1.This paper is based on the field work in Tso Pema of India and Boudhanath of Nepal,in which some Tibetans are interviewed and observed,and it is going to discuss the social issues and mental puzzles the Tibetans confront.本文重点对印度的措班玛和尼泊尔的保达纳斯两个藏人聚居区进行了田野调查,讨论了他们面临的诸多社会问题和心理困惑。

1.An Anthropological Investigation into the Tibetan Settlements in India and Nepal:A Case Study of Tso Pema and Boudhanath对印度、尼泊尔藏人聚居区的人类学调查——以措班玛和保达纳斯为例
2.Nakho-Dagestanian languages纳霍-达吉斯坦诸语言
3.Srebarna Nature Reserve斯雷巴尔纳自然保护区
4.Nadezhda Krupskaia International Medal“纳杰日达·克鲁普斯卡娅”国际文化奖
5.NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation(美国)纳斯达克(高技术企业板)
6.Dow Jones index and Nasdaq fly side by side;道指与纳斯达克比翼双飞 ;
7.In the past year its share price has underperformed the NASDAQ.去年,公司的股价在纳斯达克表现糟糕。
8.NYSE Nasdaq Indices Continued to Slip纽约股市纳斯达克指数继续下滑
9.A mailbox has been added to the inn in Darnassus.达纳苏斯的旅馆外增加了一个邮箱。
10.Nasdaq lists about three thousand three hundred companies.纳斯达克列出了大概3300家公司。
11.Groups will be 08 in the United States listed on Nasdaq.集团将于08年在美国纳斯达克上市。
12.Different Interpretations of the Same Words:Interaction Between Derrida and Levinas;同名异释:德里达与列维纳斯的互动
13.Ethic in Deconstruction:Derrida and Levinas;解构的伦理面向:德里达与列维纳斯
14.Last week, the Dow Jones index shed another 3.4% while Nasdaq index took a 5% dive.上周,道-琼斯指数再降3.4%,纳斯达克指数猛跌5%。
15.The Dow shot up 117 points, while the NASDAQ rallied 30.道琼斯指数上涨117点,而纳斯达克指数回升30点。
16.Kanasi Integrated Nature Landscape Protect Region喀纳斯综合自然景观保护区
17.Analysis of the Manas River Basin Water Resources Management and Protection;浅析玛纳斯河流域水资源管理与保护
18.Analysis on the Value of World Nature Heritage in Kanas and Study on Its Conservation and Development;喀纳斯世界遗产价值分析与保护开发

1.Review of Beijing High-tech Enterprises Sprinting "NASDAQ";北京市高新技术企业冲刺“纳斯达克”评析
2.What is now going on with NYSE and Nasdaq incorporate restructuring marks a new turn of acquisition amongworld exchanges, which intensify their competition.纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克实施的重大并购行动标志着全球证券交易所新一轮并购浪潮的兴起,证券交易所之间的竞争再度趋于白热化。
3.Riskyinvestment can combine knowledge with capitals in a higher level, which tollywith those advanced and technological industries demand to funds; Onthe other hand, Nasdaqstock Market is an effective backward market which provides widely developing space for them.风险投资是使知识和资本在较高的层次上结合起来的一种金融市场的制度创新 ,它是符合高新技术企业对资金的需求的方式 ;而纳斯达克股票市场是风险投资有效的退出渠道 ,同时又为高新技术企业提供了广阔的发展空间。
3)Nasidac Market纳斯达克市场
1.A Successful Experience from the Nasidac Market of America and its Enlightenment to China;美国纳斯达克市场的成功经验以及对我国的启示
4)nasdaq effect纳斯达克效应
5)NASDAQ index纳斯达克指数
6)Go for a Gold Rush in Nasdaq去纳斯达克淘金

纳斯达克斯达克(Nasdaq)是全美证券商协会自动报价系统(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)英文缩写,但目前已成为纳斯达克股票市场的代名词。信息和服务业的兴起催生了纳斯达克。纳斯达克始建于1971年,是一个完全采用电子交易、为新兴产业提供竞争舞台、自我监管、面向全球的股票市场。纳斯达克是全美也是世界最大的股票电子交易市场。