2)He imposed on me.他欺骗我。
3)a deceitful person.欺骗的人。

1.someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police.为警察作信息人或欺骗的人。
2.Easily duped or deceived; gullible.易受骗的容易被人欺骗或欺辱的
3.a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud.通过欺骗或期诈手段来欺骗你的人。
4.make a dupe of a person欺骗 [愚弄] 人
5.One who is easily duped.易欺的人,易受骗的人
6.To deprive(another) of something by fraud; cheat or swindle.诈骗通过欺骗的方式夺取(别人的)东西;欺骗或欺诈
7.A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe.易受骗的人,笨蛋受骗子故意欺骗的受害人;笨蛋
8.practice (a) deception on a person [the public]欺骗某人 [大众]
9.To outwit or cheat others.欺诈智胜或欺骗别人
10.Liar begins by imposing upon others, but by deceiving themselves .骗子欺人始,骗己终。
11.The laws help persons who are deceived, not those deceiving.法律帮助受欺骗的人而不帮助行骗的人。
12.One that swindles or plays tricks.施诡计者骗子,欺骗别人或精于耍花招的人
13.The practice or use of tricks; deception by stratagem.欺骗,哄骗用诡计进行欺诈;用计谋进行的欺骗
14.dishonest behaviour, goings-on, competition欺骗的行为、 骗人的勾当、 做了手脚的比赛.
15.(of people or their actions)crafty;deceptive(指人及人的行为)诡计多端的,欺骗的
16.With Him are strength and effectual wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are His.诘k有能力和智慧;被欺骗的与欺骗人的,都属于祂。
17.No one wants to be tricked. However, those who counterfeit and sell imitations are repeating tricks over and over.没有人愿意被欺骗,可是,制假售假者的职业就是一次又一次的欺骗。
18.On the other hand, even ordinary charlatans are expert at deceiving others by behaving like saints.相反地,平凡的骗子却善于假扮圣人欺骗大众。

He imposed on me.他欺骗我。
3)a deceitful person.欺骗的人。
4)to hoax someone欺骗某人
5)He has played me a mean trick他欺骗了我。
6)A trick or deception.骗人把戏;欺骗
