
1.Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Mr. Manduertu being Engaged in Ethnic Studies立足田野 硕果累累——纪念满都尔图先生从事民族学研究50年
2.all the shelves in the library groan with books图书馆内的所有书架都摆满了书。
3.Shah, B. "Changing Spatial Order and New Conformity: Katmandu, Nepal." 1987.改变空间秩序与新国教:加德满都,尼泊尔>,1987.
4.All of Tolstoy's writings are filled with great humanity.托尔斯泰所有的作品都充满了伟大的仁爱。
5.The Discrimination on Mandulai aqlaqu Achievements of the Ordos Tribe in Mongols.;蒙古鄂尔多斯部首领满都赉阿哈剌忽事迹考辨
6.Port and madeira are fortified wines.波尔图酒和马德拉酒都是加度葡萄酒.
7.KATMANDU, Nepal, May 26? It's getting a little crowded at the top of the world.五月二十六日,尼泊尔首都加德满都,世界之巅变得有些拥挤。
8.Mrs Corney twice essayed to speak, and twice failed.考尔尼太太两次试图启齿,两次都没有成功。
9.Unlike the many other Kumaris in Nepal, the Kathmandu goddess makes only rare public appearances.像许多其他库马里斯在尼泊尔的加德满都只有女神难得公开露面.
10.Nepalese farmers take a rest from planting rice in a paddy in Dharmasthali.尼泊尔农夫在种植稻米的间歇中休息,满身都是泥巴。
11.Bill was, to all intents and purposes, a good husband but his wife still had many complaints about him.从各方面看,比尔都是一个好丈夫,可他的妻子仍对他满腹牢骚。
12.A great crowd was collected in Pall Mail and the neighbouring streets on Saturday evening;就在21号,星期六晚上,宝马尔大街和附近的几条大街上都挤满了人。
13."Is all safe, M. Morrel; and I think you will be satisfied on that head.“货都安全,莫雷尔先生,那方面我想你是可以满意的。
14.His mouth was full of biscuit.他满嘴都塞满了饼干。
15.An armed government soldier has become a common sight in Durbar Square, historic center of Nepal's capital city of Kathmandu.政府武装士兵已成为尼泊尔首都加德满都的历史中心——王宫广场的普遍景象。
16.Examples would be drinking potions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman's mana spring totem.喝药水等都算,但是人物的自然回复的那部分以及撒满图腾提供的回复都无仇恨。
17.They all laughed artificially, and Carol obediently talked libraries.她们都很不自然地笑了起来,卡萝尔很听话果然谈起图书馆来了。
18.There was a good Brussels carpet on the floor, rich in dull red and lemon shades, and representing large jardinieres filled with gorgeous, impossible flowers.地上铺着漂亮的布鲁塞尔地毯,暗红配淡黄的鲜艳底色上织着插满奇花异卉的大花瓶图案。

1.The results showed: Acetochlor and Metolachlor were selective excellent herbicides on the soil before seedling emerge.结果表明 :乙草胺、都尔为优良的选择性苗前土壤处理除草剂 ,施用量分别为 2 。
1.The Methods for Extracting Alteration Anomalies Based on the ETM~+ and Aster Data——A Case Study of the Mandula Area;基于ETM~+与ASTER数据的矿化蚀变信息提取方法研究——以满都拉地区为例
4)Chengdu's Manchu City成都满城
1.THE SPIRITUAL RESPONSE OF NATURE AND MAN——A Comparative Study of the Ecological Literature of Mandumai and Prishvin;自然与人的神性感应——满都麦与普里什文生态文学的比较研究
2.MAN AND NATURE LIVING IN PERFECT HARMONY IS ECOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY——On the Philosophical Source of Ecological Novels By Mandumai;天人和谐 生态哲学——论满都麦生态小说的哲学渊源
6)Man Duhai满都海
1.Mongolian Literature Study of Man Duhai s Actions;满都海夫人事迹蒙古文献考
