1.The fundamental measures to realize these efficiencies are self-discipline and social-discipline.个体自律和社会他律是实现其效益的基本途径。
2)society's other-discipline社会他律性
3)coial self-discipline社会自律
4)social law社会规律
1.Understanding social law with dialectical determinism;以辩证决定论认识社会规律
2., social history and social law originate from .哲学史上种种哲学由于没有正确地理解人和人在历史中的作用,从而否定社会历史的发展是有规律的,或对社会规律作唯心主义理解。
3.The social law is the human beings itself,and the natural law is the human who can think,the subject make the social law and the natural law be affected each other;make them have necessary connection by practices and the special thought model itself.社会规律是人的社会规律,自然规律是人的思维参与实践的自然规律,主体通过自身的活动并以自身独特的思维方式使社会规律和自然规律相互作用,使他们之间发生必然联系。

1.Brief Discussion on Dialectical Relations between the Laws of Nature and Society;略论自然规律与社会规律的辩证关系
2.Thought is the Connection Bridge between the Social Law and the Natural Law;思维——社会规律和自然规律之间联系的桥梁
3.Rules and regulations and laws and social conventions.规章制度,法律,社会惯例。
4.basic economic law of socialism社会主义基本经济规律
5.A Study on the Relations of the Society Law of Development and the Socialist Construction Rule;论人类社会发展规律与社会主义建设规律关系
6.Social Welfare Work s Policy Should Be Ruled by Law;社会福利社会化政策的法律规制探讨
7.From Social Facts to Legal Norms:The Law Asa Social Practice从社会事实到法律规范——作为社会实践的法律
8.not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention.不符合法律,道德规律,或社会习俗。
9.On the Socio-Historic Law and its Traits;论社会历史规律及其特点——兼驳波普对社会历史规律的否定
10.On Regularity of the Social Development from the Aspect of Social Organism of Marxism;从马克思社会有机体理论看社会发展的规律性
11.A Harmonious Society: the New Product in the Exploration of the Laws of the Development of Socialism;和谐社会:探索社会主义发展规律的新成果
12.A Study on Developing Law of Spiritul Life of Socialist Society in the New Era;新时期社会主义社会精神生活发展规律初探
13.Marx s Theory of Social Formation and the Universal Law of Social Development;马克思的社会形态理论和社会发展普遍规律
14.role of the law of value under socialist system社会主义制度下的价值规律的作用
15.An Analysis of Distribution Regular Pattern at the Primary Stage of Socialism试析社会主义初级阶段的分配规律
16.Confusions and exploration on the basic economic regulations in socialism社会主义基本经济规律的迷失与探索
17.I have in mind the existence of sociological laws or hypotheses.我想,社会科学规律或假说是存在的。
18.have a better understanding of the laws of social development对社会发展的规律性有进一步的了解

society's other-discipline社会他律性
3)coial self-discipline社会自律
4)social law社会规律
1.Understanding social law with dialectical determinism;以辩证决定论认识社会规律
2., social history and social law originate from .哲学史上种种哲学由于没有正确地理解人和人在历史中的作用,从而否定社会历史的发展是有规律的,或对社会规律作唯心主义理解。
3.The social law is the human beings itself,and the natural law is the human who can think,the subject make the social law and the natural law be affected each other;make them have necessary connection by practices and the special thought model itself.社会规律是人的社会规律,自然规律是人的思维参与实践的自然规律,主体通过自身的活动并以自身独特的思维方式使社会规律和自然规律相互作用,使他们之间发生必然联系。
5)the justice society法律社会
1.In a word, the school management change ought to search where the new custom is growing in the justice society.法律社会是法律学者力图构建的应然美好的正义之邦。
6)self-disciplining society自律社会

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决