信用卡定价,credit card pricing
1)credit card pricing信用卡定价
1.This paper studied validation of credit risk evaluation model and credit card pricing.信用卡风险管理包含很多方面,本文主要研究了信用风险评估模型的验证和信用卡定价两个问题。

1.Study of Credit Card Pricing from the Perspective of Consumer Behavior;基于消费者行为视角的信用卡定价问题研究
2.The Recent Development of Credit Card Modelling and Its Comparative Studies;信用卡定价模型的新近进展及其比较研究
3.Analysis on Effect and Characteristics of Price-setting Behaviour for the Bank Issuing Credit Card;我国信用卡发卡银行定价行为特征及其效应分析
4.The Credit Card's Interest Rate Pricing of China's Commercial Bank Frome Credit Risk Control基于信用风险的我国商业银行信用卡利率定价研究
5.Evaluation of Personal Credit of College Student Credit Card大学生信用卡个人信用评价体系研究
6.Decision Support System for deciding price of long distance telecom card;确定长途电信卡价格的决策支持系统
7.He has to have a major credit card, such as Master Card, Visa, or American Express.旅游者一定要有信用卡,例如美国万事达卡,或威萨卡,或美国运通卡。
8.Determinations of the deceiving and falsely using the other s credit card in the crime of credit card fraud;信用卡诈骗中冒用、骗用行为的认定
9.On the Criminal Classifiction of Using the Lost Credit Card by Picking up;论使用拾得的信用卡行为的刑法认定
10.To determine the nature 1n terms of the behavior of using the credit card and steal;论盗窃并使用信用卡行为的行为定性
11.Study on Credit Card Personal Credit Evaluation Model of Anshan City Branch of China Construction Bank鞍山建行信用卡客户信用评价模型研究
12.Research on Evaluation System and Model for Credit Risk of Individual Credit Card;个人信用卡信用风险评价体系与模型研究
13.Research on Classification of Credit Card Holders' Value Based on Cost Sensitive Learning基于代价敏感学习的信用卡客户价值分类研究
14.Judicial Determination and Legislative Perfection of the Guilty of Credit Card Cheating;信用卡诈骗罪的司法认定与立法完善
15.Study on Brand Positioning of Credit Card of China’s Commercial Banks我国商业银行信用卡品牌定位的思考
16.There is a credit card-an American Express,有张信用卡??是运通卡,
17.Security printing: The printing of such materials which have an intrinsic cash value such as bank notes, stamps, credit cards, etc.保密印刷:印制有价物品,如纸币,邮票,信用卡等;
18.The Study of Product Attractivenss Evaluation of Bank Credit Card in Xi'an College Market西安高校市场银行信用卡产品吸引力评价研究

credit card offenses of cognizance信用卡犯罪认定
3)credit risk pricing信用风险定价
1.This paper seeks to find a credit risk pricing methods,which is not entirely dependent on the credit rating.本文力图寻找一种不完全依赖于信用评级的信用风险定价方法,利用市场即时信息而不是历史信息对信用风险溢价进行估算,从而寻找到一套在中国市场具有操作性的信用风险定价方法。
4)pricing of basket credit derivatives信用衍生物定价
5)By credit card,please.用信用卡。
6)credit card信用卡
1.Internationalization of Regulations for Suppression of Crimes about Credit Cardsand the Legal Countermeasures of Our Country;信用卡犯罪惩治规制的国际化及我国的法律对策
2.Research on credit card approval models based on data mining technology;基于数据挖掘技术的信用卡审批模型研究
3.Design and implementation of credit card risk precaution and watch system;信用卡风险防范与监控系统的设计与实现

信用卡犯罪信用卡犯罪  【信用卡犯罪】信用卡犯罪中,有使用他人信用卡(包括窃得的或拾到的);不正当使用(怀有不偿还的目的而使用的);篡改、伪造信用卡;特约商号填写虚构传票骗取代付款项;设立虚假户头骗取信用卡等。 在信用卡发达的国家,如美、日等国每年因信用卡犯罪造成的损失高达百万美元以上。而且,犯罪手段及形式也在不断变化。在美国曾经在黑市上贩卖伪造的信用卡,在东南亚、香港有着专门从事信用卡犯罪的国际集团。各大信用卡集团为了防止犯罪事故,努力改进信用卡的设计及结构和查证系统。同时,也积极地开展信用卡保险业务,以便减轻用户所受到的损害。