应用统计学,Applied statistics
1)Applied statistics应用统计学

1.Analysis and Calculation of User Satisfaction Degree with Statistics Method;应用统计学方法分析计算用户满意度
2.Biometry The application of statistics to the analysis of biological phenomena.生物统计学:应用统计学来分析生物现象的科学。
3.Study on the Statistic Mechanics of Statistical Average and Its Application;统计平均数的统计学机理研究与应用
4.To Discuss the Development of Statistics Science from the Framework of Statistics Application;从统计应用框架探讨统计学科的发展
5.Application of statistics to the analysis of biological and medical data.生物统计学分析生物和医学数据的应用统计
6.Sports Statistics Teaching Application of Computer Technology;体育统计教学应用计算机技术的思考
7.Network Course Teaching Design of Applied Mathematical Statistics应用数理统计网络课程教学设计探析
8.Integrated Student and School Application Project综合学生及学校应用系统计划
9.The Application of SPSS to the Teaching Test Statistics of College English;SPSS在大学英语教学测试统计中的应用
10.A Tentatvie Discussion of the Useage of Materialist Dialectics in Teaching Living Things Statistics;生物统计学教学中唯物辩证法的应用
11.Exploring on Applying Powerpoint in Physical Education Statistics Teaching;《体育统计学》教学中应用PowerPoint的探索
12.The Application of Statistics Analysis and Evaluation System to the Teaching of College English;“统计分析评估系统”在大学英语教学中的应用
13.Applications of Statistical Analysis in Environmental Chemistry统计分析在环境化学中应用
14.Application of Statistical Analysis to Environmental Chemistry统计分析在环境化学中的应用
15.Statistics is being harnessed to uncover the denizens of the deep.目前,统计学正被应用于寻找深水动物。
16.Application of statistics of extremes of flood hazard risk evaluation极值统计学在洪灾风险评价中的应用
17.The Cluster Analysis of Statistical Methods in Medical Dissertations;医学论文中统计方法应用的聚类分析
18.Operating System Multi-media Courseware Design and the Teaching Application;《操作系统》多媒体课件设计及教学应用

use of statistics统计学应用
1.However,the lack of or inappropriate use of statistics is still a serious problem and countermeasures should be applied.结果显示,2005年统计学应用状况比1997年有明显改善,但还存在误用率较高的问题。
2.In those papers,there are many serious problems,such as having only P value but no statistical method,inappropriate use of statistics,term and symbol.为了了解广东省医学学报论文中统计学应用的状况,对3种医学院校学报2006年670篇论文进行分析。
3)applied statistical mathematics应用统计数学
4)applied statistics应用统计数学
5)application statistic mathematics应用统计教学
6)applied demography应用人口统计学
