统计法规,statistical laws and rules
1)statistical laws and rules统计法规

1.checking regularly and thoroughly the implementation of statistical laws and regulations and exposing, informing against or dealing with violations of statistical laws and regulations;定期深入检查统计法规和统计制度的实施情况,揭发、检举或者处理违反统计法规的行为;
2.infringing upon the functions and powers exercised, as stipulated in this Law, by statistical organs or personnel;侵犯统计机构、统计人员行使本法规定的职权的;
3.On the Plan Calculation Method of Larger Foreign Trade Logistical System;大规模外贸物流系统规划计算方法研究
4.violating the relevant security provisions in the Statistics Law.违反《统计法》有关保密规定的。
5.A Chinese Parsing Model Based on Corpus,Rules and Statistics统计与规则并举的汉语句法分析模型
6.On the Application of Modern Statistical Methods in Large-scale Examinations;现代统计方法在大规模考试中的应用
7.How to Derive Conveyance Coefficient;用两个统计规律推导输运系数的方法
8.Design of the coach aftertreatment system based on emmission of EPA07满足EPA07排放法规客车后处理系统设计
9.Planning and Designing Method on WCDMA Indoor Coverage SystemWCDMA室内覆盖系统规划设计方法
10.A Statistical Algorithm for Solving Restricted Nonlinear Programming Problem约束非线性规划求解的一种统计方法
11.Research on Route-planning Algorithm and Design of Sytem in Intelligent Transportation System;智能交通系统中路径规划算法研究与系统设计
12.provisions on relevant statistical methods, sampling procedures and methods of risk assessment;有关统计方法、抽样程序和风险评估方法的规定;
13.Fault Tolerance of Regularly Interconnected Multicomputer System and Diagnosis Algorithms规则互连多计算机系统的容错性及诊断算法
14.Application of the Statistical Method to Forecasting the Regular Pattern of Beachland Accretion and the Effect of Accelerative Silting用统计法预测海涂自然淤涨规律与促淤效果
15.Autonomous Mission Planning Method and System Design of Deep Space Explorer;深空探测器自主任务规划方法研究与系统设计
16.An Optimization Method for Maintenance Scheduling in Power Supply System Based on Integer Programming;基于整数规划的供电系统检修计划优化方法
17.Analysis, Design and Implementation of Examination System without Paper about Traffic Rules;交通法规无纸化考试系统的分析设计与实现
18.Research on the Theory and Technique of System Strategic Layout of the Logistical Network;物流系统战略规划设计理论与方法研究

rule and statistics method规则与统计结合方法
3)census regulation统计法指南;普查规则
4)statistical rule统计规律
1.Taking the equivalent fatigue damage of primary cycle as the character,the statistical rules for flight mission profiles of aero-engine are studied in this paper,mainly for different pilots control actions.采用某型教练机发动机的实测飞行数据,以飞行剖面转速循环中的主循环为当量疲劳损伤特征,进行了飞行任务剖面统计规律的研究,重点研究不同飞行员操作所造成的损伤差异。
2.Basing on facts, the paper sums up the statistical rule for dealing with equipment parameter drift, discovers the parameter drift X(t) - reliability R(t) relation, and thereafter gives out the formula of evaluating R(t) by using the sample of X(t), which is practicable and simple.本文从实际出发总结了参数漂移的统计规律,找到了参数漂移量X(t)与参数可靠度R(t)的统计关系,进而给出了利用X(t)的样本估计R(t的计算公式,用于实际简便易行。
5)statistical regularity统计规律
1.By comparing the procedure and result of the experiment of Gardon s board with the characteristics of chaotic motion, we find that the experiment of Gardon s board can be not only the model to illustrate that the particles follow definite statistical regularity in many particles random motions, but also a very good demonstration of the features of chaotic motion.本文通过对伽尔顿板实验的过程及结果与混沌运动的特征进行比较分析 ,说明伽尔顿板实验不仅是使人们认识多粒子无规则运动中粒子遵循统计规律的典型 ,还可以作为说明混沌运动特征的很好示
6)Statistical Law统计规律
1.The statistical law of the nearly independent particle system①——Computer simulation of the statistical law of 2D nearly independent particle system;近独立子系系统的统计规律(一)——二维系统统计规律的计算机模拟
2.Baced on statistical law,this paper designs a fixed compression dictionary and makes a thorough change of variable fractal compression dictionary that was designed by Barnsley to realize fractal image compression coding.分形图像压缩字典是实现分形图像压缩编码的关键因素 ,针对由Barnsley设计的传统的分形图像压缩编码字典随着压缩图像的变化而变化的缺点 ,笔者根据统计规律 ,提出了设计一个固定压缩字典对分形图像进行压缩编码的方法 ,彻底地改变了Barnsley实现分形图像压缩编码使用变化压缩字典的方法 。
3.A small fixed compression dictionary was built according to statistical law to speed up fractal image compression coding.根据统计规律建立一个小型固定字典 ,用以加速分形图像的压缩编码 ;然后 ,用Julia图像的生成的图像块作为分形图像压缩编码字典的补充 ;还建立一个编码和解码都相同的平均值字典·因此 ,使用的压缩方法改变了由常规设计的传统分形图像压缩编码使用编码和解码不相同字典进行编码和解码的缺点·实验结果表明 ,所使用的方法能很好地对图像进行分形压缩编码和解码 ,和常规分形编码方法相比还具有较高的PSNR

打假的法律、法规和法规性文件打假的法律、法规和法规性文件laws, rules and regulation documents against counterfeit  工作的决定》。