
1.Not subject or susceptible to change.永恒的不可改变的或永远不变的
2.in an unalterable and unchangeable manner.以不能变更、不可改变的方式。
3.inflexibly entrenched and unchangeable.不屈不挠、确定不移、不可改变
4.unalterable in disposition or habits.在性格倾向或者习惯上不可改变
5.established or prearranged unalterably.不可改变的被确定或预先安排。
6.The judge's ruling is final.法官的判决是不可改变的.
7.A Discourse Concerning the Unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion论自然宗教不可改变的义务
8.The general trend of history is unalterable.历史发展的总趋势是不可改变的。
9.It could change its color and go for long periods without food.它可以改变颜色,并可以长期不吃东西。
10.Can players change the way their guild emblem will look?玩家可不可以改变工会会徽的外观?
11.A man will never change his mind if He has no mind to change.没主意可改变的人,永远也不会改变主意。
12.Don't demand that he change and don't blame him if he doesn't.切不可强求他改变,也不可在他没有改变时指责他。
13.Be patient Don't demand that he change and don't blame him if he doesn't.要有耐心切不可强求他改变,也不可在他没有改变时指责他。
14.A rash man who does not understand the need for such alterations or is unwilling to make them, but who acts blindly, will inevitably run his head against a brick wall.鲁莽家不知改变,或不愿改变,只是一味盲干,结果又非碰壁不可。
15.liable to sudden unpredictable change.容易突然、不可预料的改变。
16.④ The irreversible pathologic physiologic course played a role in UFF;④原发病及其不可逆的病理生理改变 ;
17.The user is most likely not willing to change their source of supply .用户很可能不愿意改变其进货货源。
18.Change shuttle turn-head, it can change different quantity and different widths.更换织造头,可改变不同带数和带宽。

3)Incapable of being changed;unalterable.不可能被改变的;不可变的

不可说不可说【不可说不可说】  谓从不可说、不可说为一不可说转,不可说转、不可说转为一不可说不可说也。