大量观察,mass observation
1)mass observation大量观察

1.What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and paleontological observations.我们所说的进化假说是关于生物学和古生物学的大量观察的解释。
2.Nothing but a great many epithelial cells was observed in the stain.染片中只观察到有大量的上皮细胞。
3.Objective To observe the effect of high-dose irradiation on ocular lens.目的观察大剂量电离辐射对晶状体的影响。
4.involve a great deal of independent study and individual research.都要进行大量的独立研究和个人的观察。
5.Effect of High-dose Glucose-insulin-potassium (GIK) on Acute Myocardial Infarction;大剂量极化液治疗急性心肌梗死的疗效观察
6.An Investigation on the DNA Content of Striated Muscle Mitochondria after Aerobic Exercise Training in Rat;有氧运动训练后大鼠横纹肌线粒体DNA含量观察
7.The Inspection of Histopathology on One Dog's Massive Osteolysis In Borderline Case1例犬疑似大量骨质溶解症的病理组织学观察
8.Effect of high-dose praziquantel on clonorchiasis大剂量吡喹酮治疗华支睾吸虫病疗效观察
9.Observation of TXB_2、6-Keto-PGF_(1α) on Rats with Liver Depression and Spleen Deficiency肝郁脾虚证大鼠TXB_2、6-Keto-PGF_(1α)含量的观察研究
10.Observation of result to large dose of diazepam to treat infantum tetanus鼻饲大剂量安定治疗新生儿破伤风效果观察
11.Effectiveness of high dose of 654-2 on treatment of severe hepatitis B:report of 300 cases大剂量654-2辅助治疗重型乙肝300例疗效观察
12.Study of early using high dose naloxone on total anterior circulation infarction早期大剂量纳洛酮对全前循环梗死的疗效观察
13.An Observaton of the Lactate Excretion in the Muscles in the Various Forms of Relax Exercises after Large Amount of Training;大运动量训练后不同放松练习乳酸排出量的观察
14.Using flushing dose megestrol acetate improve the quality of life in patients with hepatic carcinoma大剂量醋酸甲地孕酮改善肝癌患者生活质量的观察
15.for observation and measurement of optical phenomena.光学现象的观察和测量。
16.clinometer for sighting or surveying观察或测量用测斜仪
17.Much research is done in laboratories. But physicians also carry on research by observing their patients.大量的研究在实验室进行。但是医生还通过观察病人进行研究。
18.Asteroid observations pour in at the rate of 15,000 or more a day.小行星观察报告以每天1万5000多笔的速度大量出现。

large number of observation大量观察法
3)the mass observation大众观察
1.Raymond Williams,in his early study of the culture,noticed a series of problems and lay in the starting-point of himself about the mass observation through analyzing the concept of the masses and the limitations in the study of the mass culture.对其"大众观察"理论的归纳是希望对我国的文化研究状况有所启发。
4)visual study大体观察
5)extensive observation扩大观察
6)observation and measurement观察测量

大量观察法  从社会现象的总体出发,对其全部单位或足够多数单位进行数量观察的统计方法。    大量观察是社会经济统计研究的一种基本方法。社会经济现象的发展是在诸多因素错综复杂的作用下形成的。总体内的各个单位,由于各自的具体条件不同,既受到共同起作用因素的支配,也受着某些特殊的、暂时的因素的影响,使得它们的数量?浠幸欢ǔ潭鹊呐既恍院退婊浴R虼耍臣撇荒苋我獬槿「霰鸹蛏偈ノ唤泄鄄欤鞑檠芯孔芴宓淖愎欢嗍ノ唬既恍裕拍芙沂旧缁嵯窒蟮奶卣骱凸媛尚浴@纾搜芯砍窍缛嗣裎镏噬畹奶岣叱潭龋鸵鄄熳愎欢嗍闹肮ぁ⑴┟窦彝サ氖罩榭觯拍茏龀稣返慕崧邸?    统计研究应在对被研究对象的政治经济分析的基础上,确定调查对象的明确范围,进而运用大量观察法,进行各种形式的统计调查。但是,统计研究在防止任意抽选个别单位进行观察的同时,并不排斥从现象联系中选择典型单位进行调查。社会经济统计要把大量观察和典型调查结合应用。