1.The western countries have the Hedonism and Consummation Theory while China has the following concepts: 1.西方有快乐论和完善论,中国则有儒家道德幸福论、道家自然幸福论、道教长生不老幸福论、佛教普渡众生幸福论"、存天理,灭人欲"论和"民生是社会活动原动力"论。

1.Discussing the Problem of Learning Happiness--The Study Principle of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty;学习快乐论——先秦儒家的学习理念
2.The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.快乐论认为只有令人快乐或带来快乐结果的东西才是在本质上好的伦理信条
3.But his eudemonism was not epicurean hedonism, because eudemonia was an activity.但他的幸福观不是享乐主义的快乐论,因为幸福是“实现活动”。
4.The Sonata of Gay Illusion Discussion about the essence of Lin Yutang s gay science;快乐幻想曲——论林语堂快乐哲学的本质
5.Mechanisrn of Happiness in Economic Society--On Happy Economics Development;经济社会中的快乐机制——论快乐经济学的发展
6."Joyfully teaching"method in college students ideological and political theories;高校思想政治理论课“快乐”教学浅论
7.The Happiness of Pericarp --The Free Spirits of Europe Painting果壳的快乐——论欧洲绘画的自由精神
8.Cross-disciplinary Deduction of Happiness Theory:Research Summary;快乐理论的跨学科演绎:一个研究综述
9.The Infiltration of Happy Sports Belief on Basketball Teaching;论快乐体育理念在篮球教学中的渗透
10.Discussion on the Appliance of Pleasure Sports in Calisthenics Teaching;论快乐体育在健美操课教学中的运用
11.Management of sports teams in “happy football”;论“快乐足球”中的现代体育运动队管理
12.Comment on "Happy Sports"Teaching Method in Higher Professional Schools;试论高职体育教学中的“快乐体育”
13.Happy Football Teaching;试论快乐教学法在足球教学中的运用
14.Discussion on Happy Sport Going into Volleyball Classes of Colleges论快乐体育进普通高校排球教学课堂
15.Merry Education and Joyous Children-on the Effect of Merry Education;愉快教育和快乐孩子——论愉快教育对提高教育质量的影响
16.The boy is happy, very happy.男孩很快乐,非常快乐。
17.Happy Barry, Happy Barry,快乐的巴瑞,快乐的巴瑞,
18.Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!

happy theories快乐理论
3)New ldeas on Pleasure快乐新论
4)On Sports Teaching with Pleasure and Entertainment论快乐体育教学
5)Talk about "Pleasant-way" Physical Training浅论快乐体育
1.Strengthening the synchronous education of happy and hard-working consciousness in P.E. teaching;加强体育教学中快乐与勤劳意识的同步教育
2.Its main purpose of the sexual life can be for the marriage (love ), bears (survives ) , happy (physiology ), this is a main function of a sexual behavior too.性生活的目的就其主要方面可以是为着婚姻 (爱情 )、生育 (生存 )、快乐 (生理 ) ,这也是性行为的主要功能。

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版。