清代学术概论,Academic Introduction of Qing Dynasty
1)Academic Introduction of Qing Dynasty清代学术概论
1.Liang Qichao not only summarized academic development of the Qing Dynasty from the macroscopic angle comprehensively by Academic Introduction of Qing Dynasty and History of Knowledge in Near 300 Year,but also promulgated critical spirits of rationality of the traditional knowledge and scientific spirits of the traditional research method profoundly.梁启超的《清代学术概论》与《中国近三百年学术史》不仅从宏观的角度全面深入地概括了清代学术的发展脉络,而且深刻地揭示出传统学术蕴涵着的理性批判精神与传统治学方法中的科学精神。

1.From Jinshizhixueshu to Qingdaixueshugailun;从《近世之学术》到《清代学术概论
2.On the Scientific Spirit Embodied in Liang Qichaos′s Book The Learning in Qing Dynasty:An Introduction;论梁启超《清代学术概论》中的科学精神
3.[Liang Qichao. An Outline of Academia in Qing Dynasty. Beijing: Orient Press, 1996.梁启超:《清代学术概论》。北京:东方出版社,1996年。
4.Emancipating the Mind and Being Practical--An Analysis of An Academic Outline under the Qing Dynasty;“解放思想”与“经世致用”——《清代学术概论》浅析
5.Liang Qichao and A Survey of Qing Dynasty Learning;浅论梁启超晚年的学术研究——《清代学术概论》读后感
6.Analysis on Chu-Tsu Hseh s role for learning in Ch ing Dynasty;试论先秦诸子学在清代学术中的地位
7.Autonomy, Innovation, Application --Classroom teaching strategies in An Introduction to Modern Scientific Technology;自主 创新 应用——《现代科学技术概论》课堂教学策略
8.Contemporary Sinology and the Concept of Jing--A Study of the Chinese Aesthetic Concept "Inscape" And Zhang Yan s Poetic Concept "Transparency";当代西方汉学研究与“境”的概念——兼论张炎词论的“清空”之境
9.Features of Liang Qi chao’s Study on Academiacal History of Qing Dynasty;论梁启超晚年清代学术史研究之特色
10.Academy and Times: Based on Liang Qichao s Explanation about Academic History of Qing Dynasty;学术与时代——基于梁启超论清学史两种的论述
11.50 years of studies in Korea on Qing poetry and poetic theories: a review;半世纪来韩国国内清代诗学研究概况
12.The unclearness of the term, the right of academic freedom, has caused much embarrassment of the freedom of academy at present age.学术自由在当代遭遇的困窘,可部分归因于学术自由权概念的含混不清。
13.Qian Mu and the Formulation of the System of Chinese Modern History of Learning--A Study on His Introduction to National Learning;钱穆与中国现代学术史体制的创制——以《国学概论》为中心
14.Dai Zhen and Duan Yucai s fifteen-year discussion of ancient rhymes: a grand occasion in academic history of the Qing Dynasty;清代学术史上的盛事:戴震、段玉裁论韵十五年
15.On the Effect of Salt Economy on Academics of Two Huai in Qing Dynasity;论两淮盐业经济对清代学术文化的影响
16."New Learning" in Daoguang and Xianfeng Period and Studies on the History of Learning in Qing Dynasty: An Introduction to On China s History of Learning in Recent 300 Years;道咸“新学”与清代学术史研究——《论中国近三百年学术史》导读
17.Jianlun Qingru and the Complete Narration of Academic History in Qing Dynasty in the Form of Pedigree Chart《检论·清儒》与清代学术史的完整叙述——以谱系图例的形式
18.An Analysis on the Basic Concept of Modern Basketball Fast-break Tactics;对现代篮球快攻战术概念的理论辨析

the learning of Qing dynasty清代学术
3)Zhang Shunhui's View on the Academic study of Qing Dynasty张舜徽论清代学术
4)Zhang Tai-yan Expounding on the Learning of Qing Dynasty章太炎论清代学术
5)Introduction to Art艺术学概论
1.A Human-oriented Teaching Model——"An Introduction to Art" as an example;以人本理念构建《艺术学概论》新型教学模式
6)academic history of the Qing dynasty清代学术史

《清代学术概论》  中国近代思想家梁启超的著作。原是作者为蒋方震的《欧洲文艺复兴时代史》一书写的序,因篇幅过长,终于独立成书。他系统地概述了从明末到20世纪初 200多年间中国清代学术思想的发展,因而名为"清代学术概论"。1921年作为共学社史学丛书由商务印书馆印行。    作者认为,"清代思潮"的总趋势是"以复古为解放",意即以复古的形式表达自己时代的新思潮:第一步,复宋之古,对于王学而得解放;第二步,复汉唐之古,对于程、朱而得解放;第三步,复西汉之古,对于许、郑而得解放;第四步,复先秦之古,对于一切传注而得解放。    本书把清代学术思想的发展划分为四个时期:启蒙期、全盛期、蜕分期与衰落期。清初为启蒙期,主要是批判宋明理学(特别是明代的王学)的空疏,提倡贵创、博证、致用。代表人物有顾炎武、王夫之、黄宗羲、颜元、阎若璩、胡渭等。乾隆、嘉庆时代为全盛期,学术上以考据学为中心,讲求"实事求是",重"证据"。主要代表人物是惠栋、戴震、段玉裁、王念孙、王引之。梁启超特别推崇戴震,借钱大昕的话,称他是"实事求是,不主一家",并说"其志愿确欲为中国文化转一新方向,其哲学立脚点,真可称二千年一大翻案"。道光、咸丰以后进入蜕分期,且渐趋于衰落。清学的分裂导火线于今古文经学之争。清代今文经学派龚自珍、魏源、康有为等人从改革政治的需要出发,主张经世致用,以经术为治术,批判正统派为经学而经学的作风。梁启超以为今文经学之最有成就的是龚、魏,他们"虽言经学,而其精神与正统派之为经学而治经学者,则既有以异"。而康有为《新学伪经考》"实思想界之一大飓风",《孔子改制考》、《大同书》则是"火山大喷火","大地震"。    《清代学术概论》运用资产阶级研究法,以进化发展观点,从思潮与人物相结合方面对清代学术思想进行了总的历史考察。因此,它在中国近代史上是一部开创性的具有历史意义的著作。但由于作者的资产阶级立场、观点的局限,本书没有能够科学地阐明清代学术思想的根源及其发展的客观规律。 (见彩图)