实践技能点,practical skills points
1)practical skills points实践技能点
2)practical skill实践技能
1.Effect of target teaching method in practical skills training of nursing students in emergency department;目标教学法在急诊科护生实践技能培养中的应用效果
2.It is an important approach for fostering student s practical skill to construct the practical training base of automobile specialized subject in higher vocational education.高职汽车专业的实训基地是培养学生实践技能的重要途径。
3.To train the students who are more suitable for social development, three aspects in teaching of Motor and Driving System are put for forwards in this paper that focuses on how to improve the practical skill of students.本文就如何提高学生的实践技能,适应社会发展需要,围绕高职《电机与拖动》课程展开教学讨论,并归纳出三步教学方法,取得了理想效果。

1.Optimizing Practical Teaching System,Strenthening Practical Skill Teaching;优化实践教学体系 加强实践技能教学
2.Enhance the Course Practical Teaching and Improve Practical Skills;加强课程实践教学 提高实践技能
4.Strengthed the Training of Skills, Cultivate the Person with Applied Ability;强化实践技能训练 培养实用型技术人才
5.practical experience, skills实践经验、 实际技能
6.Practice Study of Microtraining for Information Technology Education Skill;信息技术教育技能微格训练实践研究
7.Construction of practical teaching center in Wannan Medical College我校临床技能实践教学中心的建设实践与探索
8.Establishment of clinical skills practical teaching system and its practice临床技能学实践教学体系的建立与实践
9.Some Considerations and Practice about the Specification Stipulation of Skill Training Teaching;技能实训教学规范制订的思考与实践
10.Focusing on Skill Training and Training Students Practice Ability;强化技能训练 培养学生实践能力
11.The Research and Practice of the Actual Combat Skills Training Mode for Criminal Technology;刑事技术实战技能训练模式研究与实践
12.That, he said, is just a matter of practice.这是需要通过实践才能掌握的技艺。
13.Research and Practice on Intelligent Technology for Group Decision Support;智能化群决策支持技术的研究与实践
14.Strengthen the Practical Teaching,Foster the Applied and Skillful Personnel;加强实践教学 培养应用型技能人才
15.Practice and Experience of Cultivating Undergraduates Ability of Scientific and Technological Innovation;培养本科生科技创新能力的实践探索
16.Discussion on Practical Teaching Based on Cultivation of Tour Guide Core Skills;导游核心技能培养的实践性教学探讨
17.Development of the creativity of the undergraduates;学生科技创新能力培养的研究与实践
18.Proactive Practicing to Promoting Undergraduates′ Technical Innovation Ability;主动实践,培养大学生科技创新能力

