饼图制作,pie-chart production
1)pie-chart production饼图制作
1.The introduction of a shortcut method for pie-chart production in MAPGISMAPGIS中一种快捷的饼图制作方法介绍

1.The introduction of a shortcut method for pie-chart production in MAPGISMAPGIS中一种快捷的饼图制作方法介绍
2.These pictures which show how to make the Chinese food" jianbing" were taken by Roger Brown, a student abroad in School of International Studies, PKU.图为北大国际关系学院留学生罗杰·朗拍摄的中国传统食品煎饼的制作过程。
3.a shop where pizzas are made and sold.制作和出售比萨饼的商店。
4.batter for making pancakes.用来制作薄烤饼的奶油面糊。
5.I'd like to have your recipe for cookies.你能不能告诉我制作小甜饼的方法。
6.The last page features a recipe for chocolate-chip cookies.最后一页是制作巧克力饼干的食谱。
7.They use me to make pie on Thanksgiving.他们在感恩节时用我制作馅饼。
8.This food factory has a long history, rich experience and reliaBle reputation for making moon cakes.本食品厂月饼制作历史悠久、经验丰富、产品可靠。
9.Application research on resistant starch in function bread and biscuit production;抗性淀粉在功能面包、饼干制作中的应用研究
10.Pie of Pie. Pie with user-defined values extracted and combined into a second pie.复合饼图。将用户定义的数值提取并组合进第二个饼图的饼图
11.As a shortcut for creating a 3-D pie chart, click the 3-D Pie Chart AutoFormat button.要建立三维饼图,单击“自动套用三维饼图”按钮。
12.Singhvi forms a Hara Kebab-- made of lentil and spinach-- that is shaped like burger patty and served with mint chutney.厨师正在制作一种以绿豆和菠菜为原料的蔬菜饼,他在这种饼中加入了薄荷酸辣酱。
13.Many people like to eat Pisa but they could not make it by themselves.Now I would like to introduce how to make Pisa in the microwave oven.很多人都很喜欢吃比萨饼,但自己不会做。现在我来介绍下如何用微波炉来制作比萨饼。
14.The art or technique of making maps or charts.制图法制作地图或图表的工艺或技术
16.Experts say the best pizza in the world is still made in Naples.专家说,世界上最好的比萨饼仍然是那不勒斯制作的。
17.NaHCO3 alone is used for some flat shelf-stable cookies.单独的碳酸氢钠也可用于制作一些货架稳定的扁平状小甜饼。
18.It is used in the Bakery Industry, in Bread, Pastry, Cakes and Cookies.瓜尔胶用于焙烘食品加工行业中,来来制作面包、皮糕点、糕和饼干。

sandwich biscuit making machine夹心饼干制作机
3)pie chart饼图
1.To analysis the dynamic features of each composition in a pie chart, a non-linear approach for dimensionality deduction and a predictive model are proposed for the compositional data collected according to a serial time sequence.为了研究北京市三次产业结构的动态规律 ,对于一序列按照时间顺序收集的成分数据 ,本文提出一种非线性降维方法和预测模型 ,用于分析饼图中每个份额随时间的变化规律 。
4)graphics making图形制作
1.This article discusses the rules and skills of applying creative ideas and graphics making in interface design and making of medical CAI courseware.文章结合实践探讨了图形创意与图形制作在医学CAI课件界面设计与制作中的应用规律与技巧。
5)map making地图制作
6)drawing assignment制图作业
1.This paper introduces the structure and functions of a web based automatic judge system HUST EDJ for the drawing assignments,discusses the key technologies such as distilling and rebuilding graph datum,arithmetic of compare,filtration of graph datum.介绍了一个基于网络的制图作业自动评判系统 HUST EDJ的总体结构和功能 ,对图形数据提取、数据重构、图形比较的实现、图形数据过滤等若干关键技术进行了论述 。
2.To solve the problem for judging the drawing assignments made with AutoCAD, this paper introduces two methods: one compares the entity data of the assignment with the entity data of the answer; the other compares the figures of the assignment with the figure block of the answer.为了便捷地检验用绘图软件AutoCAD所做的制图作业,本文介绍了两种方法:一种是比较学生作业图元数据与答案图元数据;一种是比较学生作业图形与答案图形块。
3.To solve the problem for judging the drawing assignments made with AutoCAD,this paper introduces two methods:one is to compare the students figures of the assignment with the figure block of the answer;the other is to compare the students entity data of the assignment with the entity data of the answer.为了便捷地检验用绘图软件 Auto CAD所做的制图作业 ,介绍了两种方法 :一种是比较学生作业图形与答案图形块 ;一种是比较学生作业图元数据与答案图元数据。
