教育学史,history of pedagogy
1)history of pedagogy教育学史
2)educational historiography教育史学
1.At present the development of educational historiography meets a double crisis of inside and outside.中国教育史学的发展遭遇到内外双重危机。
2.Nowadays, the research of American educational historiography in several domestic famous universities can be in the ascendant.当前,美国教育史学研究在国内几所顶尖高校可谓方兴未艾,但总的来说,我国的美国教育史学研究还处于起步阶段,并有待继续深化。
3.However,this institute has withdrawn to the marginal position of the mainstream of educational historiography due to the influence of genderless-oriented research and traditional historiography after the founding of New China and its successful experience has passed into silence and been left unused.由于建国后中性化研究取向和传统史学理路等多种影响,这所高等教育学府已经退居主流教育史学的边缘位置,其成功经验也被遗忘和闲置。

1.A Historic Survey of Disciplinary Structure of Chinese Education History;中国教育史学科结构方式的历史探究
2.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)
3.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)
4.concise history of Chinese educational psychology中国教育心理学简史
5.concise history of western educational psychology西方教育心理学简史
6.Educational Value of Mathematics History and the Tactics of the History Recording Educates of Mathematics;数学史的教育价值及数学史志教育的策略
7.On Instruction of History with Multi-media Technology在多媒体教学技术下的历史教育教学
8.The Investigation on the History of Science:The Phases of History of Science Entering into Scientific Education科学史教育的历史考察:将科学史引入科学教育的历程
9.On the Three-dimension Model of "History,Thinking and Application" in Teaching Pedagogy论教师教育中教育学教学的“史·思·用”三维模式
10.A Research on the Current Situation and Problem of Chemical History Education and Instruction in Middle School;中学化学史教育教学现状及问题研究
11.The Application Research of the Chemical History Education in Chemical Teaching;化学史教育在化学教学中的应用研究
12.Education Function of Mathematic History in Mathematical Education;发掘数学史在数学教学中的教育功能
13.Try to Discuss The Education of Chemical History In Analysis Chemistry Teaching;试论分析化学教学中进行化学史教育
14.On the Involvement of Moral Education in History Teaching;历史教学中渗透德育教育的几点思考
15.Liberal Education: Historical Inevitability of Higher Education;自由教育:高等学校教育的历史必然
16.History making one wise--On the learning of the history of education;读史使人明智——试论学习教育史的价值
17.Research of Chinese Education History in the Visual Field of "New Historiography;论“新史学”视域下的中国教育史研究
18.Secondary School Education on History and a Trial Research on the Effectiveness of Moral Education;中学历史教育与学校德育实效性初探

educational historiography教育史学
1.At present the development of educational historiography meets a double crisis of inside and outside.中国教育史学的发展遭遇到内外双重危机。
2.Nowadays, the research of American educational historiography in several domestic famous universities can be in the ascendant.当前,美国教育史学研究在国内几所顶尖高校可谓方兴未艾,但总的来说,我国的美国教育史学研究还处于起步阶段,并有待继续深化。
3.However,this institute has withdrawn to the marginal position of the mainstream of educational historiography due to the influence of genderless-oriented research and traditional historiography after the founding of New China and its successful experience has passed into silence and been left unused.由于建国后中性化研究取向和传统史学理路等多种影响,这所高等教育学府已经退居主流教育史学的边缘位置,其成功经验也被遗忘和闲置。
3)historiography education史学教育
4)historiography of education教育史学
1.As the interdiscipline of history and education,under the background of globalization,historiography of education should broaden the field of vision and scan widely.作为历史学与教育学的交叉学科,在全球化背景下,教育史学应拓宽视野、放眼世界。
5)chemistry history education化学史教育
1.In this paper,the authors,combining with the current situation of middle school chemistry teaching and chemistry history education home and abroad,from the perspectives of ideology education and teaching purpose,discuss the influences of chemistry history education on the student's learning interests.结合中学化学教学与国内外化学史教育现状,从思想教育和教学目的等方面探讨化学史教育对学生学习兴趣的影响。
6)Education of Chemistry History化学史教育
1.The Exploration of Carrying out Education of Chemistry History for Chemical Engineering Major in Vocational College;高职化工专业开展化学史教育的探索
2.Through the analysis of current situation and function of the education of chemistry history, this paper discusses the necessity, importance and its concrete measures of the education of chemistry history in chemistry education in colleges and universities.叙述化学史教育的现状与作用 ,讨论化学教学中进行化学史教育的必要性和重要性 ,并提出结合化学史教育组织教学的具体措
