1.The Academic Logical Structure and Literary Expression——The Appreciation of Artistic Appeal of Ancient Zouyi in Beisong Dynasty;学术化的逻辑结构与文人化的形象表达——从两篇“万言书”看北宋奏议文的艺术感染力
2.“Zouyi”language body is belong to the ancient official language body, which is the most practical and traditional language body for ministers reported to emperor.奏议语体属于古代公文语体,是古代臣下向帝王及各诸侯国之君进言时使用的具有直接实用价值和惯用体式的语体。

1.Talking about the Relationship Between the Tendency of the Military and Confucian Flow Together in Ming Dynasty and the Book "Chen Zilong s Opinions of Military to the Emperor";明代兵儒合流与《陈忠裕公兵垣奏议
2.Studying on an Article Style Which Petitioned to the Emperor -Since the 1980s;唐代奏议文研究述略——1980年以来的情况
3.The Reports and Proposals to the Emperor by Fan Qin: A Rare Historical Book on the Fight Against Japanese Aggressors in the Ming Dynasty;从《范司马奏议》看范钦的抗倭活动
4.Research of 《那文毅公(彦成)筹划回疆善后奏议》研究
5.A Comparative Study Upon the Proposals About the New Ruling Mongolian between Mongolian and Man-Han Princes;清末蒙古王公与满汉大臣新政筹蒙奏议对比研究
6.The Discussion about Zou-yi artile of DU Gu-ji--And discussing his contribution and status to ancient Chinese prose试论独孤及的奏议文——兼论独孤及古文创作的贡献及地位
7.The resolution was the prelude to more drastic action.这项决议只是更激烈的行为的前奏。
8.Discussion on the Performance and Teaching of Zolotaryov s Partita;佐罗塔耶夫《帕蒂塔一号》演奏、教学刍议
9.The protesters chanted in the street below.在下面的街上,抗议者们有节奏地反复喊口号。
10.This time the silent victory has the sound--Discusses the silent practice of piano performance;此时无声胜有声——刍议钢琴演奏的无声练习
11.Some Hints on Playing TWO PARTS INVENTIONS;浅议演奏《二部创意曲》应该注意的几个问题
12.On the Effect of Piano Accompaniment During the Chorus Class;钢琴伴奏教师提升合唱课教学效果刍议
13.The Manufacture of the Yi clan Suo Na and Give musical Performance the Procedure and Compete the Shallow Theory of Rules;彝族唢呐的制作、演奏程序和比赛规则浅议
14.Some Suggestion on the form of Hand Gesture in Children Playing the Piano;儿童钢琴弹奏中基本手型形成的一些建议
15.The Prelude of the Historical Turn;历史转折的前奏——邓小平与一九七五年整顿平议
17.It was like Jay was playing a magical pipe, and the crowd had fallen under his spell.当时就好像杰伦在演奏着不可思议的管乐,大家都被他的魅力倾倒。
18.It was Leopold Mozart who suggested to his son that he write a number of violin concertos .正是利奥尔特·莫扎特建议他儿子写几首小提琴协奏曲。

The Reports and Proposals to the Emperor by FanQin范钦奏议
3)Duansu Memorial端肃奏议
4)zouyi on the Han dynasties汉代奏议
5)Huangqing Zouyi《皇清奏议》
6)Zou-yi artile奏议文
1.The Discussion about Zou-yi artile of DU Gu-ji——And discussing his contribution and status to ancient Chinese prose试论独孤及的奏议文——兼论独孤及古文创作的贡献及地位

奏议1.臣下向帝王上书言事﹐条议其是非﹐谓之奏议。 2.文体名。古代臣下上奏帝王的各类文字的统称﹐包括表﹑奏﹑疏﹑议﹑上书﹑封事等。