1.The first metaphorical identity is tourist, which discussed three issues.第一类是“观光者”,主要从现代“朝圣者”与后现代“观光者”的比较,文化消费时代作为普遍隐喻的“观光者/消费者”统一体呈现出审美泛化,以及对这种审美泛化现象中的“观光者/消费者”的主体性与个体性的反思,这三方面展开讨论。

1.Visitors admire Beijing for its beauty.观光者赞赏北京的美丽。
2.an inveterate seer of sights.锲而不舍的名胜观光者
3.The castle was full of sightseers.城堡里到处都是观光者
4.It's all for the tourists, really.这一切全然是着眼于观光者
5.The trees planted by the foreign visitors are growing well.外国观光者种的那些树长势良好。
6.The sightseers got drenched with the sudden rainfall.观光者被突如其来的大雨淋透了。
7.a guide who conducts and informs sightseers.引导或给观光者讲解的向导。
8.Tourists luxuriate in the hot baths in a hot spring resort.观光者们在温泉胜地尽情享受温泉
9.The tourists will get an eyeful of the city from the top of that tall building.观光者从那座高楼顶上可以饱览全城的景色。
10.For tourists who love to shop, what does Norway have to offer?对于那些想要购物的观光者,在挪威能买到什么?
11.The courier rounded up the tourists and hurried them back into the coach.导游把观光者集中在一起,催他们回到车中。
12.a percipient onlooker目光敏锐的旁观者.
13.The tourist carried a pack on his back.观光旅行者背了个包。
14.Beauty is relative to the beholder's eye.美和观者的眼光有关系。
15.Sightseeing tours are laid on for visitors.已为来访者安排了观光活动.
16.to go mountaineering, or to visit the South Pole.来南极登山,或者来南极观光。
17.The Sacred Authority--about the Classic Views of Author闪烁神圣光芒的权威——古典作者观刍议
18.On the road away from home there are generally two kinds of people - tourists and travelers.离家出远门的人大致可分两类——观光客和旅行者。

3)a swarm of sightseers一大群观光者。
1.Analyzing on the Tension Being Perceived by Visual Perception and the Way of Interpretation of Artwork into Viewer s Experience;视觉张力是观者观看艺术作品时经常产生的感觉之一。
5)A guide for sightseers.导游观光者的向导
6)A spectator;an onlooker.观察者;旁观者

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。