周期性过程,periodic process
1)periodic process周期性过程
2)non-periodic process非周期性过程
3)Periodic process周期过程

1.The main problem in optimal control of approximate period process is the optimization of periodic initial state.概周期过程最优控制的核心是周期初态的寻优。
2.ISO/IEC 15288:System Life Cycle Process;ISO/IEC 15288:系统寿命周期过程
3.Research on MIS Life Cycle Process Fuzzy Metrics Model;MIS生存周期过程模糊度量模型研究
4.The Risk Distribution Study in the Life-Cycle of the Engineering Project;工程建设项目生命周期过程中的风险分布研究
5.The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.次数单位时间内周期过程中发生的次数
6.Having a single host through the course of the life cycle.单性生殖的在生命周期过程中只有一个寄主的
7.A particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon.相,周相周期性的过程或现象中的特殊阶段
8.The engine cycle during which this process occurs.上述机器压缩过程的周期.
9.cycle of oparation(裂化过程中)连续运转周期
10.The organization shall minimize the cycle time of this process.组织应尽可能缩短该过程的周期.
11.Evolution Process of Life Circle-Oriented TMT in Enterprises;面向生命周期的企业TMT演进过程研究
12.On the Dynamic and Periodical Phenomenon in the Process of Enterprises’Production and Marketing;企业生产经营过程中的动态周期现象
13.Lifecycle of Modeling Business Process Based on Pi Calculus用Pi演算为业务过程建模的生命周期
14.New exploration of major and minor cycles in the process of sports training运动训练过程中大、小周期划2分新探
15.Discussion on Materials Management of the Whole Project Life Cycle;浅论工程项目生命周期全过程的材料管理
16.The current evolutions during address and sustain periods of different electrodes,were calculated,respectively.给出了寻址周期和维持周期各电极上的电流变化过程。
17.A periodic reduction in the received strength of a radio transmission.周期性的衰减在无线电的传送过程中,接收能力的周期性减弱
18.Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle .衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿。

non-periodic process非周期性过程
3)Periodic process周期过程
4)acyclic process非周期过程
5)quasi-periodic process概周期过程
6)Periodical Non-Stationary Normal Process周期性非平稳正态过程

周期性周期性periodicity  ①事物反复有规律的变化,每一次变化称为一个周期。如生理状态下的心动周期、呼吸周期、月经周期等。②疾病过程中临床症状多次重复出现的规律性。如周期热、溃疡病周期性上腹部疼痛等。