复杂样本,complex samples
1)complex samples复杂样本

1.Research on the RBFNN for Complex Classifications;基于RBFNN的复杂样本分类研究
2.Sampling Inspection Method Based on Small Sample Size from Complex Population;基于小样本复杂总体试验的抽样验收方法
3.Analysis on complexity of monthly runoff series based on sample entropy in the Dongjiang river基于样本熵的东江月径流序列复杂性分析
4.Samples Complexity Estimation Algorithm Optimizes Structure of Artificial Neural Network样本复杂性估计算法优化神经网络结构
5.make something more diverse and varied.使事情多样化或复杂。
6.The causes of this revival were many and complex.这次复兴的原因是复杂多样的。
7.The Definition and the Fundamental Problem of Complexity;复杂性的概念界定及复杂性的基本问题
8.Thirty years progress of ion chromatography in sample analysis including inorganic anion and cation, organic acid and base, as well complex sample are reviewed.本文综述了近30年来离子色谱在无机阴、阳离子,有机酸、堿和复杂样品分析方面的进展。
9.That Cézanne could explore such complex problems without sacrificing the quality of his art is an index of his genius.塞尚在不牺牲其艺术本质的条件下探索这样复杂的问题,是他天才的一个表现。
10.To have arrived at something sculpturally convincing out of such a complicated theological recipe would have been achievement enough.从这样一堆复杂的条件中创造出一件令人信服的雕刻本身就已经是不小的成就。
11.Also, the physiological alternatives are themselves complex, and cannot be adequately described by simple terms such as warm or cold blooded.而且,生理的选择本身就很复杂,用温血或热血这样的简单词汇来描述过程是不够的。
12.Diseases of the kidney are as complex as its structure.肾脏的疾病正如它的结构一样复杂。
13.The same considerations can be applied to more complex molecules.同样的考虑也可用于更复杂的分子。
14.The administration of a large project like this is very complicated.像这样大的项目,管理工作很复杂。
15.This is not as complicated as it sounds.这件事并不象听起来那样复杂。
16.Such a procedure complicates the task of grading.这样的程序使评分的任务复杂化。
17.The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied.反社会行为的原因既复杂又多样。
18.The production possibilities for a nation are diverse.一个国家的生产可能性是复杂多样的。

sample complexity样本复杂度
1.Computational learning theory provides formal framework for comparing the performance of two algorithms,and can determine the sample complexity and the computational complexity of some concept class.计算学习理论为比较两算法的性能提供了形式化的框架,并能确定某概念类的计算复杂度和样本复杂度。
3)complex interlaced samples复杂交错样本
4)complex sample space复杂样本空间
1.To establish a sort of effective oil-gas recognition models which is used in heave and complex sample space,the paper presents a model of BP neural networks combined genetic algorithm(GA) called GA-BP for short.为了建立一种有效的油气储层识别模型,使得能够处理大信息量、复杂样本空间油气信息,本文提出遗传BP神经网络模型,利用遗传算法全局搜索问题解的特性对BP神经网络的权值和阈值进行快速优化,约束BP神经网络训练学习过程。
5)complex sample复杂样品
1.Column-switching HPLC technique and its application to analysing complex samples;柱切换高效液相技术及其在复杂样品分析中的应用
2.Determination of metal elements in complex sample by microwave digestion-ICP-AES;微波制样-ICP-AES测定复杂样品中金属元素
3.Chromatography and related hyphenated techniques have been one of the most important tools for complex sample analysis.色谱及其联用技术的快速发展使其成为复杂样品分析的重要手段,但在复杂样品分析中仍难以避免多组分色谱信号的重叠。
6)Complex prototype复杂样机

产品样本  厂商为向用户宣传和推销其产品而印发的介绍产品情况的文献。通常包括产品说明书、产品数据手册、产品目录等。产品样本的内容主要是对产品的规格、性能、特点、构造、用途、使用方法等的介绍和说明,所介绍的产品多是已投产和正在行销的产品,反映的技术比较成熟,数据也较为可靠,内容具体和通俗易懂,常附较多的外观照片和结构简图,直观性较强。但产品样本的时间性强,使用寿命较短,且多不提供详细数据和理论依据。大多数产品样本以散页形式印发,有的则汇编成产品样本集,还有些散见于企业刊物、外贸刊物中。产品样本是技术人员设计、制造新产品的一种有价值的参考资料,也是计划、开发、采购、销售、外贸等专业人员了解各厂商出厂产品现状、掌握产品市场情况及发展动向的重要情报源。