1.Based on the Triple Helix thesis starting from the concept of Triple Helix Interface Organization(THIO),it presents structural forms and actual features of THIO.本文以创新三螺旋理论为基础,从三螺旋接口组织的概念出发,首先对接口组织的结构形式和实际特征进行了阐述。
2.Based on the triple helix theory,starting from the concept of Triple Helix Interface Organization(THIO),structural forms of bilateral THIO and trilateral THIO are presented.本文以创新三螺旋理论为基础,从三螺旋接口组织的概念出发,首先对双边接口组织和三边接口组织的结构形式进行了阐述。

1.The Analysis of Triple Helix Interface Organization and the Research on Knowledge Innovation;三螺旋接口组织分析与知识创新研究
2.Triple helix interface organization and knowledge transfer in the innovation;三螺旋接口组织与创新中的知识转移
3.administration of the line functions of an organization; administration of activities contributing directly to the organization's output.对组织的系列作用的管理;对直接影响组织出口量的行为管理。
4.A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.疤痕愈合的伤处或伤口新接合组织生成的疤
5.Research on Information Organization and Interface Standardization of Commercial Vehicle Dispatch System;商用车辆调度系统信息组织及接口标准化研究
6.benchmarking of documentation systems, and interfaces used by organization's customers, suppliers and other interested parties.文件体系的水平对比;组织的顾客、供方和其他相关方所使用的接口。
7.Study and Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Dissimilar Metals Laser-welded Joints in Prosthdontics;口腔修复异种金属激光焊接焊区力学性能及组织结构分析研究
8.Expression of Integrin-linked Kinase in Oral Submucous Fibrosis;整合素连接激酶在口腔粘膜下纤维化组织中表达的研究
9.The effect of the structure of Austenite zone on the performance of gray iron welding joint is studied by means of thermo-simulated test in this paper.采用热模拟试验方法探讨了灰口铸铁焊接接头热影响区的奥氏体区组织对接头性能的影响。
10.Planned Parenthood World Populatio计划生育--世界人口组织
11.PPWP (Planned Parenthood-World Population)计划生育-世界人口组织
12.NGO Population Task Force非政府组织人口工作队
13.ETI(Ensemble Transport Interface)信号群(组)传输接口
14.The organization shall manage the interfaces between different groups involved in design and development to ensure effective communication and clear assignment of responsibility.组织应对参与设计和开发的不同小组之间的接口进行管理,以确保有效的沟通,并明确职责分工。
15.The recipient of a transplanted tissue or organ.移植接受体移植组织或器官的接受体
16.To receive into a religious order or congregation.接受入教接受…加入宗教组织或团体
17.Jointing of ZA Alloy and Microstructure and Properties of Joint;ZA合金的连接及接头组织与性能研究
18.Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Welded Joints in Bogie Frame;转向架构架焊接接头组织与性能研究

white microstructure白口组织
3)fracture microstructure断口组织
1.By analyzing the fracture microstructure of soldered joints,it is found that the fracture mechanism of SnAgCu soldered joints is due to toughness fracture,while fracture mechanism of SnPb soldered joints includes brittle fracture and toughness fracture.对焊点断口组织分析发现,SnAgCu焊点拉伸断裂方式为韧性断裂,而SnPb焊点的断裂方式兼有脆性断裂和韧性断裂的特征。
4)oral tissues口腔组织
1.Metronidazole concentration in rat blood and different oral tissues after intraperitoneal Injection;腹腔注射甲硝唑后大鼠血清和各种口腔组织中药物浓度的测定
5)organization population组织人口
1.There are a huge number of organizations (organization population) involved in the national economy,they are legal persons or corporations,compared org.在国民经济的行业中,组织的数量(即组织人口)是庞大的,并且组织的存在被拟人化,组织以法人的形式而存在,通过与自然人口的类比,组织具有明显的人口特征、生命特征和生态特征。
6)seam construction缝口组织

《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》  《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》有关旅游的国际协议之一。由国际民用航空组织秘书长和世界旅游组织秘书长经协商制定。此协议一共7条。根据此协议,双方秘书处本着互利的原则交流民用航空和旅游方面的信息和资料;双方可以派代表以观察员的身分参加对方的会议;在公开会议上,观察员有权获得会议文件和发言;双方可以在人才、资料、设备等方面互相支持。世界旅游组织秘书长和国际民用航空组织理事会主席可以通过协商修改协议的条款。此协议自1978年9月1日起生效。