1.This thesis intends to apply DeMiT proposed by Anolli et al.本文试图用Anolli等人(2001)提出的欺骗性偏差交际理论(DeMiT),把谎言作为一种偏差交际(miscommunication)行为,并把它作为在交际中一种“转机”(a chance)来分析谎言,以期拓展谎言的研究领域,以一种不同的视角对谎言进行分析。

1.Analysis of Deception under the Deceptive Miscommunication Theory非真实性话语的欺骗性偏差交际理论分析
2."Reason deceives us often, conscience never"理性常骗人,良心永不欺
3.Motivation of Intentionally Deviated Context and Its Role in Verbal Communication;言语交际过程中意旨性语境偏差及其作用的理据
4.This theory was intended to deceive naive people.这一理论旨在欺骗天真群众。
5.Fraudulent business practices.构成欺骗的交易行为
6.Analysis On the Differences between Chinese and American Verbal Communication Patterns from the Perspective of High-context and Low-context Culture从高低语境文化交际理论看中美交际模式差异
7.The Warrant Prices of China s Securities Market: The Deviation between the Actual and Theoretical Prices;中国证券市场权证价格:理论与实际的偏差
8.Studies on the Relation between the Development of Theory of Mind and Deception of the Preschoolers;学前儿童心理理论及欺骗发展的关系研究
9.Deceptive, Spurious and Misleading Factors in Advertisement and the Legislative Management;广告的误导性、欺骗性、虚假性及其法律管理
10.The Study on the Development of Preschooler's Deception--Analyzing the Development of Preschooler's Deception from View of Theory of Mind;学前儿童欺骗发展的研究——从心理理论视角透析学前儿童欺骗的发展
11.The departures of an actual image from the prediction of simple theory are called aberrations.实际的象与简单理论所预期的象的偏差,叫做象差。
12.deceptive calm.具有欺骗性的冷静。
13.actual deceit; concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent to cause injury to another.事实上的欺骗行为;隐藏某些东西或者发表欺骗性的言论来对他人造成伤害。
14.This is an excuse for postponing and resisting reunification, as well as a scheme to deceive compatriots in Taiwan and world opinion.这是拖延和抗拒统一的借口,是欺骗台湾同胞和国际舆论的伎俩。
15.Decision Bias and Relative Rationality in Behavioral Fionance;行为金融理论中的决策偏差与相对理性
16.There is too much hype, mythology, and wishful thinking surrounding GUI-based regression automation.对于基于GUI的回归自动化测试,有很多带有欺骗性的、切实际的想法。
17.To load or manipulate(dice)fraudulently.诈骗欺骗性地装入或操纵(骰子)
18.Principle of Packet Sniff by ARP Spoof in a Switched Network and Defense InstrumentARP欺骗实现交换式网络数据包嗅探的原理及其防范

Interpersonal Deception Theory人际欺骗理论
1.This paper seeks to analyze deception from Interpersonal Deception Theory and find out the potential relation between deception and language learnin本文一方面从Buller和Burgoon(1996)的人际欺骗理论分析非真实性话语,另一方面将非真实性话语与语言学习相结合,试图找出二者之间的潜在联系。
3)psychology of deception欺骗心理
1.The origin of honest deficiency is not the network but the fraudulence in interpersonal communication,and the particularity of network circumstance as an inducing factor.诚信缺失的根源不在网络,而在于人际交往已有的欺骗性,网络环境的特殊性只是其诱因。
5)switch deceiving交换机欺骗
6)Dissonance theory偏差理论
