3)public purpose公共目的

1.A public trust is one that benefits some public purpose.公益信托是一有利公共目的的信托。
2.To appropriate(property)for public use.没收(征用)为了公共目的而没收(财产)
3.Thus, Congress may regulate for any public purpose concerning activities on public lands.因此,国会为了任何公共目的,可以约束公共土地上的所有活动。
4.It is far simpler to evaluate public projects undertaken through a bank loan than through a direct public expenditure grant.评价以银行贷款所进行的公共项目,要比评价通过直接公共支出拔款进行的公共项目简单得多。
5.A limited bus gets to its destination fast.停站少的公共汽车到达目的地快。
6.3. Public stockholding for food security purposes3. 用于粮食安全目的的公共储备5
7.The Normal Purpose of the Government:Pursuit and Realization of Public Interest政府的规范目的:追求和实现公共利益
8.The Risk Identification Study on PFI Method of Public Project;公共项目建设PFI模式的风险识别研究
9.Common Prosperity: Goal for the Unity of Efficiency and Fairness;共同富裕:效率与公平统一的价值目标
10.Policy thinking on realizing public service equal target;实现公共服务均等化目标的政策思考
11.Probing into the Mode of Finance-Construction on Consignment in China Based on BOT/ PFI;基于BOT/PFI的公共工程项目融资代建制
12.Selecting and Deciding the Public Funds Performance Audit Items;公共资金绩效审计项目的选择与确定
13.Public project evaluation based on material flow analysis;基于物质流分析的公共工程项目评价
14.Discussion on Performance Auditing of The Public Investment Project;对公共工程投资项目效益审计的探讨
15.Inclining and Adjusting of Public Teaching Art Target;公共课教学中美育目标的倾斜与调整
16.Problems to Be Solved in Our Country’s Present Public Fiscal System;目前我国公共财政体制应解决的问题
17.The Application of BOT Financing Mode in Public Establishment Project;BOT融资模式在公共设施项目中的应用
18.Risk Management of Public Payment Business Project in UMS银联商务公共支付类项目的风险控制

3)public purpose公共目的

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。