子学,Zi Xue
1)Zi Xue子学
1.Introduction the Intellectual Background and Theoretical Foundation of Zi Xue in Late Qing Dynasty;“清末子学兴起的思想背景与学术渊源”绪论

1.Electronics used in astronautics.宇航电子学应用于航天学的电子学
2.Of or concerned with electrons or electronics电子的;电子学的;关於电子的;关於电子学
3.AVB (Avionics Bulletin)《航空电子学通报》
4.Modern Optics and Optoelectronics近代光学和光电子学
5.The application of the principles of electronics to biology and medicine.生物电子学子学原理对生物学和医学的应用
6.The study of the behavior and characteristics of nucleons or atomic nuclei.核子学研究核子或原子核变化和特点的学科
7.The adaptation of electronics for astronautics.应用航天电子学适用于航天学的电子学
8.Philosophers Study of Han Dynasty and Their Learning --Also on Philosophers of Han Dynasty and Study of Confucian Classics;汉代诸子学与汉代学术——兼评《汉代诸子与经学》
9.Atomic physics (or atom physics ) is physics of the electron hull of atoms.原子物理学是原子中电子云的物理学。
10.photoelectron spectroscopy of inner shell electron内层电子光电子能谱学
11.photoelectron spectroscopy of outer shell electron外层电子光电子能谱学
12.ferry one's child to and from school用车子载孩子上下学
13.Is the child at school?上学这孩子上学了吗?
14.ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis)化学分析电子光谱学
15.European Molecular Bioglogy Organization欧洲分子生物学学会
16.Children who go to school are schoolchildren.上学的孩子叫学龄儿童。
17.He tutored the children in mathematics.他指导孩子们学数学。
18.Children learn speech before they learn writing.孩子先学说话后学写字。

"The Students"学子
1.On the Image of College Students in "The Students" and "The Noble" by Liang Xiao-sheng评梁晓声《学子》与《贵人》中大学生形象
3)molecular electronics分子电子学
1.The new progress of molecular electronics and molecular electronic device was introduced together with the potential development and application of this rapidly-growing field in future.介绍了分子电子学与分子器件研究领域的最新进展 ,展望了分子电子学的发展前景 ,提出了一些新的想法和建
2.Based on this ab-initio modelling method, we study some phenomenons in molecular electronics which include conductance-length dependence and rectifying of molecular diodes.本论文详细阐述了分子器件中量子输运第一性原理的理论计算方法,以此理论计算方法为基础,研究了分子电子学中几个具体的问题,这些问题包括分子导线的电导-长度相关性和分子二极管的整流效应。
3.Within the last decade, there is an increasing interest in molecular electronics that is one of the important branches of the nanoelectronics.近些年来,分子电子学已经成为人们十分感兴趣的研究领域,是纳米电子学的重要研究方向和研究领域。
4)molecular photonics分子光子学
5)Quantum electronics量子电子学
6)quantum electronics最子电子学