practical skill实践技能
1.Effect of target teaching method in practical skills training of nursing students in emergency department;目标教学法在急诊科护生实践技能培养中的应用效果
2.It is an important approach for fostering student s practical skill to construct the practical training base of automobile specialized subject in higher vocational education.高职汽车专业的实训基地是培养学生实践技能的重要途径。
3.To train the students who are more suitable for social development, three aspects in teaching of Motor and Driving System are put for forwards in this paper that focuses on how to improve the practical skill of students.本文就如何提高学生的实践技能,适应社会发展需要,围绕高职《电机与拖动》课程展开教学讨论,并归纳出三步教学方法,取得了理想效果。
3)practical skills实践技能
1.To strengthen the teaching and learning of practical skills of it will play a role in students' management ability, and help them get familiar with explosive articles in their practical work.《爆炸物品管理》是一门实践性较强的课程 ,加强该课程的实践技能教学 ,对学生在实际工作中较快熟悉爆炸物品管理 ,提高管理能力与水平 ,可以打下扎实的基础。
2.How to educate and improve students practical skills is a key point in the teaching of Enterprise Management.《企业管理》教学中,一个突出问题是如何更好地培养、提高学生的实践技能。
3.Aiming at the practicality of the journalistic applied course, the paper focuses on the three problems relating the improvement of the students practical skills in the course of teaching.本文针对新闻应用课程实践性的特点,论述在教学中提高学生的实践技能应注意的三个问题:一是将新闻应用理论与新闻实践和学生、教师的实际紧密结合,讲好理论知识。
4)Practice skills实践技能
1.The authors analyzed the teaching contents and teaching forms of computer major-related subjects in Medicine Hat College,and discussed mainly how to train students basic practice skills.分析了麦荻森·海特学院计算机相关专业的教学内容及教学形式,着重探讨了实践技能培养的形成,在此基础上指出了对我方办学的借鉴意义。
2.Applied psychology teachers and researchers must be equipped with strong practice skills because of such factors as the social reality,discipline features and graduates employment requirements.社会现实、学科特征和毕业生从业需求等决定了应用心理学的研究者和工作者必须具备较强的实践技能。
3.It shows that studying effects,teaching quality,practice skills and overall quality are all enhanced significantly.为了提高临床医学教学水平和医学生培养质量,西安交通大学医学院第二附属医院在临床教学中坚持以人为本的教育理念,在理论授课、临床见习、生产实习、出科考试等教学环节综合应用双语教学、多媒体教学、模拟实践教学、PBL和CBL教学、OSCE考试、标准化病人及本科生临床导师制等多种教改方法,教学质量和学习效果明显改善,学生实践技能和综合素质显著提高,经过督导、学生双向评教,认为根据临床医学教学特点,合理应用教改方法,对于改变高分低能、促进教学水平的提高具有积极的推动作用。
5)practice ability实践技能
1.According to the engineering management training plan edited by our university,this paper expounds the practice ability demands for the specialty students,and the experiment and practice education kinds and the basic framework for the courses set up are also analyzed.以我校编制的工程管理专业培养方案为例,本文阐述了工程管理学生的实践技能要求,分析了本专业实验和实践教学的类型和课程设置的基本框架,探讨了本专业学生实践技能培养的技术支撑,重点建立为本专业和相关专业教学服务的工程管理实验室,更好地满足模拟实验教学的需要,培养学生的实践技能。
2.Based on the practical teaching in three years,to culture student s practice ability and innovative consciousness,to enforce the experimental teaching reform and proceed in concern with the experimental teaching reform of basic biological curricula,this paper probes into the significance and management idea of opening experimental teaching.结合近3年来的实践教学工作,以培养学生实践技能和创新意识为目标,配合生物学基础课实验教学改革,加大实验教学改革力度,探索了开放实验教学的意义和管理思路,并探讨了开放实验教学工作中存在的问题与对策。
6)practice skill实践技能
1.Study on approach to improve practice skill of students in agriculture college农业院校学生提高实践技能的途径研究
2.Based on the experiences in teaching the building environmental measurement,some opinions was brought up,which are about the establishment of systematization concept,the teaching method of basic and extended knowledge,the make-up of multimedia courseware,the training method of practice skill,and accomplishment evaluation.本文根据笔者多年的教学实践,对建筑环境测量课程教学中有关系统概念的建立、基础知识和扩展知识的教学、多媒体课件的制作、实践技能的训练以及综合考评等提出了自己的见解。
3.Countermeasures are put forward to the possible crossroad on the present innovation education evaluation system, which emphasizes sturdy foundation and width of knowledge, the practice skills and the personality power.针对高校创新教育的现状和社会需求,以地质工程专业科研创新训练为例提出了影响大学生科技创新能力培养的4个方面,并对目前创新培养评价体系中出现的问题提出了应对措施,强调了应具有扎实广博的基础知识,处理问题的实践技能以及坚定的人格力量。

"实践"号卫星  中国科学试验卫星系列,已发射4颗。"实践"1号卫星于1971年3月3日发射。卫星重221公斤,外形为近似球形的多面体,直径1米。运行轨道参数为:近地点266公里,远地点1826公里,倾角69.9°,周期106分钟。这颗卫星在轨道上约工作8年,于1979年6月17日陨落。它的主要任务是考验太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统长期工作的可靠性,同时在运行期间对空间物理环境进行探测。卫星上的探测仪器有红外地平仪、太阳角计等。"实践" 1号卫星的运行试验结果表明,太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统能够经受长时期工作的考验,卫星还取得了空间物理环境的数据。"实践"1号卫星为卫星技术,特别是卫星的电源系统、热控制系统和无线电测控系统的研制提供了重要资料。1981年9月20日成功地进行了"一箭多星"发射,用一枚"长征"号运载火箭发射了 3颗"实践"号卫星:"实践"2号、"实践"2号甲、"实践"2号乙。"实践"2号卫星重257公斤,外形为八面棱柱体,其外接球直径为1.23米,高为1.1米。卫星的运行轨道参数为:近地点 237公里,远地点1622公里,倾角60°,周期103分钟。它的主要任务是探测空间物理环境、试验太阳电池阵对日定向姿态控制和大容量数据存贮等新技术。在卫星上安装的主要探测仪器有热电离计、太阳X射线探测器、太阳紫外探测器、磁强计、太阳角计、闪烁计数器、短波红外辐射器、长波红外辐射器、红外地平仪、半导体电子方向探测器、半导体质子方向探测器等。"实践"2号卫星的运行试验结果表明:太阳电池阵工作正常,卫星对日定向姿态控制的精度很高,大容量数据存贮系统工作良好,这颗卫星取得了有关地球磁场、大气密度、太阳紫外射线、太阳 X射线、带电粒子辐射背景和大气紫外背景等数据。"实践"2号甲卫星和"实践" 2号乙卫星借助探测仪器取得了重要的科学探测数据,这两颗卫星还获得了有关技术试验的数据,为空间科学研究提供了资料。(见彩图)