进城农村劳动力,rural workers
1)rural workers进城农村劳动力
1.The shortage of rural workers reflects some new features during the development process,such as the changes of utility function,object function and so on.民工荒现象反应了农民工发展的许多新特点,诸如效用函数和目标函数的变化等,这也预示着我们对进城农村劳动力这一流动群体应该重新予以审视。

1.Empirical Research on the Generation Differences of Rural Worker进城农村劳动力代际差异的实证研究
2.Accelerating the Process of Urbanization to Promote the Transferring of the Rural Surplus Labors;加速城市化 促进农村剩余劳动力转移
3.On the Transfer of Rural Labour Force in the Process of Promoting Urbanization;从推进城市化进程谈农村劳动力的转移问题
4.Mobility of the Rural Labor Force in the Process of Rural Urbanization城镇化进程中的农村劳动力职业流动分析
5.Research on the Transference of the Rural Labor in HuBei Province during the Process of Urbanization;城市化进程中的湖北农村劳动力转移研究
6.Research on the Shifting of the Labor in the Countryside in the During of Urbanization;城市化进程中农村剩余劳动力就业问题研究
7.Economics Analysis on Rural Surplus Labor Force s Going to Cities for Employment;农村剩余劳动力进城就业的经济学分析
8.Research on China s Rural Labor s Migration and Urbanization;中国农村劳动力转移与城市化进程研究
9.Promote the Transfer of the Labor Force of Wenzhou Suburb through the Change of Economic Form;以经济转型促进温州城郊农村劳动力的转移
10.Moving Forward of Urbanization: Basic Way Out of Transferring Rural Surplus Labor;城市化推进:农村剩余劳动力转移的根本出路
11.Transfer of Surplus Labour Force from Rural Area and Urbanization ofRural Area农村剩余劳动力的转移和乡村城市化
12.Urbanization should proceed in a positive and sound manner and rural workforce should be encouraged to shift to non-agricultural industries.积极稳妥地推进城镇化,促进农村劳动力向非农产业转移。
13.Theory analysis on the impact on migrating surplus farming labor to city employment and wage rate;农村剩余劳动力进城对城市就业与工资率影响的理论探讨
14.Country negroes flocked into the cities, leaving the rural districts without labor to make the crops.农村里的黑人拥进了城市,使得农业地区没有劳动力种庄稼。
15.A Comparative Study on the Process of Urbanization of the Rural Labor Force in Non-agricultural Policy城市化进程中的农村劳动力非农化政策研究——基于比较研究视角
16.City s improvement of countryside surplus laborer accommodation mode and its application;城市对农村剩余劳动力容纳能力模型的改进及应用
17.Research on Rural Urbanization and Rural Surplus Labors Transfer;农村城镇化与农村剩余劳动力转移研究
18.A Study of Labor Force Shifting in Rural Areas and Coordinating Development of the Urban and Rural Areas;农村劳动力转移与城乡协调发展研究

migration of rural laborers into cities农村劳动力城乡迁移
3)rural labor force农村劳动力
1.The present status,characteristics and restricted factors of rural labor force transfer in Guizhou province;现状特点与制约因素分析:贵州农村劳动力转移
2.Study on Guizhou rural labor force s migration—case study on 3 natural villages of Guizhou province;贵州农村劳动力流动抽样调查与分析——以贵州省3个自然村为例
3.On the relationship between rural labor force quality and economic development in poverty stricken counties;试论贫困县农村劳动力素质与经济发展的关系
4)Rural labor农村劳动力
1.Effect of Relative Deprivation on Rural Labor Migration in China;相对贫困对农村劳动力迁移决策的影响研究——来自江西的经验分析
2.Analysis of effect of education background of Ejin Horo Banner on rural labor household income——A case study of Ejin Horo Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;农村劳动力受教育水平对家庭收入的影响分析——以内蒙古伊金霍洛旗为例
3.Study on rural laborer shifting modes and countermeasures in low developed area in the transformation period——take Gansu Province as an example;转型期欠发达地区农村劳动力转移模式对策研究——以甘肃省为例
5)rural labour农村劳动力
1.On the positive significance of rural labour s transference in the development of countryside;农村劳动力转移对农村发展的积极意义
2.This paper analyzes the positive and negative effects of the transfer of rural labour to cities.通过分析农村劳动力向城市转移的积极和负面效应,指出农村劳动力向城市转移不仅是生产要素支配者追求报酬收益最大化的必然要求,同时也是实现城乡共同利益的需要。
3.The flowing of rural labour exerts the positive influence on the rural family income,consume and agriculture product input and rural ecological enviornment,improve the human capital level of labours and advance the ability of self-development.农村劳动力流动对农户家庭收入、消费、农业生产投入和农村生态产生了积极影响,改善了劳动者本人的人力资本水平,提高了其自我发展的能力。
6)Rural laborer农村劳动力
1.On the innovation of the training system for the transfer of rural laborers;谈农村劳动力转移培训的机制创新
2.This text analysed the actualities,new characters and existing problems of the rural laborers flowage through the sampling investigation in partial regions of Midwestern areas.本文通过对具有代表性的部分中西部地区近年来农村劳动力外出打工情况的抽样调查,分析了中西部地区农村劳动力流动的现状、新的特征和趋势,以及存在的一些问题;并针对这些问题提出了促进农村劳动力有序流动、减少和降低农民流动的成本和风险的对策建议。
3.This paper has analyzed that the rural laborer s structural migration will crowd the urban labor to the high technology sector from the low technology department.分析了农村劳动力的结构性转移,认为农村劳动力向城市转移将把城市劳动力从低技术部门挤向高技术部门。
