1.On the Success and limitation of Chinmpas livelihood of Aztec阿兹特克“奇南帕”生计方式的成功与局限

1.On the Success and limitation of Chinmpas livelihood of Aztec阿兹特克“奇南帕”生计方式的成功与局限
2.To the south is a door leading to the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchens.楼梯南边是一个通向赫奇帕奇公共休息室和厨房的大门。
3.Sorting Hat: Let's see. I know! Hufflepuff!分院帽:让我想想。我知道了!赫奇帕奇!
4.“We have shot down 2 Apache helicopters.“我们已经击落2架阿帕奇直升飞机。
5.Someone once saw Parker walking in a strange way,有个人看到帕克走起路来姿势很奇怪,
6.A strong, cold southwest wind that blows across the Pampas.帕姆佩罗风吹过潘帕斯草原的强冷的西南风
7.The University of South Florida at Tampa--Tampa, Florida南佛罗里达州立大学坦帕校区——南佛罗里达州坦帕
8.Pug put all other mail aside, and stared at the curious communication from the curious man.帕格把其他信件摆在一边,注视着这封来自一位奇人的奇怪的信。
9.He laid violent hands on the collar of poor Partridge...他恶狠狠地一把抓住可怜的帕特里奇的衣领……
10.All patients examined using Apachi RX 400 color Doppler ultrasound diagnosis instrument produced in USA.由美国阿帕奇RX400型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪检测。
11.Duga( Rainbow): Belgrade;2 a month; news magazine; Editor-in-Chief- Ilija Repaic.彩虹》:贝尔格莱德;半月刊;主编-利雅·帕伊奇。
12.Packard's commitment to employees was also legendary.帕卡德一心为员工的精神也具有传奇性。
13.Pascal Chimbonda was tortured by the returning Wayne Bridge.帕斯卡尔.齐姆波达被复出的韦恩.布里奇折磨。
14.It had been sliding strangely southward.它总是奇怪地向南移。
15.a cowboy of the South American pampas.在南美潘帕斯草原的牛仔。
16.9.The historical inner city of Paramaribo,Suriname.9、苏里南帕拉马里博的古老内城。
17.The Other Name of Yunnan Muslim-An Etymological Analysis of Panthay, Pang-hse and Pashi;云南回族的他称——“潘塞”、“潘西”和“帕西”辨析
18.From Nanao Island in Guangdong to the Paxi Dai People in Yunnan: Two Cases of the Interpretations of Historical Texts广东南澳岛与云南“帕西傣”:历史文本的解读两例

1.Improved synthesis of a panipenem intermediate p-nitrobenzyl-2-oxo-carbapenam-3-carboxylate;帕尼培南关键中间体2-酮碳青霉烷-3-羧酸对硝基苄酯的合成改进
2.Pharmacokinetics of panipenem/betamipron in patients with respiratory tract infections;帕尼培南-倍他米隆在呼吸系统感染病人体内的药动学研究
3.A study of pharmacology and clinical application of panipenem/betamipron, a new carbapenem;新型碳青霉烯帕尼培南-倍他米隆的药理研究和临床应用
5)Paci's operation帕奇氏手术
