房地产开发成本,development cost of real estate
1)development cost of real estate房地产开发成本

1.On the cost reduction in real estate development and owner s satisfaction;论房地产开发成本降低与业主满意度
2.Real Estate Development Cost Controlling Under Lean Supply Chain;精益供应链模式下房地产开发成本控制
3.An Analysis of Government Responsibilities on the Basis of Property Development Cost and Its Beneficiaries;由房地产开发成本及受益者解析政府责任
4.Zhongtieruicheng Xinjie Project Research on the Control of Real Estate中铁瑞城·新界项目房地产开发成本控制研究
5.To analyse the cost expenses and the cost controlled of development item of real estate房地产开发项目成本费用构成及成本控制
6.The Key Stages to Control the Cost of Real Estate Developing Project;房地产开发项目成本控制的关键阶段
7.Some Practice of the Cost Control of the Real Estate Development Enterprises;房地产开发企业成本控制的几点实践
8.Study on Supply Chain Cost Management in Real Estate Enterprise房地产开发企业供应链成本管理研究
9.Research and Application of Cost Control in Entire Process in Real Estate Project Development;房地产开发项目全过程成本控制研究与应用
10.Study on Target Cost Management of Real Estate Project;房地产企业开发项目目标成本管理研究
11.The Cost Control in the Process of Fulfilling the Construction Contract of Real State Development Project;房地产开发项目施工合同履行中的成本控制
12.Study on Analysis and Control of Life Cycle Cost for Real Estate Development Project;房地产开发项目寿命周期成本分析与控制研究
13.Cost Control Based on Application of the Value Engineering in Real Estates Project Construction;基于价值工程的房地产开发项目成本控制
14.Study on Financing Cost and Financing Risk of Developing Real Estate Projects;房地产开发项目的融资成本及风险分析
15.Cost Management Problems and Solutions in Real Estate Companies;房地产开发公司成本管理存在问题与解决方案
16.Cost Control in Real Estate Development Project Management;论房地产开发工程项目管理中的成本控制
17.Prophase Cost Control of Real Estate Development Projects;试论房地产开发项目前期阶段的成本控制
18.Real estate industry development price control and cost management research;房地产开发项目造价控制与成本管理研究

real estate development房地产开发
1.On the cost reduction in real estate development and owner s satisfaction;论房地产开发成本降低与业主满意度
2.Theconsiderations caused by thelandscaping design and construction of theresidence zone in real estate development;针对房地产开发中居住区景观环境设计与建设的思考
3.Forecast for the impacts of city railway transportation on real estate development in Wuhan;城市轨道交通对武汉房地产开发的影响预测
3)the real estate development房地产开发
1.Coordinated development of the urban planning and the real estate development;浅谈城市规划与房地产开发的协调发展
2.The real estate development and management are a complicated works, including many contentses of, analyzing from the land programming, the land space analyze, the net recruits to bid up,the item control manage to the sale support and the sale to manage analysis.房地产开发和管理是一项复杂的工作,包括多个方面的内容,从土地规划分析、土地空间分析、网上招投标、项目控制管理到销售支持和销售管理分析。
4)development of real estate房地产开发
1.Opinion on the development of real estate and its treatment;房地产开发之所见和应对
2.On current Xi an s development of real estate in terms of the thoughts of ancient Chinese architecture;中国古代建筑思想对西安房地产开发的启示
5)real estate exploitation房地产开发
1.On cost control in real estate exploitation;浅谈房地产开发过程中的造价控制
2.The Development of the Digital TV and IPTV Affects Item of Real Estate Exploitation;数字电视、IPTV的发展对房地产开发项目的影响
3.It is a significant work to build the software system for the city real estate exploitation.主要阐述建立城市房地产开发决策支持系统的重要意义和目标原则,探讨如何进行城市房地产开发决策支持系统的GIS数据库设计,同时给出基于组件GIS的系统技术框架和决策支持系统实现过程模型。
6)real estate房地产开发
1.Failure predictive model of real estate enterprises;房地产开发企业失败预测模型
2.Study on Real Estate Corporate Failure;房地产开发企业失败研究
3.Environmental impact on the technology assessment of real estate projects房地产开发项目环境影响技术评估要点探讨

房地产开发成本  房地产企业在开发产品过程中形成的各项费用支出的合计数额;