追求深化,further profundity
1)further profundity追求深化

1.Thirty Years' Academic Development in the New Period of China接续断裂·空前繁荣·追求深化——回眸中国新时期30年学术发展
2.They were all men of considerable culture and had their respective aesthetic pursuits.他们具有深厚的文化修养,有各自的美学追求。
3.It is absolutely necessary for them to try hard to improve their ability, acquire more knowledge, and help spread cultural activities.努力提高自己,努力追求深造,努力做文化普及工作,都是万分必要的。
4.On the Deep Effects of Sea Culture on the Creation of Zhejing Modern Writers;试论海洋文化对浙江现代作家创新追求的深层影响
5.Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down.然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望牢牢套住你的追求者。
6.They saw their daughter Zhu Ying Tai kissing and cuddling with Liang Shan Bo, and becoming butterflies in the raging fire.追求真爱、所谓做人做蝶的梁山伯和祝英台忘我地深情拥抱深吻,在熊熊烈火中交合——化蝶。
7.Probing into the Meaning of Existence and Persistence in Such a Quest;生存真相的探询及其执著的深度追求
8.This conception of seeking after ideal harmony society supplies deep cultural details to build a socialism harmonious society.这种追求理想的和谐社会的思想,为我国构建社会主义和谐社会提供了深厚的文化底蕴。
9.A Broad and Deep Sense of History;宏阔、深邃的历史意识──论路遥的创作追求
10.The pursuit of deep connotation--Thinking on in-depth report in TV news意蕴与深度内涵的追求——关于做好电视新闻深度报道的几点思考
11.Pursuit of National Characters of Aesthetic Culture in Context of Globalization;全球化语境下审美文化的民族性追求
12.TO care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honor and reputation.尊重知识,追求真理,净化心灵,比追求金钱、荣誉和名声高尚得多.
13.To care for wisdom and truth and he improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation.尊重知识,追求真理和净化心灵,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声高尚得多。
14.Again workers are not maximizes.另外,员工不是目标最大化的追求者。
15.I believe constant learning and innovation as well as the pursuit of refinement!我相信:不断学习,不断创新,追求精致化!
16.Light and scene-to get lighting result of moonlight in courtyard光与景——庭院亮化追求月光的照明效果
17.Its sculpting seeks for briefness,variation,contrast and exaggeration.而其造型手法追求简洁、变化、对比、夸张;
18.Talk about the Nationalization Drive of the Chinese Film Since New Period;论新时期以来中国电影的民族化追求

depth pursuit深度追求
1.As an efficient literary way of probing into the spiritual world, the depth pursuit is an important criterion of judging the quality of literary and artistic works.深度追求是文学向更大的精神空间开掘的有效途径,是判断文学艺术质量的一个重要标准。
3)cultural pursuit文化追求
1.Editors cultural pursuit consists of two fundamental meanings.编辑的文化追求由两层基本涵义组成:编辑通过自己所从事的出版活动不断地为社会文化的进步与发展作出贡献,这是编辑的事业追求;与此同时,编辑还要围绕事业目标的实现而努力追求自身文化个性的不断修炼与完善。
2.Its great success lies in the following three strategies: first, the superior cultural pursuit and the great humanistic care excite people emotional warmness and spiritual comfort.其成功的原因主要有三个方面 :一是高品位的文化追求 ,浓郁的人文关怀给人们带来情感的温暖、精神的慰藉 ;二是紧扣人物性格 ,准确把握人物身上的矛盾冲突 ;三是精心创作细节 ,彰显节目的风
3.Socialist core value should guide the diversified ideological and cultural pursuit of the society.以社会主义核心价值体系引领多样化的社会思想和文化追求,是党在思想文化建设上的一个重大理论创新,也是我们必须面对的重大政治课题。
4)commercial pursuit商业化追求
5)worldly pursuits世俗化追求
6)Usual Doctrine日常化追求
