1.The historical and social phenomena of male-preference in the area of Chaozhou-Shantou is very common,which mainly involves in such discriminations and unfair treatment against women as demonstrated in the wrong concept of fertility,education,social and family status and marriage.重男轻女的社会历史现象在潮汕地区相当严重,主要表现在生育观以及教育、社会与家庭地位、婚姻等方面对妇女的歧视和不公平待遇。

1.The Influence of Shangzhou Tradition of Viewing Sons as Better than Daughters On Jia Pingwa s Literary Creation;论商州重男轻女思想对贾平凹创作的影响
2.Sexism and Racism-Trends of Material-selecting in Criticism of American Literature in China;重男轻女和种族歧视——浅谈国内美国文学批评选材趋势
3.Statistics on the one-child policy confirm the continuing dominance of a patriarchal mentality in China.与独生子女政策有关的数据证实了中国重男轻女思想持续的统治地位。
4.The dominant child-bearing thought in the Han Dynasty is to attach importance to male offspring and population growth, to regard men as superior to women.汉代人普遍存在着重视子嗣、望人口增殖、男轻女等生育主导思想。
5.the latter was everything, the former an unimportant extra.男子的劳动就是一切,妇女的劳动是无足轻重的附属品。
6.Brings you all the results and standings from the Curling World Championships (Men, Women, Junior Men, Junior Women).从卷的世界冠军带给你所有结果和站(男人,女人,年轻男人,年轻女人)。
7.In the charming Josephine's eyes, Napoleon, thought thin and short, was an incomparably handsome man.女人注重男人的素质,正像男人注重女人的丽质。
8.promiscuous behavior男女胡搞一气的轻浮行为
9.Both young men and women date a number of different people.年轻男女都与许多异性约会,
10.Scratch, Handicap, Men, Women as well as Junior events.擦伤,缺陷,男人,女人以及年轻事件。
11.My response that I could identify with her values prompted the men to make a comparison of what men and women see as significant and insignificant.当我表示我能认同其妻子的价值观时,他们把男女两性之所重和所轻对比了一番。
12.Men s Important Role in Attaining Gender Equality;论男性在实现男女平等中的重要作用
13.It is a fact that young men are more romantic than young women. Young men fall in love at the drop of a hat.实际上年轻的男人比年轻的女人更浪漫,他们可以轻易地坠入爱河。
14.masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women).女人身上所具有的男子的气质(尤其指女孩子和年轻女性)。
15.Boys and girls, younger and older people too, save them.男孩和女孩、年轻人和老人都喜欢收集邮票。
16.This young judge was really Portia dressed as a man.事实上,这位年轻的法官就是女扮男装的波西亚。
17.The young woman rags out to kill.那个年轻的女人打扮得花枝招展地去勾引男人。
18.dating bar(供未婚年轻男女消遣的)情侣酒吧, 幽会酒吧

Viewing Sons as Better than Daughters重男轻女思想
1.The Influence of Shangzhou Tradition of Viewing Sons as Better than Daughters On Jia Pingwa s Literary Creation;论商州重男轻女思想对贾平凹创作的影响
3)inferiority of women, the idea of重男轻女的观念
4)patriarchal tradition重男轻女传统
5)change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters破除重男轻女习俗
6)Jack and Gill.年轻的男女。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j