1.This paper takes the interaction between international institutions and state in the socialization process as a breakthrough point, in a perspective combined of constructivism and rationalism, it explores the socializing role of the WTO in China aiming to interpret the process of state-socialization, both from international and domestic level.国家社会化是一个双向过程,一方面国家出于自利或外力影响学习、内化国际制度规范,另一方面国际社会通过国际制度规范引导、约束国家行为,在这一过程中,国家的身份和利益会随着规范的内化而发生改变。

1.State Socialization:One Agenda in International Relations Study国家社会化:国际关系的一项研究议程
2.Social Market Economy and Duality of State and Society;社会主义市场经济与国家社会二元化
3.From State Socialism to Socialized Socialism ──Also on the Essential Characteristics of Socialism;从国家化社会主义到社会化社会主义──兼论社会主义的本质特征
4.Preliminary Discussion on Social Nature of the Early States in China;社会进化模式与中国早期国家的社会性质
5.Trend of State and Society in the Course of Modernization in China;中国现代化进程中的国家与社会走向
6.A Research on the Socialized Government Administration in the Perspective of "State and Society";“国家与社会”视野中的政府管理社会化研究
7.Socialist Harmonious Society s Problems of National Cultural Security;社会主义和谐社会构建中的国家文化安全问题
8.Community-based organizations:a key of healthy relationship with community;社会组织化:构筑国家与社会良性关系的关键
9.Confucian Doctrine and Social Progress;儒家学说与社会进步——美国的“东方化”
10.Brief Comment on the Historic Origin of the Social Poverty in Latin American Countries;拉美国家社会贫困化的历史根源刍议
11.The Governance of Policing: the New Understanding of the Socialization of National Policing;警事治理:国家警事社会化的新定义
12.On Social Problems of American Home-schooling Students;美国家庭学校学生的社会化问题初探
13.Research on the Socialization of Homeschooled Students;美国“家庭学校”学生社会化问题研究
14.The Relationship between the State and Society in the Changes of Dragon Lantern Culture in Pingfeng Village;屏风村龙灯文化变迁中的国家与社会
15.On Social Causes of "Suburbanization" in Cities of Developed Countries;发达国家城市“郊区化”的社会原因分析
16.The Clanization of the Relationship among the Staff in State-Owned Enterprises,Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2002 .《国有企业的家族化》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年版。
17.“Socialization” Replaces “Nationalization”--An Examination on the Ideological Trend of Russian “Education Socialization”;以“社会化”取代“国家化”——俄罗斯“教育社会化”思潮之考察
18.State s Politicalization and Society s Economization,and their Transcending--Trace and Orientation of State s Development of China;国家政治化、社会经济化及其超越——中国国家发展的轨迹与走向

the socialization of national policing国家警事社会化
1.The strategy of the socialization of national policing is being a trend in the field of policing transforming.在国内外警务战略模式变革中成为潮流的"国家警事社会化"战略,是指在警察机关专业警务活动的同时,动员社会组织和社区公众共同参与防控违法犯罪、维护社会治安秩序活动的过程。
4)States–Society Relations国家—社会
5)state and society国家与社会
1.Functions of State and Society in Disputes over Temple Property in the Qing Dynasty:A Case Study based on Files and Judgments;清代寺庙产业纠纷中的国家与社会——以档案与判牍资料为例
2.State and Society: on Classical Marxist Writers;国家与社会:马克思主义经典作家之阐释
3.It is necessary for the nation-states to make hard efforts in three structural dimensions:relations of state and society,government conducts,and citizenship consciousness until the final formation of well-operated interactive relations between the state and the society,a rule of law government,and an active citizenship.为了建设政治能力,民族国家需要在国家与社会关系、政府、公民这三个结构性因素方面做出艰苦努力,把国家与社会关系建设成一种良性互动的关系,把政府建设成一个法治政府,把公民身份塑造成一种积极公民身份,并借此在这三个结构性因素之间形成积极的、良性的结构性相互关系状态,为政治能力的建设提供一种持久的结构性动力,以实现政治发展。
6)the state and the society国家与社会
1.Also the relation between the state and the society is subtly changing.在上述因素的合力作用下,居民委员会的传统角色正在发生转换,国家与社会的关系也正在发生着微妙的变化,这种变化预示着社区有可能成长为“后单位时期”新型的社会组织空间。
2.the United Front;national political system;relations between the State and the society;and socialist democratic politics.人民政协在中国特色社会主义事业中的地位,具体体现于它在统一战线、国家政治制度、国家与社会关系以及社会主义民主政治等四个方面的地位和作用之中。
