层级中的管理人员,他们能指挥或管理他人共同完成上级所赋予的责任,对员工有任用、调转、停职、升迁、赏惩、教育训练等权力。在员工心目中,他是上级的代表:另一方面,在上级领导者心目中他又是员工的代表,故被称为中间人。中间人的典型代表就是“工头,,(toreman)。在现代管理中,调整好人际关系应当是一切中间人的重要使命。 (孙俊山撰张交审)